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AuRon the champion

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Everything posted by AuRon the champion

  1. IC: Auron, Ga-Wahi, Ga-Koro, The Fourth's Home:Auron nodded, "Auron no know how mask turn on to start, be told that by Matoran Darre, no good."
  2. OOC: Poor Phavion, being forced to do guard duty...IC: Phavion, Le-Wahi, Le-Koro, Matan & Natan's Hut:Phavion was still outside Matan and Natan's Hut, stuck guarding the hut even though news had come about the defeat of the son's of the Makuta. He had other places to be, the people he was forced to work for would be most displeased at his tardiness...
  3. IC: Auron, Ga-Wahi, Ga-Koro:Auron nodded, "Toa Auron have bad with Mask, The Fourth help?"
  4. OOC: You do know Auron is still invisible right? He's just flickering in and out of veiw.IC: Auron, Ga-Wahi, Ga-Koro:Auron thought the problem itseft was visible, he wasn't there all the time."Auron no be seen," The Toa said, unable to think how the Fourth would be unable to not notice his invisibility.
  5. Derp, I got ninjad. The four defeated rahkshi are somewhere in le-wahi, you gotta hunt for them. And yes, you can die by the hands of the admins-in-training. Feel their wrath.
  6. OOC: Permisson granted, but you can't get on my boat (bad pun there)IC: Suminaxe, Ta-Wahi, The Charred Forest:Suminaxe didn't notice the Toa using the Mask of Stealth, he only felt as if he was being watched, so he quickly moved about so he rested behind a small clump of fallen dead trees. He knew that the guards that showed up were only scouts, and a main force would arrive soon. Then he would kill them all.
  7. IC: Suminaxe, Ta-Wahi, The Charred Forest:Suminaxe watched the two Matoran walk right past him, and smiled in pleasure. Soon more Guards would come, and knowing most beings being unable to keep a secret, soon the entire village would know what had happened, and the Charred Forest would become even more charred...
  8. IC: Auron, Ga-Wahi, Ga-KoroThe Toa nodded, and relaxed slightly, he found no ill-intent in the fourth's voice. The slightly transparent Toa echoed Darre's words, "Fourth is nice, yes."
  9. IC: Auron, Ga-Wahi, Ga-KoroAuron cringed as the Fourth asked who he was. Strangers scared him, and he hated talking to strangers, no matter how friendly they are."Auron," The Toa muttered, only loudly enough for the Fourth and Darre to hear.
  10. Suminaxe is in the charred forest, and has recently killed a small patrol of Ta-Koro Guardsmen. If any of you have Ta-Matoran Guards, feel free to go look for your comrades corpses.
  11. hmm, I think of it as a cycle, as in, the right half of the island is night right now (everything on the right side of the mangai) and the left half is in day.
  12. IC: Suminaxe,Ta-Wahi, The Charred ForestThe Guardsman's blood splattered the ground as Suminaxe impaled him upon his claws. As soon as he knew that the Matoran was truly dead, he threw the newly created corpse into a tree. The hunt had been concluded, and Suminaxe wanted more to fight, more to kill. A part of his mind that was more inclined to reason told him to wait, hide, and when more Ta-Matoran come to find their comrades, slay them to. The evil Toa smiled at the thought. This would be one way to weaken his foes, and soon, others might come, and participate in the slaughter.OOC: What happend to Toa hunting Suminaxe? I come back on after one night, and I find four pages of text to read!
  13. IC: Auron, Ga-Wahi"We go see Matoran Darre friend called Four?" The Toa of fire asked. He had been somewhat sad when Daylah left, as he trusted her more than Darre, but if Daylah trusted Darre, he decided he would too.
  14. IC: Suminaxe, Ta-Wahi, The Charred ForestSuminaxe had been watching the Ta-Koro village for days. He knew that those who opposed his masters will were inside the village, but he also knew one Toa could not destroy a village by himself. Or could he? He briefly thought of using a charged blast of energy to destroy the village and himself, but this he deemed counter-productive. The only way to destroy the village, would be to have an alliance. He heard the trees rustle again, and he quickly moved so that the Ta-Koro Gaurdsmen would not find his position. This game of cat-and-mouse and been going on for a few days now. He couldn't easily pick them off, the cursed Gaurdsmen were too well-trained to go off by their one, but soon he would have to fight them, or make his escape. Either way, this will end soon.OOC: Free evil Toa hunt!
  15. unless you took an arrow to the knee. *bad joke* Someone try to hunt down Suminaxe, please, the gaurdsmen are stalking him, but can't catch him.
  16. IC: Auron, Ga-Koro"We go?" The Toa asked, "Auron do not like being not seen."
  17. IC: Auron, Ga-Koro"Can Matoran Darre take Toa Auron to Matoran Darre's friend?" The Toa asked, still unsure of how to turn off his mask. As the Toa tried to turn of his Kanohi, he seemed to flicker in and out of veiw. Not able to fully disable his mask for more than a second.
  18. Took bad she can't use her mask, Auron is flickering in and out of visibility because he can't use his mask.
  19. What's all this about a destroyed village in Ga-Wahi? I don't think you mean Ga-Koro, but there wasn't a village in the area before, was there?
  20. IC: Auron, Ga-KoroAuron calmed slightly, at least other beings could hear him, they just couldn't see him."Toa Auron no know how Auron turned on mask power to begin with!" The Toa exclaimed. Panicing slightly, he seemed to flicker in and out of view. He didn't fully understand how he turned on his mask, and was now faced with a very important problem for a Toa. How do you turn off your Kanohi?OOC: Lessoned learned, Toa should never become amnesiacs. Just image what will happen when Auron first tries to use his elemental energies...
  21. IC: Auron, Ga-Koro"How Auron turn off mask power?" The toa said, trying to remain calm. Not sure of what he was in that state, he stood still, hoping the two Matoran could hear him.
  22. Speaking of arcs/legends/fractions/groups/etc, I'm planning on setting up a pro-makuta group, if you have any ideas and/or suggestions PM them to me and I'll end up making a blog post about it in the possibly distant future.
  23. IC: Auron, Ga-KoroAuron only ate fruit, so he avioded eating the steaks. He collectively thought about the day's events, a sort of meditation. Only 24 hours of existance were part of his memory, and then... the darkness, the darkness of his mind where something, but nothing existed. He shivered, even though it was not cold, as fear of not knowing decsended over him. He tried to calm himself, and in doing so, he found an inner balance to himself, as he raised his hand to lean on while he sat, he stared in shock as he could not see his hand, or arm, or body for that matter."Aah!" The toa shouted, jumping out of his chair. He did not know it, but he had accidently activated his Huna, Mask of invisibility/concealment, something he did not know he possesed.
  24. I hear that most skakdi like to pick their teeth with rahkshi. Anywho, Suminaxe is in Ta-Wahi, trying to gather servants of Makuta together...
  25. That's why he's gone north. To isengard! Er... To Ta-Koro!
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