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Everything posted by slifer3000

  1. Where did you get that number from? (Mainly curious for sake of my history retelling.) BS01's timeline only says "100,000+ Years ago", without saying anything about how long the "plus" was, so I have had to avoid the issue, but got the sense it was much shorter than that. As far as the timeline states, all we know is that it cannot have been more than 50,000 years since that's how long before the first number the prototype robot was built. The GS wasn't built in one day. My guess is it must've taken a few thousand years, probably 20,000. Just a guess though. We know that the Toa Mata are older than 100,000, bc they were in Karda-Nui before their slumber, meaning the GS was not awake. Also, Takua is a perfect example for lifespan of a Matoran, even if he is a Toa. He is at least 100,000+ years old.
  2. The whole idea that the Toa were ALLOWED to let the GS awaken, I really don't subscribe to. The Makuta did not want the Toa to reawaken him, or something might be done wrong and Teridax might not have won.
  3. Well the MU sat on SM for a few thousand years, like, twenty thousand right? And it has been filled with life since near day one. So Takua could be upwards near 110,000.
  4. But they didn't look anything like the sets. I would have them look more like the Toa from the animated commercials. And for certain masks, i would have a mouth piece that moves as they talk, like the Kakama, but for the Hau, i would have the 'mouth' just be a hole and have the actual mouth of the Toa be seen and move behind it.
  5. ooooooh the rahkshi levels. I thought you meant there was a chart for Toa too.
  6. Well, Level Three or Four is probably Toa level. Five is probably on equal footing with a Toa Nuva, and Six is stronger. Where is this chart of power levels?
  7. Where is the line between elemental power and just power? Rahkshi can have elements or just powers, and so can Kanohi, so where is the difference?
  8. I always thought fear was the deadliest to a Toa team.
  9. I would make the characters not look so... ick. They looked like cartoons, not biomechanical bosses. I would have them look just like the toys. I mean maybe add more details to make them look more realistic, but no other changes.
  10. OK, so how powerful are Rahkshi? Equal to the average Toa?And how some some Rahkshi control elements (ex. Su-Rahkshi) and some control just random powers? It was hard for the Toa Nuva, the ultimate Toa, to defeat them, but later in the story they are easy to subdue. Maybe the six Rahkshi used on the Toa Nuva were the most dangerous?
  11. I meant that the Makuta often acted more formal, thus not swearing, though the Barraki and Piraka might out of anger. I also dont see how it makes it more mature. I swear a lot but I dont think very highly of it, its just a bad habbit. I dont think we would see much swearing, if any. Some of the more... "offensive" words would defintly not be used. If its not used in the Walking Dea, it wont be used in Bio. Depends on who is producing it. If I have my way and convince someone to let me produce a Bionicle film when I am older, I might let the Toa slip one or two light words, nothing heavy. I wouldn't have all the Barraki swear. Pridak would not. Kalmah would not. I wouldn't have Carapar cuss. He's been too mentally degraded to get as angry as some of the other Barraki. Takadox would, Mantax maybe. Probably Ehlek. I think all of the Piraka would cuss except Zaktan.
  12. I know what you meant and I disagreed with it, saying not all Makuta are so formal. ex. Icarax + Mutran
  13. Chro, about the Makuta not cussing, I disagree. I don't think Teridax, Antroz, or Krika would cuss, but Icarax and Mutran surely would. I can imagine the Toa Mata doing it, and through the years have it slowly fade until they don't cuss at all.
  14. Yeah I thought that too I thought the Skrall were just too powerful.
  15. But didn't Ackar beat Skralls (do we put an S on the end of Skrall plural?) in the Arena?
  16. Well I know the Skrall Glatorian were able to beat most others right?
  17. He died long ago though. I meant in recent times, just a few years before Mata Nui's arrival.
  18. I am just wondering, who is the best Glatorian? Not opinion, just who was the hardest to beat in the Arena? I think it is either Ackar or a Skrall, since Tuma and Stronius didn't do arena battles. Anyone know?
  19. Notice, they almost had the story blown in 2002 with the three finger idea.
  20. Where does it say you need eyesight in the first place?
  21. I watched it on that one site where every video in the world is located on. Yep, he says it.
  22. Well we know they can wear them. I was wondering if they could use their powers.
  23. They could see through the Matoran? I thought they could only give them directions. And that's ironic, I just finished re-reading the 08 books.
  24. Could Antroz or any of the three blind baddies wear an Akaku?
  25. So I just started looking into throwbots recently. I got a few as a kid, I was two-three at the time. I remember getting a tall yellow one for my friend for his bday in kindergarten. I learned later that it was blaster. Anyways, does anyone know the storyline to those guys? All I know is that the Slizers version made more sense and would make for a better story, being one joined planet. I know a meteor hit it and knocked it in half. Anything else happen after that?
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