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Toa Imrukii

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Posts posted by Toa Imrukii




    Yes we have! (The Toa Metru and the Vahki for example)



    No, that was the same year. They were released in separate waves in the same year. Releasing twelve sets at the exact same price point, or even similar price points, is too much for the market to bear. That's why they stagger the releases the way they do.


    Phantoka/Mistika had three Toa and three Makuta each.



    That's still not six heroes and six villains in the same wave, as OP was proposing. No matter what, a twelve-set wave of medium sets is unsustainable economically.



    Well, though it may or may not have happened in the past, it can happen now.

  2. If Umarak isn't all australian-like i'll sue.



    It's unfortunate because I don't want the waves to all run the same 


    6 toa


    6 helpers


    1 enemy


    and 5 enemy sets in the summer.


    I don't like that, I want 6 heroes and 6 villains in the beginning and 3 heroes and 3 villains in the summer if anything. (plus or minus a set in either the winter or the summer)


    Bionicle, if you hadn't noticed, has never had six heroes and villains in the same wave.


    that would either involve making the small sets the villains (pathetic villain-to-hero scaling, would need more swarm waves + no villagers/elders that year.) or, six medium sets in one half-year, which has, again, never ever happened.


    Yes we have! (The Toa Metru and the Vahki for example)




    It's unfortunate because I don't want the waves to all run the same 


    6 toa


    6 helpers


    1 enemy


    and 5 enemy sets in the summer.


    I don't like that, I want 6 heroes and 6 villains in the beginning and 3 heroes and 3 villains in the summer if anything. (plus or minus a set in either the winter or the summer)

    Well, as has been mentioned, it's entirely possible that the creatures will play antagonistic roles at the beginning, and will only become allies of the Toa after some trial or other.



    That is what we thought of the protectors originally so...



    The Protectors weren't animals.


    That, and a hypothesis being wrong in one instance does not disqualify it from being right in a completely separate instance.



    No, what I'm saying is that we thought that the protectors might have been the enemy's at the very beginning but that turned out to be incorrect.


    It's unfortunate because I don't want the waves to all run the same 


    6 toa


    6 helpers


    1 enemy


    and 5 enemy sets in the summer.


    I don't like that, I want 6 heroes and 6 villains in the beginning and 3 heroes and 3 villains in the summer if anything. (plus or minus a set in either the winter or the summer)

    Well, as has been mentioned, it's entirely possible that the creatures will play antagonistic roles at the beginning, and will only become allies of the Toa after some trial or other.



    That is what we thought of the protectors originally so...


    We always got Toa every wave in G1, and there were new outfits for all three teams (twice for the Mata/Nuva), which people didn't seem to have problems with at the time. I'd be much happier with new outfits exclusively for the standard six rather than a cast herd of Toa being introduced, to be honest.


    Exactly. The alternative to having new versions of the Toa every year is writing them out of the story entirely. Or at least shunting them to the sidelines, which isn't much better, especially if it means you're just going to shove these unfamiliar characters back into the spotlight a few years later to confuse new fans.


    There's a reason Ninjago keeps introducing new versions of its main characters: because they're the main characters.


    but unfortunately these creatures seem to be working WITH the Toa instead of against them as like the Rahi from 2001.


    Why is that unfortunate? I think it's awesome. I've been wanting animal companions for the Toa for YEARS (the only example we got in G1 was Toa Mahri Jaller's Hahnah Crab). Besides, it's entirely possible that the Toa will still have to find and tame these creatures before they agree to be their allies. Gotta catch 'em all and whatnot.



    It's unfortunate because I don't want the waves to all run the same 


    6 toa


    6 helpers


    1 enemy


    and 5 enemy sets in the summer.


    I don't like that, I want 6 heroes and 6 villains in the beginning and 3 heroes and 3 villains in the summer if anything. (plus or minus a set in either the winter or the summer)

  6. UPDATE:


    This took me some time of brainstorming and experimenting to see what looked good but I think it's finally done


    Deit Flag




    The outer portion represents their safety, the inner chain looking portion represents their security, the column looking portion represents their stability, the 7 symbols in the circular shape represents the 7 islands, their wealth, and it's also suppose to mimic the makoki stone, the blue represents the sea and their isolation while the red represents their ferocity towards invaders and their enemy's, and the four black shapes represent their diplomatic reach across the four corners of the globe.


    (this is off topic) Y'know what I hate? Scareware.

    I don't mean to be a party pooper, but stuff like that is considered spam. :confused: I'm alright with you doing silly things like that, but only if it is accompanied by on-topic subject or is based off of something related or mentioned, like the corn ears, that was funny. Trust me, I'm random too: I have written posts where I'd depict that I have multiple personalities, and a few years ago I spent a whole month writing only in rhymes. I get all excited to see new content or questions and instead I only see a post about cheese and what not, and it's disappointing. :(


    Now, speaking of cheese, my favorite is pepper-jack.



    The only reason why I brougnt it u was because last night I ran into it on my mac (and since mac generally can't get viruses I got extremely scare) but since Scareware isn't spyware or a virus (It's a form of Malware) it didn't do, well... anything really.

    so other than that, y'got anything to share?



