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Status Replies posted by TERIDAX941

  1. Officially introduced my 3 year old to BIONICLE figures this last week. He loved them to pieces... literally lol #proudbutanxious :P

  2. You know it's a great birthday when you're at a go-cart event and "Move Along" from The All-American Rejects comes on. :D

  3. To all who read my posts (and those who don't) have a very Merry Christmas from me to you! :xmas: May you and yours be blessed, and have a very Happy New Year as well!


    1. TERIDAX941


      Thanks, thought it isn't mine lol I kinda borrowed it

    2. (See 1 other reply to this status update)

  4. I made my 3,000th post (Nuhvok_Kal Attacks!) yesterday and I'm pretty sure that the last rank I'm ever gonna get.  :P 

    1. TERIDAX941


      Cool! I'm still on "Gali Nuva rising" or whatever it's actually called lol

    2. (See 1 other reply to this status update)

  5. I swear, this site just hasn't been working for me since the update.  :/

  6. Got my Mask of Kindred! Been a part of this community for 6 years! Time flies as they say. :D

  7. TIL that Herosector01 has been back online for about two years...

    1. TERIDAX941


      It's been online?! I've given up looking for it since forever, I never knew it came back!

    2. (See 1 other reply to this status update)

  8. I love how the Official Star Wars topic hasn't been touched since "Rogue One" came out. 

    1. TERIDAX941


      I feel like in light of the Mandalorian, it should be touched upon again. Might address that personally...

    2. (See 1 other reply to this status update)

  9. The sequel to Bionicle RISK is currently up in G&T and accepting players.  Join today and tell your friends (so you can beat them). 

    1. TERIDAX941


      Put me down as willing and eager to join!  :D

    2. (See 1 other reply to this status update)

  10. I just got promoted to admin on another site today. Still in shock.

  11. Well, it took long enough, but I finally got my Olmak! 6 years have flown so fast, but my love of BIONICLE and this community hasn't dwindled in the slightest! Thanks guys for the good times!

    1. TERIDAX941


      You know how the 5 and 6 keys are right next to each other? Funny thing isn't it? ;) Thanks!

    2. (See 1 other reply to this status update)

  12. Yay, it's snowing. Snow is gud.

    1. TERIDAX941


      Not here... though it did a week ago or so. Kopaka must be on vacation

  13. To the entire BIONICLE community: I am officially apologizing for existing.

  14. I turned 22 today and I only listened to the song ONCE.

  15. Beening meaning to change my avatar for a few months now, but I finally did it today.

    1. TERIDAX941


      Not bad. Felt like changing mine too in honor of infinity war representing Mach 50 armor

    2. (See 1 other reply to this status update)

  16. yar har fiddly-dee it's st. patrick's or something

    1. TERIDAX941


      Or something it seems...

  17. Woo 4 years! Hello Rahkshi head! Wait, it's actually Norik's? Oh okay... YAY!

  18. Where'd that 4-year Norik head come from? It's official I'm the worst at remembering anniversaries. =P

    1. TERIDAX941


      Huh, apparently I'm just as bad, mine was just 6 days after yours. Well, happy anniversary and all that jazz :P

  19. Saw "Star Wars: The Last Jedi" last night; a lot to like, a lot to dislike, a little disappointing, but still a fine Star Wars movie.

    1. TERIDAX941


      Still need to see it myself :P

  20. I'll be going dark for the next three days. Wish me luck on my finals.

    1. TERIDAX941


      Best wishes on that. See you on the other end!

    2. (See 3 other replies to this status update)

  21. Hey G&T people, Bionicle Risk (with a five-ish turn limit) good idea or bad idea?

    1. TERIDAX941


      Personally that's how I've always played risk to be honest. (at least the board game) Had an old fantasy land board game, and made the armies based on the League of six kingdoms. It was quite enjoyable! You just have to mix in cards or special dice rolls for various character powers, etc.

    2. (See 4 other replies to this status update)

  22. ...sooo I may have failed to look at my friend requests for the past two years. Sorry to anyone who was upset by me ignoring that. =P

    1. TERIDAX941


      It's all good, if I had a nickel for every one I "accidentally" ignored... :P

    2. (See 2 other replies to this status update)

  23. Hopefully I can get a topic started here on or before my birthday...

    1. TERIDAX941


      A date which happens to be a week before mine... go figure! :D

    2. (See 1 other reply to this status update)

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