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Year 10

About Arzaki

  • Birthday 03/21/2000

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    hey i like monster hunter and final fantasy xiv, ask me to play with you so i can feel less lonely

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Swarm Scavenger

Swarm Scavenger (118/293)

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  1. You know that awkward moment when you see things like "octopus hats" in your Google search history?

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Jakura Nuva
    3. Arzaki


      Perhaps you are an octopus, wearing a squid, which is wearing an octopus hat, which is wearing another octopus hat, which is actually you.

    4. Ghidora131


      But what if you are an octopus, wearing a squid, which is wearing an octopus hat, which is wearing another octopus hat, which is actually you, who is wearing another squid, which is wearing an octopus hat, which is wearing another octopus hat, which is really you, who is wearing another squid, which is wearing...


      Jeez, this could go on forever.

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