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Makuta of Time

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Everything posted by Makuta of Time

  1. Baby please don't gooooooooo!!! It was a blast Zakaro.
  2. Great. I missed the tournament. I'll have to wait next month to go at it again. Tahu targets Blaster
  3. I'll register Mata Nui once again. Mata Nui attacks Pridak
  4. IC: Potas "Urgh." The Toa of Stone grumbled as he looled at his card one last time before he revealed his card he had chosen for the answer. His answer was not the best it seemed from all the other cards, but he didn't know that since he wasn't looking when everyone revealed them. His card said, 'Objects that Hahli supposidly lost'.
  5. I want to see more epic battles in the next season. Give it the Michael Bay explosions tretament.
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