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Blog Entries posted by CeeCee

  1. CeeCee
    My Mum says Im really good. Just look at some of these hot skills Ive used

    Give it up for Demon Jaller staring into your soul!
    And yeah, it took me 5 seconds. I hope it makes you laugh and cry as much as It made me.
  2. CeeCee
    I can't be the only one here who fails to see what a woman being upset over not being able to have kids, has any relation to feminism what so ever. Some people want kids, some people don't. If the writer of the film says the character wanted kids, THE CHARACTER WANTED ###### KIDS!
  3. CeeCee
    I have joked in the past about by hatred for Hero Factory.
    I don't get the hate for it. I'm not a massive fan of its design, but that doesn't mean its bad.
    I think a lot of people hat one it, just becuase it "replaced" Bionicle. This is untrue really.
    What are you opinions on it?
  4. CeeCee
    Obviously people have opinions, but why is the world so divided? We fight over the stupidest things like money and beliefs. I'm not saying you shouldn't fight for your beliefs, but to take a life for it? Isn't that going a bit to far? You have people in the middle east killing each other every day, and for what? And its not just over there, its here in my country too. Why do people separate some one for the colour of their skin or what gender they're attracted too. Why would a city be seen as dirty, just becuase there are more of a "certain race" there?
    It confuses me BZP.
  5. CeeCee
    Okay so Ive got a blog so I might as well use it. This isnt an actually story as in a Novel yet but Im going to be telling you guys the plots in Bullet points and things like that. If you guys can find any plot holes or things you dont like then that would be good.
    I am basically rewriting Bionicle. Please not I do not have anything against the original cannon but I just want to do my own thing. Be warned, it is not for the VERY young. It will involve: some things people may find controversial like homo sexuality(please not I am not against it. It will base heavily on character developmental and will follow many of the characters and delve deep into their lives. It will be based VERY loosely on the original canon, sometimes closer than others.
    If any one interested my next entert will be an introduction of the characters and stuff.
  6. CeeCee
    I think its fair to say that Im happy. The only thing I have been thinking more and more recently though is that I dont think Im happy with my life. I feel like Im going in completely the wrong direction to the things I want to do or the person I want to be.
    I have so many dreams that I woudnt even think telling anybody about which is pathetic. Can I have some advice off some BZPers? Im feeling kind of down.
  7. CeeCee
    Okay, okay. I haven't been on this place too long compared to a lot of users, but I still consider myself an active BZPer. Its wierd now. Im looking back on all my blog entries that's almost a year ago and realising how much of a newbie I used to be. I had this sort of overly sweet quality to all my posts. Then again, I guess that's what I always do when going into a new place, and that's not to say Im not nice anymore, becuase I struggle to think of a time where I I have been mean on this site.
    Something else that I thought was really funny was looking to the people I had replied to and how I had replied to them in earlier blog entries. I met one of my closest friends(some silly orange and white matoran who thinks its funny to puit numbers on the end of canon character names and pass them off as his own) on this site on my second blog entry(which I beleive has long since been deleted) . It was some daft badly told epic that's gone through about one million re-writes. I something you can never really see coming and its strange. Its sort of like I'm talking to strangers back then, but... its just weird.
    I just sort of made this blog entry to encourage you to look back on your old blog entries or posts and see the people who you first interacted with and where they are now. Could be they dont even come here anymore. Maybe you hate them, maybe you love them. Its just really quite cool.
  8. CeeCee
    So, dont focus on the badly drawn miru, but on the lighting. First time Ive tried this and its pretty basic, but I tried to add lighting to the mask by using different shades of green and a bit of white on the forehead. Its meant to look cartoony so thats why there are loads of black out lines. Do you guys think I pulled this off okay for a first attempt?

  9. CeeCee
    I have given my book the place holder name of We are Metru. I might go with this. Tell e what you think.
    I know its a slow start but give it time if you could.
    Chapter 2
    Matau was hopeless. Hopeless at getting Ga Matoran. Him and a group of other Le Matoran would often go down to Ga Metru and see if they could pick any up. Eery one seemed to get one but him. It wasn’t as if he was unlikeable, or unattractive for that matter, but he could never seem to get Ga Matoran to pay him any attention. His problem that he was trying to hard. He was an overly confident green Matoran who if had payed more attention to his driving class rather than flirting with Ga Matoran, he might be flying the Ussanuis rather than fixing them.
