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Blog Comments posted by SkyLandOceAnna

  1. Originally, I expected #1 to possibly be Amy Pond or River Song, due to you liking Doctor Who. Since you mentioned liking this person before Chloe Sullivan, I tried thinking of older ones, and so far I found five possibilities:


    1. Ellen Ripley(Sigourney Weaver): Alien


    2. Catwoman(Michelle Pfeiffer): Batman Returns


    3. Leeloo(Milla Jovovich): The Fifth Element


    4. Princess Leia Organa(Carrie Fischer): Star Wars Trilogy


    5. Jordan O'Neill(Demi Moore): G.I. Jane

  2. I have yet to see this movie, but from what you described Molly as being, I would give her a title of innocence. When I think of innocence, I also think of purity, which in my opinion, gives someone a greater level of imagination. I also think of children, because there is so much we don't know when we are that young, and we have to learn as we grow from our surroundings. We often imagine what life will be like when we grow up and constantly change our future and hopes and dreams. We think of all the new things we'll be able to do once we are of a certain age and once we become that age, we often refer back to what we used to be like and how we wanted so badly to be where we are now.

    I hope what I stated makes sense to others and I am open to any comments regarding my statement. Thank you!

  3. With how Jean described Lex as being rich and using his money and power against his enemies makes me think of him as Batman, except for the part of using it against whom is considered the good guy.

    With what Lew stated, I agree that Batman has abandoned the ideals that we continue to see in Superman.

    I am truly living this debate.

  4. My vote is most definitely Superman. He is the kind of guy that children can look up to. He gives hope, because he shows that you don't have to be rich and able to buy or own expensive gadgets to be a hero, you just have to use what you were born with. Don't get me wrong. I like Batman too, but if I were to make a list, Superman would come out on top. When Wayne becomes Batman, his personality becomes different or darker, especially in these more recent movies. He becomes more aggressive and violent and filled with rage. As Bruce, he is mainly shown as a spoiled heir who doesn't care about his wealth and just spends. That certainly isn't always a bad thing though, like when he gives it to a charity or childrens' home. However, when Superman becomes Clark, he is still the same person. He was born with his abilities, so when he dons the glasses and changes suits, he becomes his secret identity, but still keeps the same personality. He doesn't change in order to become the hero, but stays true to who he is. Thank you!

  5. Alright, so I listened to multiple songs sung by both performancers, so as to not base my answer on one performance. With the kind of music they were performing, I prefer to hear the emotion the lyrics are meant to bring and be able to connect to the music, but only one did that for me. I enjoyed the other voice as well, because it was a deeper voice, but that doesn't work with all the songs I listened to, which is probably why I couldn't feel the emotion and connect. So my vote is for Colm Wilkinson! Thank you!

  6. So from my understanding, which may be wrong, radicals believe in something to the extreme. If this be true, then I can see why it would be characterized as not being itself bad or being good. I think in some cases, it could be construed as good as long as the extremity of it doesn't go overboard, where it would then appear bad. As with your opinion on relationships, I am exactly the same way, and I have been told by my friends that it is too extreme for them, just because they have had sex and kissed and held hands. I, however, don't believe such things should be done until at least marriage. I don't mind them trying to change my mind, but they never will, and hopefully they'll get used to that fact. I think that society has changed a lot and that people are doing these things at younger ages as the years go by and that it is affecting many lives as such. I understand it is their decision, so I won't judge, because it isn't my duty. I just wish things could be like they used to in this instance. Thank you!

