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Everything posted by 「tea.leaf」

  1. Yayz! Lucky Star picture thingy! (Whootz.)

  2. No... ¬_¬

    That was stupid and made no sense whatsoever.

    Side note: Fads = Lame

  3. Ho noez! You're avatar die'dz11!

  4. FIEN, anime for liretaets

  5. Don't you just love animuz?


    I'm me, and who wanted my babiez?


  7. My avatar is sexy-awesome like that.

  8. Technically impossible for me to be a weaboo since I'm Asian, but whatev.

  9. I'm going to assume you're not a girl.

  10. Since when did you become a girl?

  11. Whaddup, Chinese brutha?

  12. Wathup? Cute avatar, nice name, but you just seem a bit emo.

  13. Yes, I do. I think it's JimaZero or something like that, I don't really remember. I haven't used deviantArt in a long, long time.

  14. Pretty much, I suppose. Just COT though.

  15. So it's a sort of crush... right? Unless, of course, it's an actual relationship, thus making you some rather famous person... Music has nearly caused my death far too many times, but I just love that stuff. It's like crack, it's addicting.
  16. I assume that you play Yu-Gi-Oh. I wish to issue a challenge to you. Do you have some sort of messenger that allow us t conduct a duel?

  17. PATHETIC. I would never let such a thing happen to me. If they wish to insult you, let them, you can't stop it, they have bore witness. Standing up for yourself may be satisfying at the moment, but you've got to consider the long term consequences. Besides, it's been only a day, even the worst of news takes time to spread. Who knows, they might not even care, you might just be paranoid.
  18. That haircut is awesome! Makes you look totaly sexy!
  19. Oh, I've got another idea for your band! How's about The Flying Dutchwomen? It's so original! ==
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