    He was thinking this as he was waiting by the corner of Ga Metru with some Cravalie flowers he had brought at a completely overpriced shop. Still it was worth it. Because tonight he wasn’t just meeting any Ga Matoran, he was meeting Nokama. He looked down at the empty road and saw nothing. It was getting late. Way past the time the had arranged to meet. He had known it all along any way. She wasn’t going to come. He dropped the flowers in a binf and walked home miserable. To think, he had walked so far and spent so much, only to be rejected. He didn’t think he had ever been as excited as he was last night when he heard the news about the date.
    “That’s what happends when you ask Vhisola to do something for you.” He thought.
    As much as he like Vhisola he knew there was something not quite right about her. It had obviously been deliberate that she hadn’t told Nokama.
    “Shes totally obsessed with her” He thought. “probably didn’t want be getting In the way of their beautiful relationship” He half joked.
    He got to the border of Onu Metru. He glanced back at the direction of that lonely street before carrying on moving again. He eventually got to the town centre where the Onu Matorans were busily getting on with their night. They were only out in the air because it was dark. Most of them spent their days down in the tunnels where it was dark. “Strange beings” Matau said quietly, shaking his head. He turned around to see Vahki Vorzahk standing over him.
    “Matau?” He said. “What are you doing roaming the streets on Onu Metru at this time of night? Didn’t think you were one for History and culture” he laughed.
    Vorzahk was a tall barley humanoid… thing. He was tall but rarely stoop up to his maximum height. Vahkis were introduced to Metru Nui after most of the Toa had died to help out Toa Lihkan. There used to be many but now most of them had died out like the Toa in the great war against Sidoraks army. There were only six left, coincidently one for each Metru. Vorzahk was from Le Metru so he was painted a green colour to fit in with the rest of the inhabitants. Although the Vahki and Lihkan were on the same tem they rarely saw eye to eye. They believed that bad Matoran should be punished and Lihkan thought they should be helped. The Vahki had a strict reputation but the six that were left were okay really. Especially if you stayed in their good books. Vorzahk picked Matau up and ran back to Le Metru. He could run faster than Matau and didn’t seem to get tired at all. He placed Matau down outside is home and ran off into the night. Matau steped inside his hut. It felt empty and lonely. He hated being alone. He woundeded if Vhisola had told Nokama, and Nokama hadn’t come simply because she didn’t want too. He quickly shook the though away. Mainly because he knew it was true. He sat down on a tree branch as the warm sun set its orange glow on the sleeping city.
    Sometimes when the the city was sleeping like this, Nokama would sit on the beach and look out into the ocean. It seemed to go on for ever. She one day hoped to get a boat and go al the way out there. She wanted to discover new paces and meet the strange inhabitants that lived there. She threw a small pebel out but it failed to skim. She watched as it was submerged into the endless waters, becoming one of the many pebels already down there. A Nobody. She found it sad that no mater what happened it would ways be a nobody, even If it had of skimmed it would have still sunk to the ocean floor. It was like her, she would always be a nobody. She didn’t want to admit it but that was the reason why she never went on that date with Matau. Lets face it, he was a nobody. She wanted to be with some one that people would say “Oh my god, you will never guess who Nokamas with”. She cringed. It made her sound so shallow. Maybe she should have gone with Matau. He was a little immature at times but he had a good heart. She tried to convince herself that he wouldn’t mind as he was a hopeless flirt and was probably used to it. Deep down thoug, she knew it would have hurt him badly that she hadn’t gone. She looked at the two moons that light up Ga Metru like a torch.
    “Mata Nuis eyes”. She thought to her self. I wonder if he was judging her right now. She looked over to see a tall red and gold figure standing over her.
    “Toa Likahn!” She said. Happily.
    “Hello the Nokama” He replied.
    “What Brings you here”
    He looked troubled and scared. Nokama had never seen him like this before.
    “Whats that matter” she asked.
    “I came here to be judged by the great spirit” He said. “because I need to know what I have done wrong.”
    “What do you mean?”
    He looked at her as if he was going to break down in tears
    “Nokama?” His voice was trembling but he tried to hide it “Can I trust you to look after Metru Nui if I…”
    “Likahn” It was a new voice. Nidhiki. Nidihki was Lihkahns old team mate, but she betrayed him to join the Dark Hunters. Lihkan was hurt greatly by this. It was always known that there was something between them. It was a shock to Nokama as well. Nidihki had been one of her favourite Toas.
