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Toa Of Anarchy

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Posts posted by Toa Of Anarchy

  1. Just to make sure that everyone is clear with this, the offical Size of Mata-Nui (Island) is 303.91 miles long and 151.53 miles wide.

    Metru-Nui is 65 times smaller(!) 40.51 miles long and 20.43 miles wide.



    New York State is 468 square miles with a population of 8.254 Million people(!)

    Even though I agree that the island of Mata Nui did not have 8 million inhabitants, I am just trying to put it in a little bit of a perspective.

  2. Cipaldi will DEFINITLY have ot earn my support as the doctor, I thought there would be a old guy sometime.

    Question though, what about John Hurt? I thought he was going to play the un-doctor doctor in the upcoming 50th? I bet Moffat will come up with some way in which to make it that the bad doctor never really happend or something.

    What do you guys think?

  3. Both of those masks are totally AWESOME! I wish 3d printing was done more often, maybe that could bring down the price of

    custom Kanohi. Unfortunatly, I don't have any awesome masks to show. Does anyone know of any sites where I could get some?

  4. If you read the Mutran chronicles, you discover that both Mutran and Chirox are making very disgusting and usless creatures. The Makuta have never been well.....Nice. Ecspecially Teridax who released wild archive Rahi on Matoran villagers during the Matoran War. So to put it simply, Makuta have never been good. They might not have openly rebeled against Mata Nui then but they were still harsh and cruel and would have no problem with designing a creature that could cause harm.

    Also it is possible that many of these Rahi have adapted to their surroundings (not sure of the reproductive cycle of Rahi though) and thus became more dangerous.

  5. IC Turi

    Turi groaned and tightened his ear muffs over his head. As a Toa of Sonics, he found the noise and bustle of Po-Wahi quite nauseating. he sat himself down next to a small stall. He closed his eyes, trying to block out the traumatic memories that kept flooding into his mind. Even if he succeeded at that, he knew he would never be able to forget the pain in his left leg.

    Turi looked down and saw a small insect. His Sonic powers detected that the small insect was chirping loudly, trying to be noticed.

    Without really noticing, Turi started humming the same small tune back to it.

  6. Name Forbus


    Species Toa


    Element Sonics


    Description Forbus is of medium height and build, he has grey and black armor and bright yellow eyes. Because of a accident in his past, his left leg is badly damaged and weak. This of course inhibits his running speed and jump ability. He does walk with a limp.


    Gender Male


    Power and Weapons/Equipment Forbus has all the elemental powers of a normal Toa of Sonics as well as weaknesses. He carries a telescope with him everywhere and will usually have a set of writing materials as well. For weapons Forbus has a bamboo disc launcher. Forbus always carries a set of ear plugs, which have a auto tune device that absorbs noises and then tunes them down for his ears, although this process takes a second or so so he has slightly delayed hearing. If this device is broken it will cease to function.


    Mask Kanohi Iden Mask of Spirit


    Alignment. Public Good


    History Forbus has worked for many political leaders in his life time. He has also been involved in war. Serving as a High Level strategist for many different small Toa Wars on small islands. Forbus was never stationed with a Toa team but rather was designed to help rule small island chains in the Southern Islands. He resigned his post and traveled up to Mata Nui looking for more important work.


    Personality Is a natural orator and tactician. He doesn't do much fighting, but rather spends his time planning in Battle. Forbus can be considered a Bionicle "Lobbyist" as he is known for pushing many Akiri and Turaga to adopt certain public policies. He seeks to become a influential member of the ruling society of Mata Nui. He hopes only to benefit the public good, even at cost to himself.


    Weakness Damaged leg, aversion to loud noises.




    Name: Otokax

    Species: Ta-Matoran

    Gender: Male

    Weaknesses: He can be distracted very easily. He is very treacherous, even though he works for the "good guys" He has a weak left hand.

    Alignment: Chaotic Good

    Personality: Otokax is someone too keep your eye on, He can be rather crazy at times and maybe treachorus. He is usually somewhat crabby and negative.

    Weapons: He carries a short dagger that he fashioned from the teeth of a dead rahi he found once. He now carries a short sword with a dagger at the end that he bought from Solis' shop.

    Description: This

    History: Otokax works as a a map maker and seller at Ta-Koro. He will occasionly travel around Mata Nui to make more maps for his small shop.

    Name Tigan

    Species Toa

    Description Green and light blue armor, mask in the shape of a Kiril. Rather small overall, very long limbs.

    Gender Male

    Mask The Mask of Rebounding

    Powers. Elemental power of Jungle.

    Weapons. Bamboo Disc launcher. Upgraded to fire 3 at once if desired. Spring loaded.

    Weakness Not physically strong, needs to be around plants for good elemental control.

    History Tigan worked as a Rahi tamer, commonly taming Rahi and selling them as pets. Tigern has spent most of his life in Le-Wahi caring for injured Rahi.

    Personality and Traits Tigan is quiet and thoughtful. He is a good team player always ready to make suggestions or follow orders.

  7. Just to check, I went to BS01 gravity page and I didn't find anything claiming that gravity one of the rarer elements.


    However upon checking the powers that gravity Toa have, I could well understand the GB going easy on the Gravity Element.


    For example Hewkii, just with the mask of gravity, lifted the Coliseum off the ground long enough for the Hagah to get under it. Even


    though the Hewkii passed out, the Coliseum is still a massive building. I can see why the GB would be careful making to many of


    beings with such power.


    And an abrupt stop means a huge decelaration, which his shield may or may not survive, and also the physcal jolt onhis body(assuming it works that way), hence the physically-handicapped part.


    The shield is virtually irrelevant in this situation. It doesn't matter how the fall stops, just how abrupt it stops.


    Agreed. Tahus heating of the air didn't work instantly so he didn't break his back plus I bet it required alot less energy to use.

    Funny how smart the Toa are, and I thought that great heros don't pay attention in class :P

  9. MNOG1 I find to be one of the easiest games I ever played, maybe its just because I've played it so much that I know excactly what to do. Matoran Escape for some reason I find very difficult, but Piraka attack, a breeze mostly.

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