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Premier Outstanding BZP Citizens
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Status Updates posted by BCii

  1. BCii

    The Buttest Brincess? urk.gif

    You really must show me what you've done w/ the storyline, milady.

  2. Thanks, LLah! ^_^

  3. Not too far off. =) I've worked and studied in both Chilliwack and Abbosford, but I lived in Mission with my family. Of course, Vancouver sounds so much more cosmopolitan. :P

  4. I had to disassemble my BBCC entry for the parts. Fortunately, the puffin-daemon stays together.

  5. BCii

    Sweet sixteen, have a good one. :)

  6. I haven't read the book, but I did see a theatrical version once, long ago. The death of Beth was indeed a tear-jerker.

  7. I never pegged you as a Louisa May Alcott fan, Smeag. ^^

  8. That's gratifying to hear. Thanks! :)

  9. Oh, there's only one of me... but a whole lot of us BZPers! ;)

  10. Happy birthday, Hahlusky!!! We love you!

  11. Happy birthday, my man. ^_^

  12. Congratulations on your graduation! =D

  13. BCii

    I miss the Robblog. :(

  14. What are we supposed to call you? I'm leaning toward Pretty Cool Guy, but there's not really a pattern to your (extensive) display name history... So: enlighten me, plox?

  15. Dude. I'm so into runes. (Like, the real-deal runes, for divination yayz.) And your named is pronounced rune. Hence, THOU ART AWESOME.

  16. BCii

    Music as torture method? The mind boggles. D:

  17. BCii

    MSN contact added. :)

  18. You should go premier again, return to the ranks of the blahggers. That would win.

  19. "I could hear it coming, like a serenade of sound... Now my feet won't touch the ground."

    Must have taken a while to set up those colours. I love it.

  20. Undead? Mais non, monsieur! We call zis "keeping a low pro-/feel/." Vous comprenez, oui?

  21. Where: in topic: Skotraxx.

    What: Your 555th post.


    Post more MOC topics.

  22. A being... OF LIGHT!

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