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Posts posted by Tuuli

  1. Here, we have 4 unusual Toa matas. What sets them apart, is that they have metru secondary colors, along with new masks. They were inspired to be a set of 'custom toa matas' .
    First up, we have the imfamous Toa Ras. Ras is a toa of jungle, and can move swiftly through the trees and hack down at vegetation with his mighty hatchet. He wears a great Ruru mask of vision. It's limited x-ray abilities help him see through the thicket of the jungle on voodoo island. Ras is a sarcastic and annoying Toa, and gets on the nerves on his fellow Toa frequently.
    Ras - Link
    Next, Toa Kalama. He's a mysterious toa of fire who dwells inside of the Mangai Volcano and will erupt when he is angered. He is thought that he is insane, and that his brain had been melted beyond comprehension from his time at the furnace. He can either be a helpful combatant or a furious foe, so it's best to be polite if you ran into this hotheaded Toa. He wears the red Matatu mask of Telekinesis, which he can combine with his flame powers to use pyrokinesis!
    Kalama - Link
    Here is my favorite of them, Toa Golyo. He is the brown toa of stone. He wields two solid mighty hammers which he can swing with surprising speed! He is the fastest and most athletic of the toa, for it is said that he used to be a Maha herder and a champion of Stamina. He wears the Miru mask of levitation, and can become a floating stone or fly by creating a great sandstorm. Though, this toa of stone always wants his way and will turn into a stubborn boulder, not yielding with his decision when he has made his mind. Any fool hardheaded enough to argue with this toa will be hammered into dust!
    Golyo - Link

    Nireta - A sailor who once lived on Lake Naho, and was an excellent ropemaker. Sudden events change this matoran into Toa, nd she must now use her incredible Speed and dangerous trident to defeat the evil forces of Makuta, and her enemy tribe: Ta-Koro. She wears a Kakama mask of speed, which makes her an even faster an unpredictale opponent!


    Nireta - Link


    Shadow Toa - this is the most dangerous Toa of them all. He was born out of the pure darkness and hatred shared between the toa, and now threatens to tear apart their unity once and for all. He is several times more powerful than his other Toa counterparts, and is a prime servant of the Makuta. Will this wildcard Toa's razor sharp blade cut apart the toa?

    Shadow Toa - Link
    Well, that is all for now. I may possibly add in more Toa in the future, and also begin roleplaying in the RPG section. Thank you for looking.

    • Upvote 2
  2. 2001 for its nostalgic value and I just simply loved the old sets. I loved the fact you could buy toa, turaga and matoran and the varieties of masks and the rahi were top notch and actually did something for themselves

    2001 for its nostalgic value and I just simply loved the old sets. I loved the fact you could buy toa, turaga and matoran and the varieties of masks and the rahi were top notch and actually did something for themselves

    • Upvote 1
  3. I'd rather a child have his imagination inspired by a gold mask than to collect dust along with mask collector's other untouched and unloved masks. Seriously no more. Mask collector should not be allowed to gain fame from Bionicle just because he has "100%" and flaunts it around like he's the only guy in the world.

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