    “It’s time now” She said. She looked like she may have been crying too but Nokama wasn’t sure.
    “I dint understand” He said, more confidently now but still a little shakey.”Why would he…”
    “Shhhh” Nidihki hissed” and pointed to Nokama with her claw.
    Nidihki was part of the Dark Hunters. The Dark hunters were an organisation of mercenaries that people paid to do their dirty work. Nidihki was originally spying on them until they found her out. For a reason Nokama did not know, she joined them but had to swear he alliance to them by undergoing a mutation. Once a graceful Toa of Air she was not a four legged giant insect. She had gigantic claws instead of hands that could cut through almost anything. Nokama didn’t know much about the Dark Hunters except their leader was named the Shadowed one but had disappeared for a while now.
    Likahn walked toward Nidhki but just as he did he threw a round object at the ground. The thing exploded but instead of shrapnel flying out a high pitched squel cam out instead. Nokamas last sight was Likahn pushing a disorientated Nidihki out of the way and running off into the night.
  10. CeeCee
    Okay so I have been conflicted weather or not to buy this set. Please not Im not a MOC and and get Bionicles for play and display only.
    Okay so I have a major first world problem here. I have £150 to spend on Bio's. Now I thought I had chosen the sets I wanted. These were
    The Toa Inika
    The Makuta Phantoka and Mistika
    Toa Mahrii
    These come to £150
    If I wanted to buy Mata Nui, i have to swap it for two options. This could be my only chance to get him, but is really worth it?
    You tell me Bionicle Zone. you tell me.
  11. CeeCee
    Yup, yup, yup. You heard right. After a "short" hiatus of CeeCee's av's I will be bringing them back and with a twist... actually there will be no twist(I just thought it would sound cool, I apologies for my actions and misleading you), they'll be the same silly, stupid computer drawn Av's with that horrible purple-y blue back grounds.
    FAQ about CeeCee Av's

    (This "FAQ" was done in good fun and is not to be taken literally. Please know this)
    Yeah, they are coming back. I actually want to thank everyone though more making them as popular as they were. I dont expect anything like that this time but I will continue them regardless.
    Thanks everyone and stay tuned in you are interested.
  12. CeeCee
    Why are you so hard to draw.

    Doing this for a guy. I just need feed back as to where this looks okay or not.
    Here is how it would look and an Av

    Comments and criticisms needed.
  13. CeeCee
    So I had a friend. I just want to say right here, right now it is no one from this forum. Anyway, I have just found out that his opinions vary very different from mine. Im not sure if I know what to do. I mean he is a nice guy but we have very different views of some matters. I have always had very close friends that have different views than me before and I get along with them fine. We even discuss them and I get to understand them a bit more. but this guy really seems to beleive this stuff really strongly. I need some advice. What would you do in a situation like this?
  14. CeeCee
    I know how hard it is to get people to take notice of your work, so if you need a review please PM. It can be a SS or an Epic and Ill do it. Ill try do do it as soon as I get the PM but Ill notify if I cant do it. I dont ask for a review in return or anything like that. The benefit me is that I get more experienced with writing. The best way to learn is by teaching some one how to do something. So if you need an Epic or SS reviewing then just PM me and Ill get to it.
    I know people may just say "why not use the ECC", and by all means, be my guest. I just want to do my bit to help writers around here so dont think of me in a negative way.
    DISCLAIMER: I am not trying to copy the ECC or SSCC, Im am simply just trying to help people (including my self) get better at writing. I have nothing against either organisations. I also do not consider my self and expert in writing so be warned =P
    EDIT: Unlike the ECC, I do not intent for people to have to make an appeal if they want their epic review again but I work at a first come, first serve basis.
  15. CeeCee
    I don't know about you, but as much as I am the same as my internet self in real life, i am also very different. Confused? So am I!
    I guess what I'm trying to question here, is... who is the real me?
