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Great Being Velika

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Posts posted by Great Being Velika




    The ones that used to break the most for me were mostly 2008-'09 sets. Cheaper plastic was the downfall for them.

    Except that the brittleness of 2008 joints had nothing to do with cheap plastic. It was a flaw in the geometries of the joint redesign, because it made the brittleness of previous joints worse.


    Yeah. I did notice that they redesigned the joints, but to the best of my knowledge, the only ones from '07 that would break on a regular basis were the lime green ones. You're saying that Lego actually made them all WORSE when they redesigned them?


    The lime ones were the ones with the greatest tendency to break (due to a large batch of lime parts that did not cool properly), but the 7m double ball cups were more brittle than the other "rectangular" varieties with the slits even before then. Then in 2008 all styles of ball cups were changed to a new version without slits (it's not clear why, but my brother has hypothesized that the newer versions provided a tighter connection but unintentionally were put under more stress as a result). "Cheap plastic" didn't enter into the equation in any year, since production errors and design flaws don't reduce costs for Lego at any stage, and the plastic formulation remained the same throughout.


    That's completely my mistake then. I was just jumping to conclusions. Come to think of it, I remember my redesigned joints did hold better than the old ones.


    The ones that used to break the most for me were mostly 2008-'09 sets. Cheaper plastic was the downfall for them.

    Except that the brittleness of 2008 joints had nothing to do with cheap plastic. It was a flaw in the geometries of the joint redesign, because it made the brittleness of previous joints worse.


    Yeah. I did notice that they redesigned the joints, but to the best of my knowledge, the only ones from '07 that would break on a regular basis were the lime green ones. You're saying that Lego actually made them all WORSE when they redesigned them?

  3. This is also true for the Rahkshi kraata. There were several different (I can't remember the exact number) molds used on the krana, then different colour patterns and stuff like that.

    There was a different one in each set.

    With the kraata, there were the six different types available in sets with six different power levels and then there were all the different kraata randomly inserted in the kraata boosters that were not available in any set.

  4. It's all up to you. Personally, I would open it but keep the box. Thats what I do with all my new sets. If you truly can't bear opening it, just buy a cheap used one off ebay and play with that and not open the new one.

  5. Does anyone know how lame hero factory is, well I do. I mean take a look at the story behind it: We are robots who fight evil, oh no new and more powerful evil has come, let's make ourselves bigger but not much more powerful to fight the evil! We got him, oh no more evil, hey this time let's have an animal theme. Even though hero factory is Lego I still find it to be a total Bionicle revamp (and a bad one at that). So I will not purposely go out and buy a Hero factory. I've gotten some as gifts but that was before I had this opinion of hero factory!

    The thing with your point of view is that you consider HF to be a revamp of bionicle. After it ended, Bionicle sort of split into two directions: HF and Ninjago. I'm starting to think that people see HF as a "knockoff" of Bionicle because the figures visual apparance resembles that of Bionicle. What HF bashers don't seem to understand is that HF is not a reincarnation of Bionicle; it's completely different. It was made for younger kids so that they would have buildible action figures without having to know a very complex story to go with it. I've noticed that the lack of a deep backstory (and therefore a lack of character depth) can not keep people as emotionally attached to the theme and those people therefore will criticize it more. Another reason is the nostalgia associated with Bionicle. You most likely started with Bionicle when you were a little kid, so therefore are able to look back and reminisce about Bionicle. Since HF is a new theme, it does not have the same nostalgia as Bionicle. Just think that in a fer years once HF is discontinued, the kids who were obsessed over it when they were, say, five will hold HF in the same high regard as Bionicle. Just my two cents on the whole issue. Good day.



    P.S. It's been four years. Most have accepted the fact that Bionicle has been discontinued.





    Edit: Qualifier in the P.S. removed due to having been reported.


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    It's got to be the story that holds me back. I've always liked technic sets more than system sets, so Ninjago and Chima to a lesser extent are out of the question. I'm not much of a fan of HF's new(er) building system, but I'm finding that it's pretty fun. The one thing that kept me into Bionicle for all these years was/is the extensive and deep storyline. Even though HF has a storyline, it is episodical and can't "pull you in" like the Bionicle story. Bionicle had this certain air of mystery to it that HF doesn't have. You actually had to dig deep to find the charaters' true intentions (Makuta's plan took 8 years before it became fully known). Until Lego strikes that perfect balance of set quality and captivating storyline (in a constraction theme, of course), I personally don't think we'll be seeing a new Bionicle-like theme.


    Very true, but it was also the very complex story that at least partly led to Bionicle's end. A new line would have to strike some kind of balance between complexity and simplicity.



    Like Ninjago!

    Yes. Ninjago is a perfect example of a good story, but I was talking about constraction-only lines.

  7. It's got to be the story that holds me back. I've always liked technic sets more than system sets, so Ninjago and Chima to a lesser extent are out of the question. I'm not much of a fan of HF's new(er) building system, but I'm finding that it's pretty fun. The one thing that kept me into Bionicle for all these years was/is the extensive and deep storyline. Even though HF has a storyline, it is episodical and can't "pull you in" like the Bionicle story. Bionicle had this certain air of mystery to it that HF doesn't have. You actually had to dig deep to find the charaters' true intentions (Makuta's plan took 8 years before it became fully known). Until Lego strikes that perfect balance of set quality and captivating storyline (in a constraction theme, of course), I personally don't think we'll be seeing a new Bionicle-like theme.

  8. I was so close to actually seeing it when the previous owner brought it to his store to display one last time before he sold it (I live an hour away from his store). Alas, I was out of town that weekend, so it's great that the piece has remained in the Lego community so that one day, I might have the chance too see it in person. Congratulations to Mask Collector for hitting the ultimate Bionicle jackpot.

  9. OMG!!! It's amazing! I visit the old owner's store pretty frequently and he told me that someone was pretty close to buying it, but I didn't know it was you. He posted on facebook that he would be displaying it at his store before he sold it yesterday, but I was out of town. On topic, That is completely amazing that you have it, and my most true congratulations on sticking to your ambition and fulfilling your goal of buying that mask. I hope you treasure it for years to come.

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