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Everything posted by Drakmanka

  1. OOC: Taking you up on that, Fekoro. IC: Terus The Koro was nice and all, but what really drew Terus at this point was the sea itself, ironic as that might seem. Obviously, I didn't get enough of it whilst sailing. He thought to himself. After exploring a bit more, simply for good measure, the Toa of Fire relented and found a spot where he could sit on the docks without being disturbed. He spent some time just swishing his feet through the water, watching the ripples and the distortions his movements created. After a while, he stared past his feet to look down at the sealife below him. Eventually he grew bored of that and simply stared off to sea. Some movement caught his eye. Was that a raft making it's way here? Terus certainly hoped that whomever it belonged to, they lived here on this island somewhere rather than having traveled across the entire ocean to get here, all in the dinky little thing. Curiosity drew him, however, and he stood up, eager to find out who this was and perhaps get a bit of information about the island itself while he was at it.
  2. IC: Lana Lana smirked as she handed him the bottle, picking up the widgets. "Have fun mister." She snickered quietly.
  3. IC: Lana Lana smirked. "Oh, I've got just the thing. Fair warning though, if you pass out I'm not responsible for what your fellow patrons might do with you." She said as she dug under the counter. She emerged a few moments later with a green-tinged bottle that looked like a beer-bottle. "I picked this little mix up on a quaint little island far north of here." She said. "They call it Enemies Tears. Basically, six shots of whisky mixed with some brandy and a Madu Fruit." She smirked again. "Interested? It'd be ten widgets."
  4. IC: Lana Lana's eyes opened fully again as she eyed the newcomer. Toa of ice, that much she could tell. He wasn't too readable though. Oh well, he was digging in his pockets, a sure sign he was an actual paying customer. "What can I get you?" She asked, pushing off the wall and uncrossing her arms.
  5. IC: Terus The night sky was glorious at sea. So glorious, Terus had grown sick of seeing it. Sick of the blackness that loomed around him through the night, sick of the thousands of glittering points of light that were his only guide, sick of the moon in it's splendor as it moved as an eternal timepiece across the sky. At the same time, however, Terus had also grown sick of the daylight hours as well. The sun beat down on him in his ship, even when he took shelter in the cabin below the helm. Heat, he could handle. The humidity was what was killing him, making breathing difficult and making his armor feel like it was sliding off his body. The worst part by far, however, was the loneliness. Being alone meant few distractions, and when he wasn't distracted the memories returned. The memory of the woman he loved, dying in his arms. She had died because he wasn't strong enough to protect her, and he carried guilt along with his grief. And yet, she hadn't blamed him. Not even for an instant. Her last words to him, whispered in her final breath, stung at his heart when he recalled them; and he quickly shoved the memory aside. Finally a distraction came to the Toa of Fire. Land appeared on the horizon. He looked toward it eagerly, more than ready to focus on his future. His past was miles behind him along with his old home. Hours passed as the landmass came closer. A great, snow-capped mountain dominated the center of the island. Smoke rose from a volcano that shared the same slopes. Fire and ice, living side by side. Terus chuckled softly at the gentle irony. To the north was a great desert, he wondered if any even dared to live there. To the south, he could see the lush green of trees. As he drew closer, he spotted a settlement... bobbing on the water? Terus blinked and rubbed his eyes to make certain he wasn't seeing things. Ga-Matoran. He thought to himself. Had to be. Who else would come up with a floating village? Eventually, he reached the shipyard the village hosted. A hop, shaky landing, brief conversation with a native and a quick transaction left him without a ship but with a neat allotment of widgets as he wandered into the village. OOC: Terus from the depths of my brain to Ga-Koro. Open for interaction.
  6. I call foul play, because I can, and penalize you by making you sit in the time-out penalty box for eternity. The mask cannot leave the playing field, of course, so I take that. My mask.
  7. IC: Lana Lana snorted quietly as she gathered the widgets and pocketed them. She gave the counter a quick cleaning with a bar towel, then took up her original position of leaning against the wall behind the counter, arms folder over her chest and eyes half-closed while she watched her patrons. She appeared to be almost asleep, in fact, though in reality she was observing everything and anything within the range of her senses. It was a trait she had learned long ago, from years of barkeeping throughout the world.
  8. IC: Lana "Alrighty then." Lana nodded, turning to her stock for a few moments before returning with their drinks. "Four widgets each." She said as she set the glasses down.
  9. I execute you for your crimes against all sane, living beings, and take the mask from your corpse. My mask.
  10. IC: Lana Lana perked up the moment the door swung open, a smirk spreading across her face. "Evenin'." She grunted. "What'll it be for you two?" She asked, gesturing slightly to the menu and then to her new customers.
  11. Of those listed, it'd be a toss-up between Nui-Rama and Nui Jaga. Both are awesome sets and awesome(if somewhat terrifying) Rahi. My personal all-time favorite Rahi would have to be the Visorak, though. So much variety within the species, leaving a load of customization options for making your own spiders. Not to mention, they're pretty cool(if, once again, frightening) Rahi in general. How can you go wrong with a giant, highly intelligent spider?
  12. A Darth Vader head? Really? Wow... that's almost like the producers said "Okay, how many franchises can we rip off all at once here?" XD
  13. I can write it just fine, I sat down and memorized the thing for kicks and then kept a journal for about a year, in which I wrote exclusively in Matoran. I still have a bit of trouble reading it, though. Takes me a few seconds to decipher words(which is annoying when trying to read those messages in the Bionicle movies' credits).
