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AuRon the champion

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Everything posted by AuRon the champion

  1. OOC: If you look in my profiles, you can see how I've changed Auron's appearance.IC: Auron, Le-Wahi, Le-Koro, Matan & Natan's Workshop:The Toa of Fire stared in shock, two the Two Skakdi had left their names all over his body and mask. The few knives he still had left from his trek from the wastes were intact, luckily. He scratched at one of the letter on his right arm, seeing if he could try and remove it. The letter stayed upon his arm. He probably would have liked the Skakdi to force him to make dinner for his repair, bu this way he got his armor fixed. He could try to cover it with charcol and paint, but first he would have to find some later."Thank you," He said to the two Skakdi, "Your work is good, I will pass word of it to strangers who need work on their armor."He began to turn to leave, and planned to head towards Ta-Koro, looping around back to Ga-Koro and the villages of Po-Koro and Onu-koro. As it is with plans, fate seems to disrupt them, and Fate had another plan for the Toa of Fire.
  2. *already has a racist character that everyone forgets about*. Oh yeah, and Auron's gonna spaz about being turned into a billboard that can walk.
  3. IC: Auron, Le-Wahi, Le-Koro, Bartering with Matan and Natan:Auron had followed the Skakdi into his workshop, and seeing Natan's smile a look of concern showed upon his face,"A plan? Plans are... helpful..." The Toa said, not sure how to respond to the two Skakdi's conversation.
  4. TX, that almost was the shortest leave of absence I've ever seen (the shortest was when someone made this big blog about leaving, then a minute later, he edited it saying he came back).
  5. you mean higher, I suppose. Anyway, that's not good. In theory (is listening to the soundtrack from predators right now, so it's kinda creepy reading it...)
  6. but it's an evil Toa! Shouldn't we be celebrating?
  7. and we had a delightful discussion about how he would love Dalia.
  8. hmm... What about good banners? *needs a banner*
  9. will there be chocolate briefcases involved? (Take this as a joke, and a yes)
  10. but it's not american politics. American politics are more... silly.
  11. five people were ninjad!? This is blasphemy! This is madness!EDITED: I got ninjad to!
  12. Oh really? Then I was correct! Dalia's lounge could provide nigh-unlimited amount of energy for Dalia's use! All there must be is the building, and people in the building... Together...
  13. Hahaha! Heuani doesn't have money, but I doubt that would be a problem for him.
  14. Gravityphobia, MBs work by taking emotion that surrounds them, and uses it as a power source. At least that's what I think MS ment...
  15. IC: Dalia, Le-Wahi, Le-Koro, Dalia's Lounge:"Uhm... No, not really," She replied, still partially dazed," The island that I came from, we didn't know that those Matoran existed. Just Toa. It's been a bit of an eye-opening experiance, and I don't really have any big need in going to any other village.
  16. IC: Dalia, Le-Wahi, Le-Koro, Outside Dalia's Lounge:Dalia blinked, fazed and not entirely sure what just happened, "Err, yes, I think I'm fine... That's been happening a bit lately... Not enough rest trying to make sure everyone gets payed..."She stood back from the Vortixx, wobbling as she stood."Maybe I should go sit down for a bit..."She then turned to go back inside and sit down.
  17. The question is, how the karz is Auron going to buy food if he has no money!?EDIT: That might make more sense, as showing off a great level of worksmanship in Auron's armor is sure to impress would-be customers, and with adventurers, there is always a market for armor repair!
  18. Yeash Ihu, you drive a hard bargain. Next time I'll remember to get some widgets before ever talking to those two...
  19. Nujuphobia strikes again. Dun dun dun dun duhh!
  20. OOC: Shadow, wasn't Lezold interacting with Suminaxe and Kyju in the charred forest?IC: Auron, Le-Wahi, Le-Koro, Bartering:Auron quickly thought over the three examples that the Skakdi had given him, He knew how to make fires (as it was his element) and he knew how to cook meat (however, he disliked eating meat unless there were no edible plants), and he was able to create things to a limited extent, but probably not on the scale that the two armorsmiths wanted. Auron knew his knowledge of language was not up to par with the Skakdi's, or other beings."Auron can cook food, not best, but better than nothing," The Toa decided.
  21. Alright, what did I miss (I came on this morning with over a hundred emails from BZPower, so something MUST have happened)? I see that NEX is the topic of choice again...
  22. huh, never knew that. Guess that's what happens when you live on the east coast...
  23. Hate to be a noob, but what DOES AWOL and PST mean? Have fun doing whatever ye be doing.
  24. Someone creates starscream/shockwave, and takes over the "decepticons" and attempts to take over the island. Sounds plausible.
  25. I don't understand, what's the point of naming your characters after autobots/decipticons?
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