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Outstanding BZPower Citizens
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Status Replies posted by Underscore

  1. Welcometo BZP :), where the mods close every topic they don't like! and don't run in with BlackSix, or you may be bannnned!

  2. What do you get when you cross a joke and a rhetorical question?

  3. And the name change is complete!


  5. Erm, new spinnies? Interesting. Is mine an orange blade of some kind?

  6. Erm, new spinnies? Interesting. Is mine an orange blade of some kind?

  7. Erm, new spinnies? Interesting. Is mine an orange blade of some kind?

  8. Erm, new spinnies? Interesting. Is mine an orange blade of some kind?

  9. Erm, new spinnies? Interesting. Is mine an orange blade of some kind?

  10. Erm, new spinnies? Interesting. Is mine an orange blade of some kind?

  11. Erm, new spinnies? Interesting. Is mine an orange blade of some kind?

  12. Erm, new spinnies? Interesting. Is mine an orange blade of some kind?

  13. Erm, new spinnies? Interesting. Is mine an orange blade of some kind?

  14. Erm, new spinnies? Interesting. Is mine an orange blade of some kind?

  15. Erm, new spinnies? Interesting. Is mine an orange blade of some kind?

  16. Erm, new spinnies? Interesting. Is mine an orange blade of some kind?

  17. Just noticed the new Bionicle autopsy on TTV. I love listening to those.

  18. YES! yes. Yes! Yes. Yes...Yes. YEEES!

  19. Too many people actually use this thing.

  20. Gravitational waves from the Big Bang have been detected! That's awesome!

  21. Keep up the news reporting. ;) Also, sorry for missing your report of the Hobbit video game demo, I've retroactively listed you as source. :)

  22. One year on BZP. It felt longer than it was.

  23. Ooooh! Look at that shiny Vahi!

  24. When you're tired, everything tastes like red bull.

  25. Kanohi Rau is often considered one of the most useless masks in Bionicle... yet in our world it would be one of the most useful ones.

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