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The Lord Of Wednesday

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Posts posted by The Lord Of Wednesday

  1. I do like how in Halo they will portray the UNSC as more morally varied then the "these are humans and they are the good guys", it is good to see that there are two sides with the story with both forces. I like Lasky, and I also like his interactions with his friend over their devotion to the UNSC.

  2. I get them about once or twice a year, not sure what causes them, but at least I get an aura to warn me about 30 minutes in advance (unfortunately said aura also makes me half-blind, but at least I notice it).The person below me finds that when it comes to horror, a supernatural horror is far more terrifying then anything scientific.

  3. I usually play Halo, though I also play Borderlands from time to time, and some version of cod if I own one at the moment. My GT is Exodus 2002, but if you add me then mention that you are from here, preferably with mentioning your username too.

  4. I have a few.-In America we have this joke about the current generation where "everyone gets a trophy". It seems like everytime someone wins something, it seems as though you have to downplay it. There was even a time during a school basketball game where the end score was 100 to 2, staggering victory right? Well guess what, people attacked the couch of the winning team for being "too hard" on the other team. Or sometimes people will rig a system to be easier in such a way that you can't really say you won legitimately.-Political Correctness, I really don't care if people want to be offensive or be honest, I actually prefer that. But even then it is taken way too far to the point where even some words or ideas are censored, or at least attempted to be, because it will cause a disturbance in the status quo, or might offend someone even 1 person (I have heard of long established and harmless things being stopped altogether simply because literally 1 person complained).-People who will not recognize an argument as valid because of the way it was presented, even if it was factually correct.-People or organizations who will try and "solve" and/or "cure" something they might call a "disorder" or similar even though the problem is really only social.-People who believe they are unshakably or undoubtedly correct and then decide to act on it as though this perspective is grounded in some sort of objective morality, at least this applies to every example I can think of at the moment of this post.-People who will take something and twist it to an agenda.-Any action or law that in any way censors freedom of speech.-People who will take great offense to/label you stupid for being wrong about something that really is not that important. Then they act like not having the correct answer to this unimportant question is somehow a measure of intelligence.-People who seem to think they know you better then you do or "know" what you are thinking, and/or those who think they can "read" you.-I know this can possibly be arbitrary in some cases but, people who will look for discrimination in something that was never intended to be discriminating or trying to make it seem like it is no matter how ridiculous (For example, "What's this!? A female soldier is taking orders from a male officer!? SEXIST!").That is all I have for the moment.

  5. No, but I've always wanted to just because.
    Tie Fighter was such an amazing game... and what's funny is that the main character of the game actually appears again, I think during the Yuuzhan Vong Invasion. "Marek Steele", I think.
    Jaden Korr (from Jedi Academy) reappears in the Legacy series, if briefly.
  6. This is the SSCC Charity review of Alone by Field Marshal Rakmon (review by Proud Stigma).Grammar wise there is not really anything that needs fixing, and I did not have flow problems either.In terms of story, I do see that it is a minecraft story (a game that has no story), however there were some parts of it that my count as symbolism, even though you may or may not have intended them. This could be a sort of meta story where "Steve" is merely copying what the player is thinking and this is how it manifests within the Minecraft universe itself.For example the motions that he makes and the names he gives things could be rationalizations by the player being written from an in-universe perspective (i.e. Player: "Oh, this is supposed to be dirt!", "Steve": "And so I shall call this substance dirt.", for example), aside from the stuff that the player does not pay attention to as it is not necessary for the game (like if Steve blinks). I also go with this interpretation because Steve may be an amnesiac, but he has concepts of what things are and a language that he thinks in and uses to rationalize the world around him, something a being with no empirical memory would probably not have, but the player at his/her computer might.There is some part of this that has hints of Ontological Mystery themes here, or at least foundations for it, which are usually always nice in my book. Another part I like is how I can compare Steve's fascination with dirt even though he does not know why he feels that he must place dirt on the ground to build things, he just feels the need to do it. However I can compare this to even the most simple of human actions and desires.Anyway this was a nice story and we at the SSCC hope to read more of your works in the future.

  7. This is the Official SSCC review of Living Stone by Zarayna (Review by Proud Stigma).When it comes to grammar, your flow is not bad but I did catch one spelling error. In the second to last paragraph in the second to last sentence you used the word "expessionless" when I believe it should have been "expressionless".When it came to the story I personally enjoyed it, especially the level of detail put into it and you gave the reader the impession that it was a large battle rather successfully. However I would have personally liked to know a bit more about who the Templars were fighting and to a lesser extent;], the significance of the fort they were holding. None the less I greatly enjoyed the story.Overall it was very nice, and we at the SSCC look forward to reviewing your next work, which we most certianly hope that at some point we get another like this. Thank you for choosing the SSCC.

  8. Here are some more.-Immanuel Kant became a philosopher after reading David Hume's work, he hated it and set out to show he was wrong.-A possible (though not always true) sign that a depressed person will commit suicide is that they appear happy.-Your survival instinct is (at least said to be) your most powerful instinct.-Friedrich Neitszche essentially said that the thought of suicide can reduce stress.-The human mind does not argue to "seek truth" it does so to "win", everyone does this, and it is believed that arguing was merely another way to show some sort of social dominance, even if the point was ludicrous.-Contrary to what some are comfortable believing, most delinquents are actually extroverts, not introverts.

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