    I'm a shy person. You wouldn't think that of me if you meant me on the street. My confidence is a massive deceit. My voice projects itself in a confident way, and my body language is anything but reclusive. The only thing is though, is that my eyes tell a completely different tale. I find it really hard to make eye contact with... most people really, if I am conscience of it. My real life self thinks of all theses great amazing things to say, but my mouth wont let me say them. No one even knows about my love for Bionicle, yet obviously, you all do. However as an internet version of myself, i have no such boundaries. My real life self is actually a lot of the things I hate. Puposlly hiding things about your self, just to fit into the "norm"
    Does that mean I'm more my self behind a computer screen? Or is my social awkwardness just part of my personalty?
    What do you think BZP?
    And what about your self? How do you differ from the Internet, to real life
  16. CeeCee
    Chapter 1
    The Matoran were always told that light concurred shadow. That Mata Nui would save them from all forms of evil. To many Matoran, that hope was still in their hearts. However to Nuju this dream was a lie. Maybe there was some truth to it at one time, but now it was nothing but a false glimpse of light force fed through drip feeders into the dying hears that would consume all they could get. There was many things that Nuju didn’t like, one of them was other people. He didn’t hate them individually as such, but the thought of having to keep a conversation going made his skin crawl. He, like many Ko Matoran, loved to look to the future. He spent a lot of his time up in the high snowing mountains of Ko metru, searching for answers in the snow. While Onu Matoran liked to follow the foot prints made by others, Nuju liked to pave away himself. He thought that dwelling on the past was depressing, all the wrong doings and regrets. The only way to really overcome this was to keep moving forward. Nuju let out a quiet laugh. “Onu Matorans would call that denial” he thought to himself.
    It wasn’t until he reached the peak of the mountain that Nuju looked at his surroundings. He had scaled this mountain many times before. He hated retracing his footsteps but he had climbed all the mountains the was in Ko Metru. He always thought that the closer you were to the stars, the closer you were to Mata Nui, and that you would feel the answers long before you see them. The stars gazed at Nuju , he smiled at them, but they only froned back. Not so much at him, but at every being in Metru Nui. He knew dark times were ahead.
    He looked at the brightest star on the sky, Toa Lihkans. He was glad Lihkan was still around. Maybe he would shed some light in the dark times to come. He had once talled Nuju that every star was a hero, and that they were watching over him. “Heros never truly die Nuju” He would say. Nuju liked that Idea. As Nuju gazed at the millions of eyes of great heros looking back at him, he wondered, if he would ever have a star.
    A movement in the snowy top forests interrupted him from his thoughts. A normal Matoran would not have seen this but Nuju did. When Nuju was first made, he very poor eye sight. He could barley see anything but except a fuzzy blur of all their shapes. He was in the fiery district of Ta Metru one time where he met a Matoran who specialized in mask making. They somehow got talking about Nujus poor vision and the mask maker offered to make him a “new eye”. Nuju accepted, but was cynical. A few hours later the red Matoran had come out with a telescopic scope. No way near as big as the ones on the telescopes he had at home. “Here, put this one one of your eyes”. He said. Somehow it seemed to fitted together with his white Matutu like building blocks. “What was his name? “Va?... Vaka? …Va…” Beofre he could finish his train of thought he was swept away by the figure from the Darkness.
    Vakama awoke. Groggily helifted his head. He looked at the clock. 6:35pm. “Oh god, im late for work”. He said out load in a panic, jumping up quickly. That woke him up properly. It was only then he realised he was at work. Lying nest to his smelting pit with a half-finished Hau. Being a Ta Matoran he liked the heat. Too bad it made him sleepy to easily. “Sleeping on the job again Vakama?” It was Nuhrii. The dark red matron stood in the door way of the smelting pit, leaning against the side of the door frame. “Just resting my eyes.” joked Vakama.
    He liked Nuhrii. There was just this innocence about him that was hard to find in other Matoran, even himself. They had always been close. The started the mask making job in the same week as each other and had been friends ever since. He had always felt a bit sorry for Nuhrii. Vakama was by far, the better mask maker, but the effort Nuhrii put in to the job compared to Vakama made Vakama feel guilty. He guessed Nuhrii would have hated him if he wasn’t such a nice person. He absolutely admired Vakama. He would always try and make Kanohi as good as Vakama and every time he had made his “best yet” He would run and show Vakama. Not that Vakama minded of course, although sometimes he thought that Nuhrii was putting himself down to much because of his fanboyism.Vakama had always though himself as inadequate, despite his mask making ability. In fact, this only made it worse because it made him feel like an imposter, having little training on the skill yet being so good at it, not to mention how lazy he was.
