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The Lord Of Wednesday

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Posts posted by The Lord Of Wednesday

  1. It is Cortana fighting off rampancy, or at least trying too, she had similar ramblings when aboard High Charity in Halo 3 before you rescue her. Her avatar turning red is a visible sign of rampancy, and her threats to "unplug" the chief are another part of her rampancy.

  2. This is the Official SSCC review of Chronicle by Cederak (Reivew by Samhain).In terms of spelling an grammar, everything was fine except for the word "indentifying", I believe you meant "identifying"? For the record, I found no definition of indentifying if it was even a serious word to begin with. Anyway, it is only one word and one minor detail.Now onto the story, and I must say that I like the idea of BZP being made into a story with the users as characters. From what I got from talking to others and a few posts, with some light research, this is a more dramatic retelling of BZP's history, albeit it is more exciting then going through the technical aspects (posts, interviews,etc), not that those would have been boring, but I love this idea so much more. Personally I did not feel that the story took itself too seriously. Just a note, I was not here with either one of my accounts (my old one or my current one) for any of these events "depicted" here.As I said earlier, I love this idea, but have not really made any attempt to put it into words, my main concern being that I would make myself too important and/or misrepresent the people I used. With the people you used, I did not find their relatively short lines to be out of character, and I believe that you did approach it right. The next part was making you the main character, very nice as it both least and most difficult to misrepresent yourself. I say this because I usually have my finger on the "Mary Sue" button ready, as I know some people who would have upped their importance to near Mary Sue levels. Luckily you have avoided this, even though you are the main character who seems to have something to do with the admins, you did not make yourself better then them and made them the heroes when appropriate.Anyway, I love dramatic retellings and the idea of BZP's userbase and BZP itself as part of more of a world or location , which I believe you have executed right. I hope to read more of you in the future and thank you for choosing the SSCC.

  3. This is an SSCC Charity Review of To Fly by Peach 00 (review by Samhain).When it comes to grammar, the BZP spell check did not detect anything, and neither did I, flow was no problem either, but then again, this is hardly ever a problem for me. I will say that the level of detail put into this was very good, it really gives you a clear picture.Now to my favorite aspect of the reviews, the story examinations. Now I did read the ending with the intention of the story, it being that it was more to capture the emotions of the protagonist in here rather then having all that much of a plot, so I will keep that in mind here. I will say that it was quite detailed and you did give us great insight as to what the protagonist was experiencing as he was examining his plane.What is cool about these stories is that the mind of the reader fills in the blanks when it comes to the general plot and such. It can effect the mood of the story based on these and they are all based on the reader's interpretation, it is this open ended-ness that I like to see in stories. Personally, in my reading I was imagining the protagonist as a war vet who was viewing the plane he used during his service (as one would imagine, real military service men can form strong attachments to their planes and ships and such). While this was probably not your intended meaning, I may guess, it is still a good thing in my book to be able to form these sorts of "back stories" in stories where the plot is not the main focus.Anyway, to abridge all of that, I liked the level of detail and the sort of freedom I had as a reader with the plot not being the main focus. I hope to have the pleasure of reviewing your work again in the future.

  4. In Halo Reach, I held off an enemy team by myself for a short amount of time, with a sniper rifle.In Real Life, I made it to about 87 mph on the highway...in a 2000 Dodge Carivan (did I mention it was in a poor state of repair, and this was shortly before it broke down for good, as far as my family is concerned).I lucid dream, and dream frequently, there have been times where I have had several dreams in a single day. I also do not freak out when in a sleep paralysis, in some cases I find it quite relaxing.I am capable of experiencing Euphoria naturally, as I seem to have the brain abnormalities to get it without having to do absolutely anything.I mindscrewed an entire class room, several times, and possibly the teacher on at least one of them.I possibly managed to convince some people that I might be an amnesiac god (or at least an incarnation of one), using philosophy (explaining everything about this one is a long story).My IQ is above average.I love the taste of blood.

  5. Actually I am curious about this, can we present religion in stories so long as there is no malevolent intentions behind it? (As in, no conversions, no trying to "prove" the other "wrong", etc.).

  6. @BonesiiiI chose Palpatine because his plans went far deeper then the movies, and those don't do him any justice, really. A lot of what he did was part of a plan similar to Teridax's in that he also planned his defeats, such as when he made it seem as though he lost to Mace Windu (which he did to convince Anakin to join his side, if Palpatine had won conventionally, then Anakin probably would not have joined him), and made complex plans based on how others would act, like Teridax, it worked. He also managed to return from the dead and was powerful enough to defeat Luke Skywalker in a lightsaber duel, and turn him to the darkside.My description does not do it any justice either, but I think you get the picture.

  7. As cool as having two characters of other works of fiction fight each other is, it is often too hard to quantify, no one will be happy with the result, and there is no real way to conclude the result is what would actually happen. At least in pretty much every case I can think of it is like that, sure there can be obvious ones but otherwise that is subjective. Either way it is probably best to drop it, as at least one of you suggested.

  8. Me, Lone, and The X just had another run. Oh and sorry if that was someone else Invictus, we sent you an invite or two I think. Unfortunately I just found out that I can't access my pictures with file share, I'll see if I can get them through Waypoint or a flash drive or something.

  9. Time for more.-Most pagan religions had their legends and traditions past down orally, though some have been preserved in writing, like the Norse Legends in the Poetic Edda and Prose Edda.-It is said that Excalibur's scabbard would make you essentially unkillable in some respects. Variations include being unable to die by bleeding, or being incapable of bleeding entirely, though from what I heard, the scabbard was lost in a large body of water.-In Norse Legend, whenever there was a thunder storm, it was actually a battle between Thor and the giants, and every time you heard thunder or saw lightning, it was Thor slaying a giant with his hammer, Mjolnir.-Also in Norse legend, it was believed that during a solar eclipse, that the sun was about to be devoured by a menacing wolf named Skoll. Solar eclipses were a sign that Skoll was about to catch the sun goddess Sol. I also heard that vikings would scream at the sky to scare away the wolf as well. Sol being killed by Skoll was also part of Ragnarok I think.-Merlin, in some interpretations at least, was only half-human.-Samhain (pronounced "Sowin") was the root of what we would today call Halloween, albeit it changed considerably through the centuries, though many themes are the same, if not similar.-In Norse legend, the Earth is actually the dead body of a giant named Ymir, the Earth is called Midgard, I also hear that it is also referred to as Mannheim.

  10. Time for more.-The original Fiat 500, which the new one is based off of, only had 17 HP.-The same car is also credited with killing off a lot of the Italian motorcycle market.-In some versions of Arthurian Legend, the sword in the stone was not Excalibur.-The Peel P50 is the smallest production car ever made, it has no reverse gear and only about 3.3 and 4.2 HP.-Mercedez-Benz pulled out of Le Mans for several decades after a fatal crash in 1955 which killed 83 spectators and injured 200 more, it was the most fatal racing accident in history.-Simo Hayha has the most kills of any human in known history, killing about 705 russian soldiers in the Winter War. He was called "The White Death" and the Russians saw him as enough of a threat that they sent in teams and artillery strikes specifically meant to deal with him, nothing worked, and he even survived an explosive round to his face.-The BMW Isetta was a post WW2 car made for people in the bad post war economy to afford, it had an engine with about 1 cylinder and 19 HP.-Most of the A.I.s that assist the protagonists in Bungie's games are named after legendary swords, specifically those of The Song Of Count Roland, such as Durandal and Cortana (personally I think if there is another guide or A.I. in Bungie's next game, then it will probably be named Joyeuse).

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