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Toa Of Anarchy

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Posts posted by Toa Of Anarchy

  1. IC Triorahk

    As Triorahk mentally searched for any type of useful Rahi, he came upon the mind of a Artakha Bull. He reached out with his mind at caused it to immediately start to climb up the building (inside of it :P) He enhanced it current bad naturedness and fueled its anger so by the time it would reach the top, it would destroy the Toa. He landed on the building and hurriedly sprinted into a corner (Chameleon still active) and was inexplicably knocked over by some unknown object.

    OOC Thats you turtleman XD

  2. OOC The blasts weren't really meant to be accurate, more to keep you occupied.

    IC Monorahk

    As Monorahk lowered his density back to normal, he considered his options. He could easily escape using his power of density control or he could stay and fight. After thinking for a moment, he decided that even though he would love to stay and pick his death with the Toa, a billion squads of Vahki weren't something to joke about. Before he could make a move however, a great blast shook the building, throwing him to his feet.


    IC Triorahk and Duorahk

    As they approached the building, duorahk saw Three Toa standing on the roof, and a body laying a short ways away from them. (OOC The body of the NPC Toa of Plasma)


    "I believe that our brother has fallen Duorahk." Sighed Triorahk. "At the least we can avenge him and show these Toa scum how they are to treat the Sons of Shadow!"

    Duorahk fired a heavy gravity strike at the building causing it to shake. After he had fired it, he began to use his Hunger power on what appeared to be a Toa of Sonics.

    Triorahk activated his chameleon powers and began searching for nearby Rahi he could use.

  3. IC Triorahk and Duorahk

    "Why is it that we always end up in green places? On Destral we got the forest patrol, in Karda Nui we had swamp duty, and now here! This big green city! I like the color but why do we always come to Le-Metru whenever we are around Duorahk." Asked Triorahk


    "I thought you liked living things Triorahk?" Replied Duorahk with a little tinge of sarcasm.


    "Don't be a fool. You know as well as I do that nothing is less precious than life, with the exclusion of our superior race's life of course."


    "Of course."


    Suddenly, a bright flash erupted from the roof of a nearby building and a familiar scream.


    "A Rahkshi!?" Exclaimed Triorahk. "One of our brothers is in trouble, if it is possible. We should go to his aide, who knows, there maybe Toa to kill."


    "Lets roll then" Agreed Duorahk.


    Triorahk and Duorahk both mounted their staffs and set a straight course for the top of the building where the scream and the light had come from.

  4. IC Monorahk

    Monorahk grinned. "Agreed" He snarled at the Toa. Than dropped his own density and fell through the floor into the building. He saw a lightstone go hurling over his head as he looked up. He screamed and cringed as a great flash of light shook the building. Using his magnetism powers, Monorahk hurled blasts in the direction of where both Toa were.

  5. OOC It actually was my intention that his radar wasn't working. Not sure why I did though :spank:

    IC Ambroden

    Ambroden quickly activated his stealth mode and began firing at the Sonic Phantom.

  6. As he neared the downed Mech, Ambroden began to slow down. He scanned his radar for enemy mechs, not a blip. He radioed to all nearby Mechs. Guys, I'm not getting any signs of enemy mechs in the area, any of you got something?

  7. IC Otokax

    :OMG: Otokax stared where the dagger had been a couple of seconds ago.

    "If you have such powers" He said. "Why aren't you running you own blacksmith shop? You'd be rich quick! To materials to pay for, to effort in making the weapons. You could sell stuff for half the price of this place! How much would you want for a Kanoka Disc with my face on it?

  8. IC Otokax

    "Oh, sorry didn't see you there." Otokax said as he abruptly turned a corner in the shop and almost slammed into a tall Toa of Iron wearing sleek black and gold armor. "Are you the one who runs this shop?" He asked trepidatiously. I'm going on a long journey and I need some decent weapons." He knew that if the Toa wasn't the owner he would likely be offended.

  9. Name: Duorahk

    Gender: Unkown

    Species: Rahkshi

    Faction: None

    Kraata Power: Hunger

    Armor Power: Gravity

    Other Powers: Can Fly on staff, infect masks with Kraata if touched.

