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Posts posted by bionicleFanatic

  1. Toodles, y'all,


    Most of you probably know about Okoto Online Game. For those of you who don't, you can play it here, for free and download-less. http://www.bzpower.com/board/topic/15992-okoto-online-game-chapter-ii-released/


    Yesterday I checked the list of playthroughs it's had, just for old time's sake. And I realised that OOG is pushing the 1000 mark. This is a pretty big milestone, especially since I stopped marketing the game back around April. Special thanks to the people who've continued to play it since then, on here and the Eurobrick forums.


    Anyway, I'd like to do something for the fans, like I did at the other milestones. But 1000 plays is big, and it deserves a gesture of similar magnitude. So what I propose is this: Chapter III was ready to be released when my computer packed in. If 100 people vote for this to go through, I'm going to tweak and brush up the third chapter before releasing it onto the internet.


    This will take a fair bit of time, time which I could be using to do actual work (which I get paid for), so that's why I'm using the voting system to see if enough people are interested. But yeah. 100 votes, and a whole new chapter of OOG to play through.


    It's in your hands, guys [;)]



    Click here to vote: http://fanaticstudios.weebly.com

  2. We already have the BZPRPG for a text based RPG.


    That's a Play By Post Ruleless Tabletop RPG. I think the OP is talking about games like the original MUD (Multi-User Dungeon), MUD2, and Avatar (the free online game, not the film).


    It would be interesting to make an MUD based on bionic, but don't think it would be simple: add multiplayer, and even a game of pong can turn into a coder's nightmare.

    • Upvote 1

    I'm sorry, but your feeble attempt to equate mono-gender tribes with Matoran needing Kanohi doesn't work at all. Matoran, Toa, and Turaga needing to wear Kanohi serves lots of actual useful purposes in the story — it explains why they wear Kanohi at all times (instead of just in battle), explains why Matoran wear Kanohi when they can't use Kanohi powers, and gives them a concrete weakness (useful for role-play, since you can signify a character's "defeat" by taking their mask or swapping it with an infected mask or Krana). Mono-gender tribes served an extremely minor purpose by giving people a way to identify characters' gender from pictures when there were no build differences (like among most types of Matoran), but otherwise it generally had far more creative drawbacks than creative advantages.


    Also, mono-gender tribes would have been slightly more bearable if there were an equal number of tribes of each gender. But as it is, it ended up feeling a bit sexist: "boys can choose from these five elements, girls are stuck with water" (or later on, "boys can choose from thirteen elements, girls can choose from five").

    *shrugs* Maybe so, maybe not. I personally think it served a useful story purpose by implying that some elements required more refined usage, adding to the overall sci-fantasy theme, and, as you mentioned, providing a way to distinguish between otherwise gender-less builds.


    And yes, there were a minority of female elements, but in the end, the boys get to choose from a set of bog-standard ones and the girls got the choice of a select few epic level powers. Mind control beats flames any day, and Gali practically leveled a whole island.


    *shrugs* I see your point, but I still think it was good for G1.

  4. Even if it didn't present any problems in the official story, it was definitely still a problem. And the reason for that is fan works. LEGO is about creativity. And if you're a girl who likes Bionicle, you shouldn't have to worry about the official story telling you that your Toa or Matoran self-MOC or OC can only be one of three or four different elements, all but one of which has blue as a part of its color scheme.

    Obviously, yes, fans were free to ignore the constraints of the official story, but even setting up constraints that put limits on creativity in the first place is generally something a creative toy shouldn't be doing.

    An interesting point, but by your logic, Lego shouldn't have made it cannon that matoran, toa, and turaga need to wear kanohi to function properly, because that puts constraints on creativity [:P] Gender-specific elements were a part of the lore of G1, along with matoran sizes, elemental colors, and specific Kanoka types, which yes, inhibit creativity in a minute way, but also stimulate the imagination to create something out of the "established normal".

  5. First of all: WOOOOOOT! [ :D]

    Secondly: The names sound like the ones I gave to the villagers in Okoto Online Game! [:o] [:D]

    Thidly: I'm so hoping they get it available on Kindle...


