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Makuta of Time

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Status Updates posted by Makuta of Time

  1. 95 notifications, what's going on here!

    1. Dr. Giggles PhD

      Dr. Giggles PhD

      I logged on once with 116 notifications. XD

    2. Makuta of Time

      Makuta of Time

      0_0 That's a lot.

  2. I'll be coming home, just to be ALONE!

    1. Makuta of Time

      Makuta of Time

      Cause I know you're not there, and I know that you don't CARE!

    2. Makuta of Time

      Makuta of Time

      I can hardly wait, to, leave THIS PLACE!

    3. Makuta of Time

      Makuta of Time

      No matter how hard I try, never satisfied!

  3. I wish someone said something about my DoomsDay short story in OTC.

    1. CeeCee


      Ill read your short story if you read "Sometimes I Dream"


    2. Makuta of Time

      Makuta of Time

      I read it yesterday. It's pretty interesting.

  4. Vote for Zexlar in BBCC 64.

    1. Zacian


      When's the voting gonna start anyway?

  5. Kandosii sa kra'ta, Vode An. (One indomitable heart, Brothers all.)

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Makuta of Time

      Makuta of Time

      Bal kote, darasuum kote. (And glory, eternal glory.)

    3. Makuta of Time

      Makuta of Time

      Jorso'ran kando a tome. (We shall bear its weight together.)

    4. Zacian


      What language is that?

  6. The secret side of me, I never let you see. I keep it caged but I can't control it.

    1. Sybre


      So stay away from me. The beast is ugly. It comes awake and I just can't hold it.

    2. Makuta of Time

      Makuta of Time

      There's scratches on the walls. In the closet, in the halls. It comes awake and I can't control it. (It should be I feel the rage Sybre.)

    3. Zacian


      Like being stuck in your'e room for hours. Like a princess locked away in a tower. With no shower.

  7. I really want to create a Bionicle game, but I don't know how to make ONE.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Zacian
    3. Dual Cee

      Dual Cee

      I perfectly know how to make a game, only have never found the right program to do it :(

    4. Makuta of Time

      Makuta of Time

      Cause I want to make one using Unity 3D. Since all the Bionicle games are in 3D.

  8. Why do I feel the sudden urge of love. (On April 21 I can make a name change.)

  9. Ever since I got the title of Seeker, I wanted to change my name. But now I'm going to wait a long time just so I can rename myself. But hey, that's life.

  10. My dream from December 21 is here. Check it out.

  11. Love the new av. Is it a character in your comic?

  12. I am the most laziest writer ever. Anyways, Chapter 3 is out. So check it out.

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. CeeCee


      Ill have to read it.

    3. Makuta of Time

      Makuta of Time

      It's my first time writing what I have in my head of my self-moc's story. (If I remember it all.)

    4. CeeCee


      Im pretty new to writting. WaM was my first series, but thats discontinued. I am probably most proud of Colonies writing, but the story I have for TGLoMN is really in depth, I just have trouble getting it on paper. I have just stared a new off topic one as well.

  13. What should I change my name too?

  14. YES, I FINALLY BEAT DARIUS FLYNT. (Flaredrick) => Cheater, you had it on easy.(murmurs) Crash Dummy. (Me) => Say it again, and you'll become spare parts.

  15. I SHALL BEAT DARIUS FLYNT IN THE SHOWDOWN. (Flaredrick comes in) Sorry folks he's just mad, because he couldn't beat him last night. (murmurs) Crash Dummy. (Me) I heard that.

  16. She's the Spirit of the Night

  17. I am a seeker (of my past)

  18. Well I'm not feeling to happy on both tests today. Tomorrow, P.E. test. Easy as pie.

  19. Algebra and English exams are today. I hope I pass them.

  20. Should I change my name?

  21. 37 notifications O_o. Also just finished my Biology and French exam.

  22. For 2 whole hours, no notifications from anything that I follow.

  23. She's a silver lining, lone ranger riding through an open space.

  24. Chapter 1 is out. Check it out, I could really use a review.

  25. Just a heads up. I'll be on hiatus on June 13-16. I'll be going to a convention in Laredo. So don't be alarmed when I'm not online those 3 days.

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