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Status Updates posted by Renzari

  1. Make sure to follow my socials!




  2. Keep forgetting to check this site once in a while

    1. Voxumo


      What even is that before I even pretend to press the link?

    2. JAG18


      Free MP3 downloads for video and PC game soundtracks. In other words a genre of music I have no interest in so I'll pass.

  3. I keep forgetting BZPower is a thing... Whoops

  4. When you get nothing for Christmas

  5. End of 2017: Looked back at old memories. Old Mocs, Old gmaes, Old art. Time to remember who I was and figure out who I am now

  6. I really suck at mocing, huh? Looking back at my past mocs and trying to moc now, I am not really good. I'm just bad...

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Voxumo


      Just don't ever give up. Take breaks but never give up.

    3. ToaTImeLord


      Like what Vox said, never give up. Its a skill that always needs practicing.

    4. ToaTImeLord


      Nobody is born building perfect MOCs. It's a skill that takes time to develop.

  7. This has been a bad year for me...

    1. Voxumo


      2017 certainly hasn't been a good year thus far for me either.

  8. Go on my Flickr to see my Makuta as I build it!

  9. I have not made an original MOC since 2016 started...

  10. Time for beasts!

    1. Vrokorta


      I wanna get the destroyer. (but I might have to wait for the holidays or something[like a sale])

  11. I need money for Bionicles, Help!

  12. I need money, what should I sell??

    1. Voxumo


      *Whispers* Your Soul....

    2. Renzari


      Hmm. How about my soul? That sounds good.

    3. Vrokorta


      If I knew what you had I might make a a suggestion. No, scratch that, sell everything to me... FOR FREE!

  13. There is a new Bionicle movie coming in 2018!

    1. Vrokorta


      Uhh.... where's the proof?

  14. Anime Boston is this weekend and I can't wait to go!

    1. Vrokorta


      Sounds great!

  15. Journey to One was the best thing in 2016 so far!!

    1. Vrokorta


      Alongside some of the sets, yes, it is the best thing to come so far.(but in my opinion, there's always uncle grandpa, regular show, my little pony, and whatever digimon movie might be coming out eventually and who knows what skylanders has in store)

  16. Another No from me

    1. Vrokorta


      What does that mean.

  17. Gaming videos will start in February!!

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