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Status Updates posted by JAG18

  1. Collage of every album I listened to in 2019. 

  2. Bad news everyone...I've come down with a case of the bad-taste-itis.  I finished bingeing "Arcane" for the first time this week and while I did like it my praise sounds more like admiration than adoration.  

    The easiest comparison is to the last show I binged "The Owl House", which I agree is inferior to "Arcane" in pretty much every way from the writing to the animation...but if comes down to what I'll gush about and actually want to watch I just like "Owl House" more.  

    I can't explain it as anything except a lapse in reason, but either way the only other thing I can think to say is...byeeee!  

  3. For most of the time I've been on this site my avatar was either the ice Glatorian on the back of Strakk's canister or my shoddily made coat of arms.  I occasionally changed it to the art of an album I was looking forward to; I did this with "1989" and "Every Open Eye".

    Anyway, I'm just trying to walk around the fact that my new profile pic casts a darker shadow than I intended, but c'est la vie.   



  5. Happy 10 year BZP anniversary! 

  6. Happy BZP anniversary!  (I'm only a little late on this).

  7. I love how the Official Star Wars topic hasn't been touched since "Rogue One" came out. 

    1. TERIDAX941


      I feel like in light of the Mandalorian, it should be touched upon again. Might address that personally...

    2. JAG18


      May the Force be with you. 

  8. I made my 3,000th post (Nuhvok_Kal Attacks!) yesterday and I'm pretty sure that the last rank I'm ever gonna get.  :P 

    1. TERIDAX941


      Cool! I'm still on "Gali Nuva rising" or whatever it's actually called lol

    2. Mushy the Mushroom

      Mushy the Mushroom

      Congrats! Very impressive!

  9. I swear, this site just hasn't been working for me since the update.  :/

    1. TERIDAX941
    2. JAG18


      I can't filter tags when I'm in unread content and when I click on "insert image from URL" I never get past the loading box; in addition to just being super laggy in general.  I get that that last one probably has more to do with my computer and/or internet connection, but at least old BZPower was only laggy sometimes

  10. I was thinking of reporting someone to the Bionicle inquisition, but when I stopped to think of what that would be I realized I couldn't and that therefore I deserve to go before it.  #irony  

  11. I'm honestly just living for "Yu-Gi-Oh 5D's" these days. 

  12. Last night I had a dream where I was dating a model (the power of just asking), but then she turned out to be kind of clingy and a psycho, so by the end I kind of ended up regretting it.  Oh well. 

  13. Oh man, I used to love hanging out in the status updates back in circa '14-'18.  #nostalgia 

    1. Mushy the Mushroom

      Mushy the Mushroom

      They're so easy to miss since the updates! A true treasure to see some! 😃

  14. The sequel to Bionicle RISK is currently up in G&T and accepting players.  Join today and tell your friends (so you can beat them). 

    1. TERIDAX941


      Put me down as willing and eager to join!  :D

    2. JAG18


      Great!  I reserved a spot for you and you can post in the topic when you're ready to join. 

  15. The cheese has returned to my sig! 

    1. Mushy the Mushroom

      Mushy the Mushroom


      *oh christmas cheese, oh christmas cheese*

  16. TIL that Herosector01 has been back online for about two years...

    1. TERIDAX941


      It's been online?! I've given up looking for it since forever, I never knew it came back!

    2. JAG18


      Well, at least I'm glad to see that I wasn't the only one who missed this.  :P

  17. TIL, that Elizabeth Olson and Danielle Haim were born on the same day (and in the same city!) 

  18. Today, in the name of freedom: we take the battle to them. 

  19. Why should I care, if no one else does?  Has been my attitude towards a lot of things for a long time, but I never thought the day would come where I'd say it about my writing. 

    How much deeper can rock bottom's basement go? 

    1. Mushy the Mushroom

      Mushy the Mushroom


      I care. I believe in you! 

  20. "....what I miss is well-written songs with great ideas, wonderful lyrics, beautiful rhymes and wonderful melodies. I don't hear that anymore, I feel very angry about that."-Barry Manilow

  21. "Edge of Tomorrow" is one of the best movies I've seen all year and Pandora is an absolutely amazing way to listen to music. This has been a message from a slowpoke.

  22. "Every Open Eye" by CHVRCHES, along with "Kicker" and "Badlands", is one of the greatest albums of 2015.

  23. "Face Off" season 7 finale is tonight; can't wait. My money says Dina is going to win.

  24. "If you know you're getting into a gunfight then bring a rifle and bring all your friends with their rifles."

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