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Posts posted by Tuuli

  1. For the longest time, since I can remember I have been totally interested in the Bionicle mythology. Now, the name 'Bionicle' as we know is short for: "Biological Chronicle"


    What is Bionicle? A story of biomechanical heroes fighting a deadly virus to save their people. These heroes are the Toa. The toa defend the villages known as koro, where matoran reside and are led by Turaga elders. The story goes on, as the Makuta attempts to enslave the matoran sending his infected servants to terrorize them, and place infected kanohi masks on their faces.


    But that is similar behavior to a virus, right? The virus (Makuta) uses viruses and infection (using his infected masks and kraata) which infects the red blood cells (The matoran) just as viruses do in the body. Real life viruses attach to a human cell, and inject their dna into the cell causing it to produce more viruses within the cell, until it bursts open releasing more viruses into other cells! This could be a similar instance when Ahkmou tried to infect the fellow Po-matoran with the comet Koli balls.


    The toa could be similar to white blood cells, defending the red blood cells and killing infections and viruses. They defend the cells and restore balance and health to the body. The great spirit Mata-nui depended on his matoran to work or he would go ill and die.

  2. All I can honestly say is, whatever that mask is, I WANT it. I hope it would be the Mask of Creation, because we really need that final Legendary Kanohi. We need it because no one really explained what happened to Artahka and the inhabitants, and Kharzani is dead! I just don't really know what is going to happen, but hey. IT'S BIONICLE. Where are you going to go wrong with that?


    I give many of my gratitude to the Lego company, and with the new sets, my money. I plan on building the new sets next year, maybe even all of them. SO HURRY UP LEGO.

  3. There really is no need for genders in the matoran universe mainly because there is little to no indication of the opposite gender. The wiki claims Bo-matoran are male so I'm going to have to go with the main storyline. I don't really see the need for opposite gender characters besides the fact you want to make a female Moc. Besides, if my theory of the red star was incorrect, then why should this theory be accepted? I understand the head canon part of the deal. But this theory doesn't make a whole lot of sense besides that plant life could be a potential female only element. Bionicle is what you make it I suppose.

  4. They are worthy sets, otherwise I guess they would not have even been released. For free sets, heck yes and you got them with your meal from McDonald's. They were arguably the last good toys McDonald's ever offered. They had limited posability but their cute form made up for that and besides, they included rare masks! They could also sling those discs really far, I haven't seen any other disc shooting sets do better. They even shoot better than those cheap 2004 disc launchers. In a way, you could look at these sets as "glorified mask stands" for mask display or just have fun playing with them as the villagers they are.

  5. Some of my most memorable moments are some when I got the masks out of boxes or when I got the mask of time off of eBay a long time ago (2002-03) and I knew that was the best day of my life. However, little did I know, the mask was fragile. And in my young playful hands, the mask was damaged slightly. I had let my cousin borrow the mask but that was when it REALLY got damaged (with bite marks!) And was really sad when it came back in such an awful state. Buy luckily I find the bionicle stand at Brickfair 14 where bzpower was and bought the last mask of time there.


    Another memorable time was when me and my cousin were building up our bionicle societies with some of the newer characters like from the Glatorian saga but unfortunately my cousin lost his will for bionicle, leaving me with the societies of yesteryear.


    Another memorable time was when I was searching for the seventh Toa, and took me ages to find him.

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