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Everything posted by nocturn701

  1. nocturn701


    No, but in the video it was sayin stuff like: Bzp was killing other websites and there was apparently a group called the kautu buntai that was a group of people taking down Bzp and from what I hear it's members were some bzp staff!
  2. The other day I was on Youtube.com and I found a video of a former BZP user who was totaly making us and the BZP staff out to be bad guys! This was the name of the video Bionicle Autopsy: the Monopoly of Bzpower!
  3. It seems like you're too used to Bionicle to recognize the merits of different kinds of stories. Bionicle was, for the most part, an epic. Every story fed directly into the next one, and they all worked toward the final showdown between Makuta and Mata Nui. That was awesome. But Hero Factory, for the most part, is a sci-fi police procedural. As such, each story is largely independent of others. This allows fans to jump on at any point, and also makes it easier for them to tell their own unconnected stories with characters of their own devising. It's certainly a different kind of storytelling, but is it worse? Oftentimes, yes, but that's not because of the story it's telling so much as the way the story is told (the Hero Factory TV episodes have a nasty habit of ignoring previous plotlines and character development). As far as being a "Bionicle knock-off", it's not, at least, not any more than Bionicle was a Slizers/Throwbots knock-off. Occasionally they use similar sci-fi tropes, but in the story and especially in the sets, Hero Factory is very much its own thing. Speaking of story and sets, this topic has little to do with the sets from first appearance, so if it's going to go on it should probably be moved to the "Lego Discussion" forum, where discussion of the stories of non-Bionicle Lego themes belongs. (EDIT: Ninja'd by Makaru) Well, let's see when you said hero factory is easy to get onto and Bionicle wasn't I can prove you wrong. I started on the Bionicle series In 2008 and now I am like a semi scholar at Bionicle. So there! Also you can come up with way more fan made Bionicle sories, I mean so far I wrote 12 Bionicle shorts, and with Bionicle's extended story line there are so many different tales that you can ad onto, write what happened before that or tweak it here and there to make your own story!
  4. Does anyone know how lame hero factory is, well I do. I mean take a look at the story behind it: We are robots who fight evil, oh no new and more powerful evil has come, let's make ourselves bigger but not much more powerful to fight the evil! We got him, oh no more evil, hey this time let's have an animal theme. Even though hero factory is Lego I still find it to be a total Bionicle revamp (and a bad one at that). So I will not purposely go out and buy a Hero factory. I've gotten some as gifts but that was before I had this opinion of hero factory!
  5. Oh, that "cool dude" thing happened to me on my blog, after I changed it to mentally challenged and....nothing.
  6. I think I will go with my way... it is easy and doesn't take up very much time, and also I can be more precise.
  7. ​I've noticed that my views spiraled up the last time I put some instructions up so I'm going to put up some more.
  8. So I always like knowing what people's favorite band is and their favorite song by that band. So I will post my own favorite bands and songs and by them, but after I want to hear from YOU! Band Song 1st: Men Without Hats Unsatisfaction 2nd: The Beatles I am the walrus/hey bulldog 3rd: They Might Be Giants which describes how your feeling
  9. I created this new guy one day cause I felt like I needed a Toa of Metal. So here he is, Toa Magnetron!
  10. This time I will be doing Dekar and Defilak. Dekar. Wha, whats happening, am I turning into hydraxon?..... COOL! Defilak. We need to get those air bubbles, before we die! So we got time.
  11. Sorry about the image, my house isn't the best for that kind of stuff. But anyways this is Thoranax. Back story: Thoranax was the original guardian of the pit, however he was not a robot. He was a mutation. One Minuit an ordinary sting ray the next a hulking monster. And after a few collisions with the Barraki he decided to keep them behind bars himself. Until one day, he was confronted by a huge armored figure with an attack dog of sorts. The figure called himself Maxilos and forced him to get out. Thoranaxs's current whereabouts are unknown. (keep in mind this is a made up story not real so don't be telling people I'm ripping off Bionicle.)
  12. nocturn701

    1000 Veiws

    Well, true but it is longer than usual for me.
  13. A new thing I will be doing on my blog is funny Bionicle impressions and first-up is Maxilos and Spinax. Maxilos the robot: 0110110000010011001001001010100. Spinax the puppy:
  14. I think Axonn seemed to be pretty full of himself. Axonn: Toa team, nah to good for them. Let me and my muscles stair at you condescendingly.
  15. Run for your lives the uni-kitty is coming for you!!!
  16. Pretty cool, I really like the saw behind his head. Also you should chek out my blog: bits and pieces!
  17. nocturn701

    1000 Veiws

    Okay, so I know I haven't bin on for a while but stay tuned because I will be posting the picture of the Bionicle I made in celebration of reaching 1000 veiws TOMORROW!
  18. Okay then, I would like to buy Hydraxon.... what do I do now?
  19. I personal messaged you my address so I hope you get back to me soon!!
  20. I changed my profile pic from Taipu to Hydraxon, but I'm not sure if I like it or not. What do you think?
  21. okay thanks! Mine is bmew@outlook.com I just tried to E-mail you, and I got an E-mail saying none of my messages will go through! is there any other way for me to contact you?
  22. My views today surpassed 1000, so I'm gonna do something special for the occasion. I am going to come up with a new Bionicle custom figure and post an Image of it and write my own made-up back story on my blog. See you then! It will be Hydraxon cool!!
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