    According to Eurobricks, the excerpts were randomized and supposedly Korgot the Protector of Earth is female. Which is great news because a) thank god the protectors aren't all male like we feared, and b) they're done with the frankly idiotic decision of assigning genders to tribes from Generation 1.

    I don't think the tribe = gender thing from G1 was bad at all. It made sense, seeing as they were basically designed to be robots.

    That being said, I think it's an okay decision to have both genders in the tribes, seeing how they're more human like this time.

    Please let it be available on Kindle... [:P]

    • Upvote 1
  6. To be honest, once you know the API of a coding system, it's fairly similar to every other scripting language out there [:P] I was able to code a small flipper game in Khan Academy without any lessons on their language, because I took what I knew from C# and wrote it in a different way. That's all there is to it [:P] If you know one code, you know them all [:P]


    Thank you very much :) Probably not gonna make any new ones though, seeing as these are the only G2 sets I have :P


    Yeah, I feel the "only G2" conundrum. Lewa and PoJ were the only two I had until recently when I bought LoSS and P:MoS


    Also, you don't have to put brackets around emoticons. They work just fine like :) without [:)].

    Gonna hopefully grab some of the giveaways at Makutafest tomorrow [:P]


    And yeah, I know, I get that a lot XD It's just the way I like to type my emotes, like a kind of signature, in a way [:P]

  8. Maybe not on camera, but when you actually have him in your hand it really fills him out, avoiding an otherwise flat and skinny body which would contrast with the rest of him.


    If anything, the hands were my least favorite part, but I had to make do.



    I don't understand all the hate for this. Seems like a decent enough fig for what it's trying to represent.But what really will make or break the theme are the sets themselves. I could see the theme being awesome if it can capture some of the physics-based zaniness of the mobile game. But otherwise I doubt I'll have any interest in this theme.

    You don't seem to get it: the birds in AB are traditionally spherical creatures, with no extremities other than the occasional tuft of hair. It's been that way in all media, from playsets to CGI animations. What they've done here is like taking spongebob and giving him a minifig's head: it just looks plain wrong [ :P]Welcome to Lego® Angry Platypus's™ [:P]

    Well, that really isn't in the LEGO Group's hands, since Red seems to be based pretty much completely on how he appears in next year's movie, wings, legs, and all.

    ... Ouch [:P] They look like someone's half-baked blender project [:P]

  10. I don't understand all the hate for this. Seems like a decent enough fig for what it's trying to represent.But what really will make or break the theme are the sets themselves. I could see the theme being awesome if it can capture some of the physics-based zaniness of the mobile game. But otherwise I doubt I'll have any interest in this theme.

    You don't seem to get it: the birds in AB are traditionally spherical creatures, with no extremities other than the occasional tuft of hair. It's been that way in all media, from playsets to CGI animations. What they've done here is like taking spongebob and giving him a minifig's head: it just looks plain wrong [:P]


    Welcome to Lego® Angry Platypus's™ [:P]

    • Upvote 3
  11. Can I just say: You've done a spectacular job with this! [:D] Everything looks very professional and easy to find. I haven't had a chance to play it yet (I'm in the middle of a Star Wars game and a D&D/Mythic crossbreed), but this is definitely on the agenda. [;)]


    Kudos for a great system, smooth layout, and professionalism [:P]

  12. It's interesting: even though it's nice what they've done, brining back Bionicle and all, I would take any of the pre-2010 sets over any of these. I don't think it's the building system, because it's a pretty good one (even possibly slightly better), I think it's more the depth. I'd prefer to spend my money on Macku, the cute little matoran from Ga-Koro who wears a Huna and canoes around Lake Naho, than a nameless and characterless (and specie-less) figure. If I think about it, the new sets aren't much better than hero factory's cardboard cutouts.


    Maybe I just need to give lego time, and maybe the books will inject some actual depth into the reboot. But until then, I'm sticking with my lovable Nui-Jaga.

    • Upvote 1
  13. Recently, a lot of inappropriate and downright dodgy ads have been popping up on BZP. I just logged in, and I got redirected to a dodgy advertising site. Can the BZP staff please stop allowing these ads to populate the site, because to be honest, if you don't you're no better than places like TubePlus or AnimeFlavor. I know you need the cash to keep the site running, but these ones are really over the limit.

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