  7. I've never been lucky when it comes to the concept of relationships. I've never even been on a date, sad to say. Recently, however, I was sitting at lunch with my friends in mid-conversation, when a man walked by. I saw him out of the corner of my eye and froze in thought and turned and watched. He isn't like normal men, he goes against what my friends consider to be the social norms in society, but that just made him better. I hadn't ever talked to him or seen him before that, but in that moment, I had never been so scared and curious. I watched from afar for awhile, while my friends constantly ridicule me for liking someone and being too afraid to even talk to him. I have never felt that way toward a guy, so when the chance came because my friends had a friend that knew him quite well, I hid. I knew that their friend had told him however, it was so obvious by the way they acted. A boyfriend of one of my friends earlier that day went up to him and got his number and later my sister did, turns out the number was wrong. No wonder he didn't answer. Though disappointed, I wanted to break my fear, because I'd heard his friends talk about him and heard him a couple times for myself. He seemed intelligent, charismatic, nonhumanistic, sincere, and honest, so I wanted to be braver. I even got the chance to talk to him once, because my friends thought they were sneaky, but I didn't quickly leave or hide. It was really great, but once again my nerves got the better of me and I couldn't act like my usual self and just listened, which was fine with me. He had great ideals and he wasn't afraid to act out what he wanted to say and when people looked, I thought 'at least he's not afraid of what others think', which made me think of myself. My friends didn't understand why I was so taken with him, having only talked to him once and watched from afar, but I didn't care what they thought. I don't completely understand it myself, but I really wanted a chance, even if it turned bad. Initially, I believed that it's better to wait for the right one, instead of going through a billion guys to avoid heartbreak, but I thought he could be someone great to have a relationship with. I guess that's what caring for someone is, knowing that you want something good for them even if something good doesn't happen for you in return. Or taking a chance even having met only once, but hoping the other would see your commitment and give you a chance, even if you knew it wouldn't turn out how you hoped. So I gave his friends things I hoped he would like, just hoping to make him smile when he received them. I eventually gave him my number as well, this in more of a selfish state. Sad to say, he never called, but he wasn't much for his phone. He even yelled at it once. LOL! My time at the place where we both could see each other was coming to an end (I only have a couple days left) and although I know it was selfish of me and I was scared, I had his friend talk to him to ask him to meet me. I waited for an hour, but texted his friend at half an hour, saying I was leaving, but he didn't show. I shouldn't have stayed that extra half an hour, because I knew the result would be the same. But it was the last time, I told my sister, I would think about him, and I just wanted to hold on to for a bit more. I had learned a lot about him, about his past, his character, his religion, his political view, some of his favorites, his artistic and writing abilities, but he knew nothing of me in return. I keep hoping that's why he didn't show, maybe if he would've gotten to know me better, if I wasn't so scared of a guy, that he would have shown up. Still something I read tells me he probably wouldn't have either way. I know I said I wasn't supposed to think about him anymore, but it's really hard not to. Like I mentioned earlier, he's not like other guys, so I feel my situation is like that song by Katy Perry, 'The One That Got Away'. Now all I will have is memories of that one night where he talked and I listened. And for my final couple of days, I'll have to try and avoid him, so I don't have to feel remorse for letting this great guy go. He truly was great and I wish him the best of luck in his future endeavors and in finding the one for him, after he completes school of course. Good luck to you too Jean Valjean! Thank you! :

  8. I wouldn't say I was bullied in high school, but I was one of the social outcasts because I didn't follow the social conforms held in society today. I didn't dress like the popular people(I wore what I wanted, even if they thought it silly) and I dislike makeup. I do wear it occasionally, but I believe God intended for us to be the way we are and there is no use hiding it. The only interaction I would get with popular people was when they wanted help on their homework that they waited til the last second to complete or if we played Jeopardy in our science class. As for the person above me mentioned, you should definitely "turn the other cheek" and look at it from their angle. There may be a deeper reason as to why they bully. They could've been bullied themselves or there could be a social or family issue that lead them to inflicting pain on others.

  9. I personally haven't found it boring thus far, even in the beginning. People just want to get to the climax and don't seem to understand the importance of the little things that build up to it or occur because of it. There is always those subtle cues that many people tend to overlook because they want that big change in the story that gives the "oh" factor. I also definitely understand the errors that come from being awake that long and writing when I should be sleeping. You should've seen this one script part I wrote once that late...I don't remember it completely, but I do remember wondering how I screwed up what I wanted it to say. Thank you!

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