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Noble Tehurye

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Status Updates posted by Noble Tehurye

  1. "... The End." Wheatley, Portal 2

    1. Katoris


      Today is the 22nd of January, and even though you probably won't see this I wanted to wish you a Happy Birthday!

    2. Nuile the Paracosmic Tulpa

      Nuile the Paracosmic Tulpa

      I am long late in this . . . but I thank you for remembering me in your valediction. Your contributions to the library will be missed, my friend. But wherever your life takes you, I wish you the best, and hope that it be a place filled with literature in various forms--including those born under your own pen.

  2. And now I have my One-Year Vahi. XD

  3. Today is my One-Year Anniversary on BZPower!

  4. Oh! I get my One-Year Vahi tomorrow!

  5. I'm taking Semester Exams now, so I might have occasional bouts of inactivity...

  6. I'm working on reviewing for Semester Exams. It's tough...

  7. Hm, I'm a Seeker now. Whoa. :D

  8. Hm, I'm a Seeker now. Whoa. :S

  9. Semester Exams are just around the corner...

  10. And... I'm back from Christmas vacation. School starts today! :)

  11. "...and on Earth, Peace, good will toward men."

    1. Hexann


      ^^HDXC2000 6.0 approves of this quote.

  12. The Fourth Week of Advent is only going to be two days this year, counting Christmas Eve... which is tomorrow!

    1. Axilus Prime

      Axilus Prime

      Where I live, it's today.

  13. I'm on Christmas Break! :D

  14. To all those in Newtown, Connecticut: You have my condolences and prayers.

  15. Third Week of Advent! :D

  16. I'm drinking some Ginger tea right now. It's quite good. :)

  17. Second week of Advent!

  18. Second week of Advent!

  19. First week of Advent. :D And my next comic is almost done...

  20. Hm. Strange. It's very cold around where I live... but my head feels hot.

  21. And now Thanksgiving vacation is over. Back to work! :)

    1. Steelsheen


      Tis a sad, sad world.

    2. Noble Tehurye

      Noble Tehurye

      It can't be that bad...

    3. Noble Tehurye

      Noble Tehurye

      At least there's still leftover turkey!

  22. Well, Thanksgiving vacation is almost over.

  23. Progress on my comic is going very slowly. I must have patience...

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