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Status Replies posted by Klanadack

  1. Nothing Here. Just Geese and Cucumbers.

    1. Klanadack


      Are they small cucumbers? Can I make them into PICKLES?!?!

    2. (See 4 other replies to this status update)

  2. Who else thinks that we should have a section on here to post Brickfilms, bionicle related or not?

    1. Klanadack


      I suppose the "Fan created media" section is pretty much this. Oops.

  3. Cool, I got a spinning Vahi next to my name!

    1. Klanadack


      I believe that means that I've been on Bzp for over a year, right.

    2. (See 1 other reply to this status update)

  4. Welcome to BZPower!

    1. Klanadack


      It's nice to see that there are other people who like bionicle!


  5. Bzrpg: Enax is Currently in Po-koro and will take bounty hunting jobs! Msg me if you wish to hire.

    1. Klanadack


      He's not there anymore.

  6. Bacon points to anyone who knows where the new pic is from!

    1. Klanadack


      You win!


      I really wish that the game got finished, the dragon could have been an awesome boss.

    2. (See 2 other replies to this status update)

  7. Bacon points to anyone who knows where the new pic is from!

    1. Klanadack


      Shouldn't be all that hard.

  8. Can somebody give me the scoop on what Bzrpg is? I can't find an article that says anything about what you actually DO.

  9. squeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee my mum saw a bionicle thing at the second-hand store and brought it home and it was Lehvak-Kal YESSSSS

  10. We're still waiting for you in the Pokemon RotR RPG...

    1. Klanadack


      Is that what that flashing bird thing is? A pokemon? Is it's power to give profile viewers seizures????

  11. Misprints! I must have them all!

    1. Klanadack


      Only a red ruru... But I'm sure I'll manage. There's a ton of places I can get spare bionicle parts, so I might find some misprints in those places.

    2. (See 2 other replies to this status update)

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