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Jakura Nuva

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Status Replies posted by Jakura Nuva

  1. Do you even pohatu bra?

  2. My life is complete.

  3. Yo dawg, I heard you Bonkles, so I put Bonkles in your Bonkle so you can Bonkle while you Bonkle.

  4. WHOA!? When did I become a lightning voyager!?

  5. I'm starting to miss my old classic profile pic, even if I didn't make it myself. Just have to wait out September.

  6. My life is complete.

  7. http://t.co/pBgBzOEZKt. And it's today that the Hype Train reaches the speed of light.
  8. My life is complete.

  9. My life is complete.


  11. Is not afraid of anything, except dragonslayer great-bow wielding silver knights

  12. Guess which Kakama-wearing comic maker turns 21 today!

  13. Still waiting on dat Bionicle announcement tomorrow. Gonna be sweeeeeet!

  14. Oh, Mata Nui... my post count... THE END IS COMING!!

  15. Oh, Mata Nui... my post count... THE END IS COMING!!

  16. Oh, Mata Nui... my post count... THE END IS COMING!!

  17. Oh, Mata Nui... my post count... THE END IS COMING!!

  18. So wait... is it the Mask of Fate or the Mask of Feat?

  19. So wait... is it the Mask of Fate or the Mask of Feat?

  20. Mask of incineration, activate!

  21. Now... anyone have a Kualsi they'd be willing to sell me?

  22. Now... anyone have a Kualsi they'd be willing to sell me?

  23. I'm starting to miss my old classic profile pic, even if I didn't make it myself. Just have to wait out September.

  24. You know that awkward moment when you see things like "octopus hats" in your Google search history?

  25. Please, Mods... let me have my proto points back :(

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