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Toa Imrukii

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Posts posted by Toa Imrukii


    Here is the demo. It's quite short, but I've really enjoyed making it.



    Oo oo oo, gimme gimme gimme!


    I like this. :)  Please do expand on it. And this is for Bota Magna, correct? I gotta say, I love the beginning, what with that ambient mix of antiquity and electronica with drums, it is very Bionicle in atmosphere. Idea for title, how about just: "Bota Magna" (if it was made for Bota Magna, that is)?


    Maybe a little bit less didgeridoo and some more drums and electical synths (also having the song extended would be nice, though you said it was a WIP so, that'll happen when it happens.)

  2. I'm currently on vacation right now, but since I was perma-banned from the TTV message boards (for being the sarcastic and satirical person who I am IRL) I have nothing else to do but to be here. Does anyone know of anywhere else I could be? (Community wise)

  3. Hey all! I don't know if I've officially posted in this topic yet, but I am currently working on something!

    It is percussion based, lots of congas, taiko, kidi, sogo, and other kinds of tribal drum sounds mixed with electronic marimba and synth pads. I was thinking it has a somewhat Bota Magna sound to it, but we'll see how it evolves.

    It is somewhat ambient, but I hope it has a place.

    Anyway, I just wanted to say hi! :)

    DO IT, DO IT NOW!!!







    Lets see what you have this far.

  4. Earth is the ground and the dirt, Stone is, well... Stone. As in rocks and boulders. And sand is just sand, bit in G2 stones and boulders are contributed to the desert, and you know what else is in the desert? Sand, and lots of it. So characters (such as pohatu) that control the desert boulders also control the sand itself.

    That's because the great beings thought it'd be best create a separate element when creating the Great Spirit robot. It's also why they substituted air for jungle in the core six elements.   


    Edit: My mistake. I do not believe there is an element of sand in the matoran universe?


    Also, yes there was an Element of sand in G1 it was the element that the Vorox where a part of.

  5. NEWS FLASH!, Okoto is in a pocket dimension and the whole of G2 is just a part of the Toa's training, their mental training. They have finished their physical training but they still need to be prepared mentally. but this whole thing is in their heads and thus they all look different than how they actually look, i.e they look like how they think or want themselves to look.




    • Upvote 1

    Leaks should be banned no matter the source. It hurts Lego's sales.


    Explain how us knowing those names will hurt their sales, because I really don't see how it would.



    Yeah, I agree with Terton on this one. BIONICLE 2015 sales where heavily influenced by the fandoms hype, thus the sets quickly sold out in the first week of the themes relaunch.

  7. Name: Nendrek

    Species: Skakdi

    Alignment: Good

    Element: Acid

    Gender: Male (Age: 15 in human years)

    Personality: Shy yet Friendly but at times Sarcastic and sometimes Rude.

    Appearance: A rather young Skakdi with a squat body and relatively large feet, short yet strong limbs, and a rather long tail (especially for his rather young age). He has a static bolt launching bow that can be split into two swords, and he has a large claw on his left hand that helps him aim and fire his bow as well as being a useful close quarters melee combat weapon.

    Powers and weaknesses: He can lift large objects up to 2 times his size, is very agile and quick, he is often difficult to spot. He becomes deathly afraid of close wet spaces if he's exposed there for too long (such as a small wet cave for example)

    Bio: Originating from the island of Zakaz, he was disgusted by his fellow Skakdi brothers and sisters so at a young age he left that world behind and tried in vein to join the Order of Mata Nui multiple times before finally reaching their ranks, Nendrek is now a skilled and stealthy member who often plays the role of a spy or surveyor to find out information that the Order needs.



    (don't ask me why the colors are all weird, I have no way to answer this)

  8. I would LOVE to have one of each of them (including the Mask of Creation when you come around to that) so that since I really can't have any of the solid gold masks (that is if LEGO doesn't have a contest for the Mask of Creation and I somehow win by the skin of my teeth) this is the next best thing.

  9. If you are going to do adviser portraits, then let me tell you something: my vision for the agori (both tall and small) is that they look like humans with the exception of them having the skin colors of their set counterparts (only realistic and slightly brown-tinged). Fire tribe and water tribe usually shave with the exception of clean and thin facial hair, while jungle and ice are much less culturally inclined with that. And their clothing type is like ancient robes (sometimes togas); their armor being byzantine for the fire and water tribes (other two are based on those but adapt it to their settings), and many helmet face-plates look like the faces on the sets.  Also, many matoran put stylistic tribal paint patterns on their kanohi.


    Now with that, have fun. :D

    Before I start, could you give me a list and pictures of all of the types of advisors?



    y'know what, scratch that. I'll just keep working on flags at least until I find a proper way to make advisor portraits. But before I can do that, I'll make event pictures (but I'll draw them by hand, I'm better with a pencil than with a computer anyway. Unless if it's pixel art (which the flags are borderline that) nonetheless I should be good for now)

  10. If an admin were here, they'd tell you to open up a topic discussing the TTV mods instead of spamming this topic. 



    Sorry ....?




    I was just pointing out just how massive that block quote was, looking like a misshapen Mayan pyramid and shiz.

    • Upvote 1
  11. okay, we got anything new that we have made?



    Also, once I'm done with flags I would like to work on advisor portraits and event pictures.



    If anyone is curious here are some examples;



    Advisor portrait example:





    Event Picture example:



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