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Year 09

About Nanox

  • Birthday August 13

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    The Space Between Spaces

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  1. I want in on the giveaway!
  2. Episode 10 has just been released in english. http://www.lego.com/en-us/bionicle/story/episode-10 In case you didn't already know, Kopaka hates fire. Just throwing that out there.
  3. Actually, it is on the website now.
  4. It is possible to make the top legs of the Skull Spiders clamp on to the heads. But there isn't enough clearance to get the bottom legs to close around the head while it's attached to the body.
  5. Four swords don't do much good if you only have two hands. Would you stand your ground if you had, say, a horde of army ants bearing down on you? They're actually tiny, not "it's only the size of my entire head" tiny. And they'd probably kill you. No point in taking a stupid risk. I'm not saying he could have beat them all. I'm saying that he should have at least torched the first few lines before running. That assumes that Tahu knows how to use his elemental powers, let alone even has access to them. I suspect that the Toa aren't able to use their powers until they have their golden masks.
  6. It has been stated by Lego at NYCC that the new story is a reboot and is completely disconnected from the original timeline.
  7. I've got Gali. Gali,along with Tahu, is probably one of the best of the new Toa and the set to get if you're still on the fence about G2 Bionicle.
  8. Just got the new app. It's serviceable. I expected that it would be a decent little time waster rather than a MNOG style "epic" and I wasn't disappointing. After all, it's certainly better than Bionicle: The Game
  9. Found all the sets a my local Toys R Us. Bought half of them. Today has been a good day!
  10. Just finished up a hunt. I checked all the stores in Medford and only found Bionicle sets at the local TRU. All they had were the Protectors. Got myself the Protector of Water.
  11. Ah! The Nostalgia! I remember saw that ad as a trailer in a movie theater.
  12. Why wouldn't it be? It's the greatest cross of hockey and lacrosse ever invented!
  13. I get that kicking is Pohatu's whole shtick, but I always felt that his kicking gimmick came at the cost of always having really unimpressive weapons compared to the other Toa.
  14. I don't mind having some figures share eye color, but I wish there was one more color to balance out the sea of trans-neon green. Personally, I would add trans-orange eyes to the mix and give them to Gali and Pohatu (along with their respective Protectors).
  15. Same here, especially since both Tahu and Kopaka sound very different in the story animations than they do in their character animations. i think this might be because the narrations for the character animations were earlier "rough" cuts while the story animations were recorded later and sound more refined.
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