    Turaga Dume stepped in with a Matoran with no Kanohi. “Vakama?” He asked rhetorically. “Why has this Matorans Kanohi not been finished yet?”. “Uh..Uh, just a second please Turaga.” He scrambled to pick up the parts of the broken Hau lying on the floor. Turaga Dume let out something between a grunt and a laugh and left the Matoran standing in Vakamas work shop. The Matoran was a Ta Matoran which meant he was a dark red colour. His hands and feet were a bright yellow colour. “Sorry about the wait” Vakama said. “Its okay” the Matoran laughed,” my shift doesn’t start until 8”.” Its Jaller right?” asked Vakama. “Yes it is. And that must make you Vakama, the great mask maker!”. “Right, the great mask maker” As Vakama said this his sentence trailed of into almost a whisper of embarrassment. Jaller noticed this, so he quickly changed the subject. “So, how does mask making actually work? ”Vakamas eyes light up, he was in his Zone now. “Well, Kanohi is a just a fancy word for mask. Each Kanohi or masks is made from a disk. Each disk has a different power. Some disks can be used for powerless Kanohi like ours, some can be used for Noble Kanohi like Turaga Dume, and finally some can be used to make GREAT Kanohi. Like the one that Toa Lihkan wears.” Jaller looked confused, so Vakama gave up. To think he was giving him the basics. “Guards, all strength and no brain” Vakama thought. “Listen, Vakama I really gotta go so is there any temporay masks that I can use for the mean time?”. “Uh, well there is this”. He picked up a yellow Mahiki. “This okay?”. “Great!, so you later Vakama!” and wioth that he ran out the door ready to start another 10 hours standing at the gate of Ta Metru, waiting enemies that they hoped would never come.
    Please comment on what you think.
  17. CeeCee
    So I've recently heard something really depressing.
    1 in 3 people in the world will end up being diagnosed with Cancer
    How depressing is that?!
  18. CeeCee
    I know I said I would do a lot of the story before I showed this but this is just a little sample. I just wanted to know what people thought of the change. I personally think there is a massive improvement. Read Chapter 1 from the old one on then then this and I will think you will find a big difference in quality. For those of you wanting action then I cant really do much in this little sample. This isn't really an action Novel. its more about the characters stories. There will be action though, don't worry.H however if the characters dont keep you interested enough then either Im a bad writer or this isnt the book for you. You will also find the chapters to hopefully be longer so that's normally good. Please give feed back. Good or bad.
    For more info click on my first entry and/or "rinse and repeat". You will find all info out there. Dont complain its not canon. Okay here goes. I really felt as if I gave it my all for this. That doesnt mean its amazing but it does mean its the best of my current ability.
    Hope you enjoy.
    "Silence. There was nothing. Nothing but Silence. Not even the birds made a sound as they flew by. Vakama watched as Toa Lhikan’s lifeless body hit the floor. He watched as the trembling little Po-Matoran withdrew his knife from its back of the Toa’s head. The crowed didn’t cheer. The music didn’t play. There was nothing. Noting but silence.
    Turaga Dume stood at the balcony of the coliseum. His eyes had changed. No Matoran had ever seen them like this. This was a new Turaga Dume, yet it was the one that had been there for so long. Unnoticed. His eyes read “Now, you obey me. Now you worship me”.
    -“Today Metru Nui!” he said, his eyes narrowed. “Today, you have witnessed the Death of a traitor!”
    His voice was loud and authoritative, but not so much a shout. It was the type of voice saying “Cross me, I and I will make you wish you were dead.”
    Vakama knew that Lhikan wasn’t a traitor. He just didn’t know why the Turaga would lie. No one else spoke. Out of both shock and fear.
    The coliseum emptied. No one knew what Toa Lhikan had done or why he had been executed. Vakama was almost certain of one thing though. That no one else would dare think differently.
    -“Vakama!” It was Nuurakh, the Ta-Matoran Vahki. One of the six left from the Dark War. “Where are you going?”
    -“Home” Vakama Lied. He didn’t know if Nuurakh had spotted this. Nuurakh knelt down so he was eye level with Vakama. His abnormal head faced towards him. His disk launcher moved like a mouth, but this was purely for show to make them look more Matoran
    -“Look.” He said. “I know Toa Lhikan meant a lot to you and I know you meant a lot to him, but don’t do anything stupid. You and I both know that he must have been a traitor. For what reason the Great Turaga lie?”
