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Everything posted by slifer3000

  1. Wait wait wait then what was the dark green pool that Axonn fell into that possessed Brutaka in DW? Wasn't that EP?
  2. That can't be so, the Toa Metru faced a staff-less one in the archives and it fired at them, but went blind.
  3. Ehlek and Nocturn were likely both completely changed. Just because you can breathe water, that doesn't mean you can't be mutated vastly by the mutagen.
  4. The virus was inserted in the brain of the MU, deep deep behind Metru Nui. At least, I think that's where it was. It was described that when the MU was hit in the head when Teri was dueling Mata, Makuta's antidermis itself was incinerated by the heat of the meteor. That means that was where his essence itself was, and likely where the virus was also planted.
  5. Oh, I thought only level six could use powers, and only slightly so without a rahkshi. Where did you find that quote?
  6. I meant six was strong, strong enough to use a minute amount of power with no staff. Like the Turahk Kraata can cause a vague unease in its vacinity. What could a heat vision level six kraata do?
  7. Some Rahkshi powers seem like they don't need a staff, like the famous heat vision ones, or power scream ones. What would their staffs do for these Rahkshi? Also, level 6 Kraata can focus their energy in a weak way, so how would a heat vision kraata do this?
  8. I would so love to continue this conversation but it's not really for this thread :l
  9. Meh... I wouldn't say Kopaka beat three Rahkshi by himself. He just had an opening. Onua could kill six at once if they were underground, he'd just crush them. Gali could blast the daylights out of them if she were near the ocean. Tahu could incinerate all of them if he were near a lava stream of which to draw heat from. Kinda off topic, I know, but no one Toa Nuva is stronger than the others. (Don't count Tahu, he's not a normal Toa anymore)
  10. If the staff of fusion were to be fixed couldn't Zaktan and the piraka fusion go back into six Skakdi?
  11. What was the advantage of the Golden Kanohi mask? Didn't they all have six masks at their fingertips anyways?
  12. Legacy for me. Or final battle. My guts were wrenched after reading 7 years of books and seeing my favorite Toa lose? Just as I was expecting an epic win!
  13. Makuta have the six Kal powers which are all elements.
  14. The Makuta have at least six elements that Toa have, though.
  15. They had plenty of power inside of themselves, though. Like I said, Toa energy isn't what did it, it was energy in general by the looks of it.
  16. I imagined them along their legs. all they do is stick the end down their leg and pick it up again and vwalah u have a shot.
  17. Did they use explosive ones for warfare where you are actually trying to kill someone? Also, how did they store extra ammo?
  18. So why did they look upon the Thornax launchers as killers? Remember that the convoy that Strakk told the Skrall was 'lost' ambushed the Skrall, and scared them off with Thornax fire.
  19. Actually, that's not for sure. Remember the Toa did not actually use their energies to awaken the spirit, they found a more powerful source of energy, the Ignika. So the Toa powers weren't required to reawaken the MU.
  20. How lethal are thornax launchers firing a non-explosive thornax? Stronius held Strakk at 'gun' point, as if he could kill him with it in one shot, but they were still allowed in the arena, which made no sense if they could end a battle at the flip of a trigger.
  21. The Makuta could have done it themselves, and they planned to, it seems, by what I have read on BS01.
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