    I think I would like the flag more without the other picture (Mata Nui stone) in there. It honestly feels forced and out of place. :confused:



    The stone is there to represent that it's a colony and not it's own nation.

    Near-finished (or finished if you wish) map with Deit



  9. can someone explain to me exactly everything about this? it's like relearning BIONICLE but with everything from the first 10 year thrown in your face all at once for me, Could someone briefly explain to me the story thus far?


    (also I would like to know why certain Matoran look biological like the Agori, are the Agori just counted as equal to the Matoran and as thus counted as them?)

    • Upvote 1

    Sweet. I made this song as an idea snippet a while back and I'm not sure if it really has any use here. https://soundcloud.com/theironchicken/ara-draft/s-ZBcks



    ###### Yeah! it sounds like something from Maze of Shadows (the game, GBA) than is turns to something that would belong in Bionicle Heroes (GBA)



    I feel like a bit more instramentle material during the bepidy-bopity part would make it great! also increasing the ambiant reverb a bit during that part would add a little bit more character too it!



    Whelp, I amnaged to get into contact with Madu and he said that he is currently on vacation but he has gotten himself a full time job so... That answer the questions.




    Edit: Double post merged.






    I made this song in like 10 minutes. It sounds very Gypsy or Russian even. Is it of any use here?



    It needs a little flute and a little but of an echo effect here and there.



    But like a flute or two in the background.




    It sounds a tiny-little bit Sicilian to me, it may work for the Deit islands. Or just some island colony in general, perhaps one of the element of stone, plasma or even iron.



    Or if Nova Atero was split into it's individual states this would be a stone theme.

    Better? https://soundcloud.com/theironchicken/the-bard-1/s-sIcTV




    Much better, but I feel like a tiny bit more drum and a few flutes in the background for the first portion of the song would make it even better (but I mean deep in the background, just to add a little touch more) and have the flutes slowly fade out when the Oboe starts playing. (and by flutes I mean a medieval sort of sounding flute and or tin whistle) and when the flutes have faded out add a little bit more drum during the oboe and harp section. and towards the very end add a little bit of maraca.



    (I'm sorry if it seem like I'm ordering you around, just making suggestions)



    But now I really want to know what that sounds like, why did I ever ask?



    I don't mind if you're telling me what should or shouldn't be in the song. If I work on something for a long time, I basically forget what sounds good and what's unique, so I either need to a. take a break from working on this song or b. get an opinion from someone with fresh ears.



    Fresh ears, like these ones?




    Okay NOW its absolutely perfect!



    I have an idea! you make a bunch of songs and I'll tell you what they need to be improved.



    Infact this could be the theme of the Deit island chain!


    Also what do you think of the map with the Deit island chain on it?



    I have made the Deit island more defined and I've added a few tiny islands in the ocean surrounding it.





    I made this song in like 10 minutes. It sounds very Gypsy or Russian even. Is it of any use here?



    It needs a little flute and a little but of an echo effect here and there.



    But like a flute or two in the background.




    It sounds a tiny-little bit Sicilian to me, it may work for the Deit islands. Or just some island colony in general, perhaps one of the element of stone, plasma or even iron.



    Or if Nova Atero was split into it's individual states this would be a stone theme.

    Better? https://soundcloud.com/theironchicken/the-bard-1/s-sIcTV




    Much better, but I feel like a tiny bit more drum and a few flutes in the background for the first portion of the song would make it even better (but I mean deep in the background, just to add a little touch more) and have the flutes slowly fade out when the Oboe starts playing. (and by flutes I mean a medieval sort of sounding flute and or tin whistle) and when the flutes have faded out add a little bit more drum during the oboe and harp section. and towards the very end add a little bit of maraca.



    (I'm sorry if it seem like I'm ordering you around, just making suggestions)



    But now I really want to know what that sounds like, why did I ever ask?

  13. I made this song in like 10 minutes. It sounds very Gypsy or Russian even. Is it of any use here?



    It needs a little flute and a little but of an echo effect here and there.



    But like a flute or two in the background.




    It sounds a tiny-little bit Sicilian to me, it may work for the Deit islands. Or just some island colony in general, perhaps one of the element of stone, plasma or even iron.



    Or if Nova Atero was split into it's individual states this would be a stone theme.





    I had to get this off of my chest, I have updated the UBM Flag to make it more fertile and less desert, also I've added an ice cap and a more detailed ocean and thick branching rivers, also a crater in the ocean just because.






    Hey um Iaredios if you drop off the face of the earth (like all fan project seem to be cursed by) than I'll continue the project, I'm NOT going to let this fall to the same grim curse that so many other fan projects have died to before, I will break that curse and make sure that there is at least someone working hard to keep projects like this alive if such circumstances arise. And, I am such someone.





    I've added the island chain to the map (you're welcome Iaredios)



  14. Where is this island chain on the world map? If it isn't I'd be more then happy to add it to there.


    I've placed where it is on the map (the size can change) it looks like total ###### I know but at least I tried (I am NOT good with calligraphy)





    I just had an idea.... PIZZA ICE CREAM....

  15. We ready to start some more work on the project? ( if you're still on break Iaredios, you don't have to work on it yet )

    I've updated the flag;






    I've names the island Gan-Deit


    It's apart of the Deit Island chain


    the other islands are












    and than the main island of Deit

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