    -“Yes, for what reason?” Vakama asked rhetorically
    -“Vakama?” Nuurakh’s tone was more concerned than angry. Vakama was going to carry on the conversation but he stopped himself. He didn’t know who to trust anymore. He thought he trusted Nuurakh but he also thought he trusted Turaga Dume. It was hopeless. He felt as though this day had changed him forever.
    Toa Lhikan had always been a man of riddles. The last thing he had said to Vakama they day he disappeared was “Follow the stars”. Vakama had never felt so useless. Lhikan had chosen him for something that could potentially hold Metru Nui’s fate but instead he was stuck at the first hurdle. He looked up at the diming sky. The stars were coming out. He didn’t see anything unusual about the stars that could lead him on where to go. Then it hit him. That was the point. There was nothing unusual about the sky. Toa Lhikan’s Toa star was still there, burning as bright as ever. It was hovering directly above the Great Temple. “A bit cliché” thought Vakama “but it’s as good a place to start as any”. The great temple was sacred to all Matoran’s. It was where all the Metru’s met up. A Metru was a district for each race of Matoran. Ta-Metru was a fire district. Vakama’s home. Le-Metru was the air district, Ga-Metru was the water district, Po-Metru was the stone district, Ko-Metru was the ice district and Onu-Metru was the Earth district. Matoran from each Metru had their own characteristics and traits; some mental, some physical. They were the main inhabitants of Metru Nui doing different jobs around the city. The Great Temple was the only place in Metru Nui that didn’t belong to a Metru. Vakama had only been there once, when Toa Lhikan had taken him. Vakama nearly began to weep at the thought of this memory. Toa Lhikan truly had been a great friend and mentor.
    He shiftily walked into the Great Temple. The Huge Statues of previous once a great and powerful Toa loomed over him. They watched him enter. Although Vakama knew they were just lifeless stone statues, he couldn’t help but feel their eyes were following him. He turned the corner and came across a massive Hall way full of statues of Toa of Fire. Toa Norik, Toa Vulass, Toa Kavara, Toa Marikan, Toa Rezan, Toa Dume… Toa Lhikan. Vakama’s observations were interrupted by a loud crash. He ran across the hall way to find a disorientated white Ko-Matoran on the floor. Vakama could see he had fallen from a broken stair banister. A tan Po-Matoran was standing over him, unable to control his laughter.
    -“Hahahahahaha! So this is why I never see Ko-Matoran’s outside. Hahahahahaha! I used to think they were just sad no life, but now I realize it’s just because they would break every think they touch. Makes me wonder why you make everything out of ice.”
    -“That’s it Onewa, I’ve had it with you!” The Ko-Matoran got up of the floor and raised his fist to punch Onewa. Onewa’s grabbed it, pulled it hard and then kicked the Ko-Matoran to the ground. Onewa’s face changed from happy to pure intimidating.
    -“Sit down, Nuju.” At first Vakama though these two might have been friends joking around, but he could see by the aggressive look on Onewa’s face and the frightfulness in Nuju’s, this was not the case.
    -“Hello there.” Said Vakama. Nuju looked grateful for the distraction, but at the same time mad at Vakama for not intervening earlier.
    -“I’m Vakama”
    Nuju got up from the floor. Vakama could tell it was a painful effort for Nuju to raise his hand for Vakama to shake it.
    -“Nuju” He said. Onewa shook he head. He held his fist out to Vakama. Vakama mirrored it. The Ko-Metru had a strange version of the first meet, the called the handshake. They thought of it as more formal for some reason.
    -“I’m Onewa” He said. He was confident. Vakama didn’t know what to make of him, especially how he was with Nuju.
    -“Wow, look at the place”. It was a dark green Le- Matoran. “Not bad for a first date, hey Nokama?”
    -“Oh Matau.” The Dark blue Ga-Matoran spoke. Too Vakama, she was beautiful. Her mask seemed to illuminate the room.
    -“Oh hey look!” Matau spoke. “Look at all these guys!” He said excitedly.
    -“I’m Vakama.” He said to Nokama. He held her hand in his for a moment. Their eyes met. Just for moment he forgot all about what had happened to today and grieving for Toa Lhikan disappeared.
