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Great Being Velika

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Posts posted by Great Being Velika


    Personally, I don't think it should be brought back. When I was a lot younger I was one of those "OMG ZERO FACTORY IS ######!!!1!!!!11!" types of guys. Now that I've matured a bit (a lot ,actually), I've come to the realization that if it did come back it wouldn't be the same. It would probably have a different story arc and use the new building system which, quite frankly, doesn't feel like Bionicle to me.

    Even if you personally don't think you'd enjoy a new and updated BIONICLE, doesn't the thought of a new generation of fans having a similar experience to what you had back during BIONICLE's original run hold some appeal?


    I kind of said the wrong thing. What I meant was more of why I hope it doesn't come back instead of why it shouldn't come back. I know that if it does come back (which is seeming more and more likely), I could just not take part in it. Sorry about this misunderstanding.

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  2. Personally, I don't think it should be brought back. When I was a lot younger I was one of those "OMG ZERO FACTORY IS ######!!!1!!!!11!" types of guys. Now that I've matured a bit (a lot ,actually), I've come to the realization that if it did come back it wouldn't be the same. It would probably have a different story arc and use the new building system which, quite frankly, doesn't feel like Bionicle to me.

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  3. I have one reason why I don't think Bionicle would return next year. That reason being that it's not been long enough to be "forgotten". If some kid got into Bionicle when he was 5, back in 2010, then he'd be 10 next year, and would still remember Bionicle. I think that tlg would take bit more time to recharge than just 5 years. Due to that, I wouldn't place any bets on Bionicle returning until at least 2020.


    It's a good thing that they won't be guzzling oil. It means that Lego can still exist even after (if) we deplete all the world's oil. My only concernis that the new material might not be as durable as ABS and could deteriorate over time. That said, go Lego! It's great to see a large company trying to reduce their footprint.

    Well, technically we won't be depleting the world's oil any time soon; there's still a huge amount of untapped oil in the Earth. In fact, a big concern for a lot of environmentalists is that the pollution from burning fossil fuels will devastate climate and ecosystems long before using fossil fuels becomes financially unsustainable. But as we tap the most accessible wells dry, oil WILL at least become less stupidly cheap, and as a result finding a non-petroleum-based replacement for ABS is an important goal for a company like Lego that builds its business almost entirely on plastics.


    An ABS replacement would have to have a similarly high longevity, but luckily I think Lego sees the value in having such a long-lived product, so long-term stability will surely be one of their big considerations in finding and choosing a replacement material.


    Heh. Where I live, gas is absurdly expensive...


    But yeah; I see what you mean now. Price is the biggest object. Oil prices have been on the rise for a long time, and Lego may have reached that point where they realized that it would be cheaper to replace their material. Once they do that, we should se at least a small difference in set prices which would definitely be good for us buyers.

  5. It's a good thing that they won't be guzzling oil. It means that Lego can still exist even after (if) we deplete all the world's oil. My only concernis that the new material might not be as durable as ABS and could deteriorate over time. That said, go Lego! It's great to see a large company trying to reduce their footprint.

  6. Taken from BS01,


    Toa and other beings wear Great masks, which offer a stronger mask power, and are made from level 8 Kanoka disks, though they may still use a Noble Mask with ease.


    This, does not, however, answer where the Toa Mata got their Noble Masks. That I'm not sure of.

    That partially answers my question. I remember reading that they gave the Noble Masks they had to the Turaga. Thanks for helping, though.

  7. This question may sound really stupid, but I think I remember hearing that not everything in MNOLG is canon. That brought up a question about Kanohi. I was wondering, can the Toa use Noble Kanohi? In some scenes in MNOLG, a Toa uses a Noble Kanohi (when Onua uses a matatu to get Lewa's Miru back). I've never heard about a toa using a noble kanohi in any other circumstances. Can someone please confirm whether or not Toa can use Noble Kanohi?

  8. I definitely would not get rid of my Bionicle sets. They were my entire childhood, so there's no way I could part with them no matter how old I get. When/if I have kids, I would definitely try to pass them down through the generations.

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