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Logan Tec

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Status Updates posted by Logan Tec

  1. MOC can now mean mask of creation. but now do we use moc lowercase for my own creation or MOC but then the mask...

    1. Logan Tec

      Logan Tec

      Thought of the night



  2. Most of Uxar's poses make him look very battle ready

  3. My mind. All Bionicles to me are just big huggable stuff of awsomeness

  4. Need to find a median of comic makeing cause sprite kits arnt doing it form me halp?

  5. Need to update thsi more

  6. New Av Tecnokua Danceing!

    1. Kanakalackin


      Okay, that IS a little entertaining...

    2. Logan Tec

      Logan Tec

      just made a new and and improved one.

  7. no no no no nooooooooo all my comic stuff lost why why why stupit usb i'm going to be laying low for a long time till this blows over bye for now

  8. OFF 2 CAMP!

    1. Ghidora131


      We'll miss you! *sniffle*


      *gets out party equipment*

  9. Off to disney land wiht band

  10. Phant you were right its now an av :P

    1. Kanakalackin
    2. Kanakalackin


      I've actually never been called "Phant"...

    3. Logan Tec

      Logan Tec

      really? strang thats what i call all ppl i meant named phanotom

  11. Pineapple

    1. Axilus Prime

      Axilus Prime


  12. playing througth portal 2 i found the first den and its got kitty cats and cat ears on a cube... is their a cat in one of the cubes?

  13. Psych you out in the end

  14. rain its poring out side

  15. Really sad my hamster died less then 24h ago D':

  16. sadness lu has ended :'(

  17. school only 1 huor of learnign then its a all school party today ya

  18. School starts in 2 days

    1. Lemony Lepid
    2. Hexann


      You might as well as say, "Living Karz starts in two days."

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