    -“Ahem” It was Matau “and you might be?” . Vakama’s hand let go of Nokama’s immediately.
    -“Sorry” He said. “I’m Vakama”. His fist met Matau’s. “This is Onewa and this is Nuju”.
    -“So it appears we almost have a full house, save an Onu-Matoran”
    -“Actually, you do”. A black Matoran stood out from the shadows where he had been hiding. His black amour mad his dark green eyes even more vivid. He spoke carefully and clearly, his voice was deep but friendly. “I’m Whenua by the way. Sorry for appearing so rude, but I like to evaluate the situation from afar”. Seeing as you all seem like no apparent threat, I thought I would show my face”
    -“No apparent threat?” questioned Onewa. “What about me?”. Nuju grunted but it came out louder than he intended. Onewa punched him in the arm. Whenua walked towards Onewa. Grabbed him with one hand, and thrust him against the wall.
    -“That’s right, no apparent threat.” Whenua smiled.
    The Six Matoran walked in silence through the long corridors of the Temple. It wasn’t so much they didn’t have anything to say, but the shear awkwardness left every one mute."
    Please leave feed back and thanks for reading.
  19. CeeCee
    I did not notice a donate button on here. Is this knew? Has any ever donated to this sight(Excluding premier membership)
  20. CeeCee
    Yesterday I wrote a blog entry about what Bionicle did for me. I finished it, looked at it and deleted everything. It was just over emotional and cliche garbage. So I scrapped it.
    Then, earlier today, I watched the Bohrok Animations for the first time(Yes I know, tie me to a cross and burn the blasphemous). But while watching it I realised. Screw what Bionicle did for me. What about what Templar Studios did for Bionicle?
    They made the characters of Bionicle not just boring robotic heroes, but actually beings that had compassion just like people. My favorite scene in the whole of any MNOG product was the Po-Koro scene in the Bohrok animations. So much is happening with the characters in such a short space of time and its gread.
    First of we have a bit of humour when Hafu realises he has to break down his statues. I want to point out MNOG humour is just the best. But that humour soon vanishes as we actually see Hafu breaking down his sculptures in order to same Po-Koro leaving him trapped on the outside. Then we cut to Hewkii screaming about Hafu. So we see, just by that these two have a strong friendship. I think I love the fact that Hafu knows hes going to die in this scene and he is willing to sacrifice himself(and his pride and joy) to save his home and the Matoran inside. If thats not Bad*** I dont know what it. But then Pohatu saves the day by getting Hafu back into Po-Koro with the help of Hewkii. Then the two Matoran hug each other which is actually really touching.
    I know it may sound a little far fetched but Im not sot sure if the Bionicle story would be what it was if not for MNOG. I actually think they single-handedly set the tone of Bionicle with providing a template for the atmosphere. It also made us aware that these were characters on not just toys
  21. CeeCee
    Hey guys. Haven't posted a blog entry in a while but I thought I should. I dont know if anyone remembers the CeeCee Avs I used to draw. Those badly drawn Bionicle Avs with a purple coloured background. They were in a thread called "Cute Bionicle Avatars" but I guess "CeeCee Avs" Caught on with some friends and now I use it. I got kind of bored drawing just the characters but I recently had the the idea of creating a comic with them in. Ive never really tried making a comic before, or even considered it before now but I was thinking something a long the lines of it starting like the first Bionicle Comic. You know... the very first one... with Kopaka and stuff? But then it just turns out they are toys re-enacting the comics becuase they wasnt so desperately to be heroes... and villains of course. Anyway, a selection of these toys get transported into the real Bionicle Universe and realise real Bionicle life isnt all it seemed cracked up to be.
    I dont know if this is something that would interest anyone but one of my main concerns in the humour. Now dont get me wrong, I dont find myself devoid of all things funny, in fact wuite the contrary. I just dont know how well it could be translated to a comic... but we will see.
    Anyway... have a nice day/night...
  22. CeeCee
    Having no vision in my right eye, I forget how much I rely on my right ear to "see" on my right hand side. Unfortunatly my right ear now has some sort of infection making my hearing temporarilly messed up in that ear. I cant tell you how odd it is being heavily compremised on that side. Other than that, not much new. might be joining the Terrotorial Army soon hopefully. That should be fun.
    Anyway, thanks for reading!
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