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Noble Tehurye

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Status Updates posted by Noble Tehurye

  1. So... much... schoolwork! :P

    1. Hexann


      I feel your pain. Most of that pain is probably last minute math.

    2. Noble Tehurye

      Noble Tehurye

      For me, it's last minute everything. :P

  2. I finished my story! Now I can concentrate on my comic...

    1. Steelsheen
    2. Noble Tehurye

      Noble Tehurye

      Thank you!


      Would you like to read it? I posted it in Short Stories...

  3. I'm trying to get a short story finished and posted for the first time in a while. Just trying...

  4. Aaaaand... it's not the weekend anymore. Yikes. :P

    1. Hexann


      I have that reaction every Monday. :P

  5. Got all my school done for the weekend! :D

  6. It was hard at first, but I really enjoy spriting now! :)

  7. New Avatar, it's the Awesome Lehvak-Kal!

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Noble Tehurye

      Noble Tehurye



      Vacuum powers.... XD

    3. Axilus Prime

      Axilus Prime

      That would really help make my cleanup jobs easier.

    4. Noble Tehurye

      Noble Tehurye

      Yes, but I mean elemental Vacuum. :P

  8. Viva la Bohrok-Kal!

    1. Axilus Prime

      Axilus Prime

      ^TNG Prime approves of this status.

    2. Noble Tehurye

      Noble Tehurye

      I should think so! Thanks, you're the reason I am at that status. :)

  9. Tea is probably making up about 10% of my diet right now. I like Tea...

    1. Highly Suspicious Person

      Highly Suspicious Person

      Only 10%? Tsk tsk. You need to drink more of it.

    2. Noble Tehurye

      Noble Tehurye

      I tried. It used to be 20%. I was drinking something like 4 mugs a day.


      But then i found out what happens if you drink too much Tea. Yikes.


      So I only drink 1 or 2 cups. Good enough. :P


      Do you drink Tea? Nice avvie, by the way. I like Vahki... XD

  10. Tea is probably making up about 20% of my diet right now. I like Tea.

  11. My schedule is currently about 60% school and 40% sleep. :P

  12. It's the Ace Combat game series' 17th Anniversary week! yay!

    1. The Swimming Beard

      The Swimming Beard

      They should have released a new game to commemorate it. (Also, 17 years?)

    2. Noble Tehurye

      Noble Tehurye

      On this week, 17 years ago, the original Air Combat game was released for the Playstation system.


      Thus starting the amazing series of games that continued up to Ace Combat: Assault Horizon that was released last year.


      The 17th anniversary is nothing special, really. I'm just a big fan. :)

  13. School doesn't roll around. It jumps right out at you!

    1. Steelsheen


      With claws and teeth and a good deal of growling. ;)

    2. Noble Tehurye

      Noble Tehurye

      ...but we'll all get used to it. ;)



  14. After careful thought, I've made a difficult decision. However, I feel that it was for the best. I've decided to cease writing, perhaps temporarily, most likely indefinetly. The reason for this is because I don't truly enjoy writing... at least, not anymore. After my first two works, writing became something that I felt driven to do, rather than something fun. I will continue to read and review the work of others here, for that, at least, is something that I enjoy.

  15. After some careful thought, I've made a difficult decision. However, I feel that it was for the best. I've decided to cease writing, perhaps temporarily, most likely indefinetly. The reason for this is because I don't truly enjoy writing... at least, not anymore. After my first two works, writing simply became something that I felt driven to do, rather than something fun. I am good at conceptualizing (I have piles of ideas in the back of my head and on file) but I am not good at p...

  16. Working on a new story now, after a bit of a hiatus. I'm not sure whether it'll be an epic or a short story in parts. Prolly the latter...

  17. Read, Read, Read..... that's what I do during these lazy Summer days. :)

  18. I like to write stories........ making them really good is the problem. :)

  19. Everyone! Go and read Demon Jester's short story "Free" right now! It's Great! :)

    1. Plague


      Do you have to pay for it though?

    2. Noble Tehurye

      Noble Tehurye

      Reading is always free. :) The only thing you have to pay is your attention.

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