  14. Earlier today I was going through a bin of LEGO parts, mostly standard bricks, looking for parts I could use on my Bionicle MOCs. I came across some pieces that, at first glance I thought went to a Rahaga Gaaki set. At second glance, however, I realized that the plastic was of inferior quality to that seen from LEGO. Upon even closer inspection, I found no part number of any kind, nor the iconic inscription of LEGO somewhere on the parts. I took some of the pieces home, and took some photographs(links lead to photobucket): "Hand" pieces: http://i1287.photobucket.com/albums/a621/Drakmanka/IMG_0907_zpsec9f45d8.jpg Rhotuka Spinner Launcher: http://i1287.photobucket.com/albums/a621/Drakmanka/IMG_0919_zps36e87dd4.jpg?t=1396320266 http://i1287.photobucket.com/albums/a621/Drakmanka/IMG_0920_zps1092943f.jpg?t=1396320277 Foot: http://i1287.photobucket.com/albums/a621/Drakmanka/IMG_0926_zps909f96f4.jpg?t=1396320284 http://i1287.photobucket.com/albums/a621/Drakmanka/IMG_0927_zps6bd430f9.jpg?t=1396320290 http://i1287.photobucket.com/albums/a621/Drakmanka/IMG_0928_zps863ced80.jpg?t=1396320303 Has anyone else ever come across Bionicle knockoffs like this, or know what they might be from? My friends and I speculated that perhaps an amateur injection-molder made them for some purpose. I was bummed out to never find the head, but the parts I did come across definitely all went to the Rahaga Gaaki set.
  15. I steal your explosive kittens and the mask. My mask.
  16. I befriend those birds and create a bird army, using them to steal the mask and eat everyone who gets in my way. My mask and my bird army.
  17. I refuse to feed the troll, causing you to starve and drop the mask. My mask.
  18. I slap you with a feather duster. My mask.
  19. I stare at the guardian Toa with a bit of dismay. "...Uuuhh, I was gonna use it to stop people from unraveling the universe buuut... You can have it!" I then run away. Not my mask.
  20. I run by and swipe the lamp-mask when you aren't looking and keep going. My mask/lamp thingy.
  21. I was just minding my own business, cooking noodles, when suddenly the fabric of reality started to unwind! There can be only one cause... So I seek out the cause, and use my now boiled-over noodles to take the mask. My Mask.
  22. IC: Lana Boy, this city was getting exciting these days. Sitting outside my front door no longer seems like a very good idea. Lana thought. Moments ago, she had watched a blood-stained Vortixx charge by. Not really customer material, and Lana was finding herself less and less fond of the species in general as well. Hadn't taken her long after learning their race's name and reputation. Maybe I should install some windows. ...Yeah. Bullet-proof windows. How much'd that cost me? She sighed to herself silently. The incident had sparked a moment of creativity in the Vo-Matoran, however. The tavern still needed a name. Something to emblazon on the door, perhaps hang a sign over the door even. Something that caught the eye and gave patrons a desire to enter. Or not, depending on their personality. By now, guards were getting agitated. Lana wondered what exactly had just happened. One day... One day, I'll open up shop somewhere where people bother to tell the innkeepers and tavernkeepers what the Karzahni is going on. ...Right, and maybe someday Makiki Toads will fly and Rahkshi will simply want to enjoy a game of Kolhii. She thought. Ignoring the recent activity in the streets, Lana pushed open the door to her as-of-yet unnamed establishment and walked inside, allowing the door to bang shut behind her. She needed to fix the unnamed aspect of her tavern. An old bucket of paint, a paintbrush she had found lying in an alley someplace Mata Nui only knows where, an hour and some creative license later, and she was putting the finishing touches on the door. The writing wasn't the neatest - the paint was too thin and ran slightly - but the sign nonetheless was there and legible. The Drunken Murderess Lana chuckled softly to herself as she shut the door again to allow the paint to set in the Ta-Koroan heat.
  23. IC: Lana It had taken Lana some time, jumping through bureaucrat's hoops and dealing with all the little details that always seem to take forever, but she had finally acquired her own tavern, situated proudly in what she considered Ta-Koro's 'Main Street'. Lana had spent some time before opening getting things set up properly, making sure the building was clean and presentable, and that the furniture was hardy enough to survive if a bar-room brawl should ever break out. Lana liked to be prepared for everything. The business was primarily selling alcoholic beverages, but the tavern also offered a limited selection of seasonal foods. Lana had fashioned the main bar counter, behind which she spent most of her time, into the menu. Matoran lettering was permanently carved into the counter and covered with a clear resin, declaring neatly what the tavern offered it's patrons. Beyond the stools set up at the bar, Lana had also set a few tables in the remaining space for those who enjoyed more privacy. The Vo-Matoran never questioned the ethics of her customers, so long as they paid their tab off.
  24. IC: Lana turned to the other, unfamiliar individual. "I suppose I should just find an official-looking building, huh?" She snorted softly. "I mean, if there's a bajillion such people..."
  25. IC: Lana sighed softly, half-considering pulling her crowbar out of her backpack and giving this Toa a good whack on the head with it. Then she reconsidered. It wouldn't do to get anyone too angry with her, not when she had no authority of any sort in this Koro yet. "Fine fine Mister Smart-alack. Who should I talk to about setting up a tavern here in Ta-Koro?" She asked.
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