    Appearance: A blue body with silver limbs. Is about the size of the Rahkshi in MoLEquipment: Duorahk carries a Rahkshi StaffBiography: Due to the success with the accidental creation of a fused Kraata, the Makuta attempted to do the same twice more, however, the process was stopped when it was discovered that this fusion caused the Rahkshi created to lose their alligence to the Makuta. Duorahk and Triorahk were the only two created other than Monorahk.Personality: Duorahk is a Rahkshi, however, he has lost most of the beastlyness of one and has learned to speak Matoran fairly well. Duorahk though has kept all the cunning and fighting skill of one.

    Skills/Strengths: Duorahk is a Stage 6 Kraata. Weaknesses: Dourahk hates light.


    Name: Triorahk

    Gender: Unkown

    Species: Rahkshi

    Faction: None

    Kraata Power: Chameleon

    Armor Power: Rahi Control

    Other Powers: Triorahk can fly on his staff if it is undamaged.

    Appearance: Magenta body and limbs.Equipment: Rahkshi StaffBiography: Due to the success with the accidental creation of a fused Kraata, the Makuta attempted to do the same twice more, however, the process was stopped when it was discovered that this fusion caused the Rahkshi created to lose their alligence to the Makuta. Duorahk and Triorahk were the only two created other than Monorahk.Personality: Triorahk's only goal is to "free" the Rahkshi from the control of the Makuta. To do this, he believes that he must find some sort of light solution that will cause the Rahkshi to think and act outside of the Makuta's will. He currently works with the wild Rahkshi in Metru Nui.

    Strength: Level 6 KraataWeaknesses: Hates Light and loud noises.

  10. IC: StroninStronin turned another page of the book he was reading. As usual, nobody was visiting the forge, giving him nothing to do.Ooc: Open for interaction.

    OOC Hope nobody has taken you yet :)

    IC Otokax

    Otokax strolled into the forge. "Hello?" He called out. It looked like nobody was home. He walked around looking at the fine collections of weapons and disks on the wall.

  11. OOC Lorax, I hope this is what you meant.

    IC Monorahk

    Monorahk fell, struck by a blow to the side by a unknown opponent. He magneticly summoned his staff as he stared at the new visitor. Another Toa?! This was getting out of hand. He sent a crushing magnetic attack on the Toa of Sonic's right arm. trying to crumple it to bits. After he had already fired the blast, he lowered the density of the floor around him and raised his own to counter balence.

    OOC I'm not thinking the entire floor here, maybe just 5-10 feet around him if thats ok.

    My guy is stage 6 so here are his powers for Magnetism so you don;t have to look them up :)

    Stage 6: Possesses magnetic powers strong enough to tear a slab of protodermis in two.

  12. OOC Lorax, I know I edited my post but I did say that the floor and baisicly become unable to hold weight, so your guy should be falling, not swinging his sword at me, unless I missed something.

    @turtleman, not saying its impossible, but how does Baun use his Magnetic powers to lift himself up?

  13. OOC I think I should give Baun a chance with my attack before I deal with yours or the inevitable Lorax's.

    EDIT Never mind lol



    Monorahk was expecting this, he dropped to the floor as the beam of Plasma shot over his head. As he clutched the floor, a idea came to him. He dropped the density of the floor (and raised his own to counter balence).

    OOC To be more clear, my guy lowered the floor's density of the floor so you guys would fall right through it, unless you can levitate or whatever. Lorax, I hope this works since technically he is touching the floor.

  14. OOC Never mind, I'm not sure if he is online right now so I'm not going to hold everyone up.

    IC Monorahk

    Monorahk screamed as vibrations ripped through his staff. He through it down. Although weakend by the lose of his weapon, Monorahk knocked the Toa of Magnetism's sword aside and followed with a magneticly enhaced kick at his right shin.

    OOC Any Dark Hunter help? Anoyone? *gulp gulp* *scrambles to start writing knew Dark Hunter profile* lol

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