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Posts posted by bionicleFanatic

  1. 30MgIVe.png






    Kastor is a short (2 month) project I worked on, without quite meaning to: it only dawned on me about halfway through development that I'd started creating it.
    It's a turn-based roguelite, with the emphasis on map completion and weapon customization. Oh, and monsters. Lots of monsters.

    It's available for download on Android, Windows, and Mac. If you want to play it on another platform, drop me a comment here and I'll see what I can do.

    There are no ads, no IAPs, and (hopefully) no bugs. Just a load of 8-bit goodness.



    Who am I kidding: There'll be bugs. [:P] You can report any that you find here.

  2. This looks very interesting, and ambitious. I tried making a few 3D Bionicle games back when I was first starting off as an IndieDev. It's certainly admirable that you've managed to get this far with the project.


    I'm assuming, from the shading on the models, that you're using Unity 3D? Try looking into the Mechanim animation system. It's a little complicated at first, but it means that you only need to do one animation (such as "Walk", or "Jump"), and then apply it to every model with a similar bone structure. Very time saving.


    I'm also assuming, from your lack of budget, that you're using Blender to rip/edit the models. If you'd like, I can try and source some old mask/item .blends that I have tucked away. I think I have a Pakari, a Miru, a Kakama, a Kaukau, a Rau, a Komau, a Hau, and a Mahiki. Would those be of any use?


    Best of luck with this. [:)]

  3. Welp, there's a lot of new stuff there that's interesting. Baby minifigs, the larger caravan (Dat bear!), the Volcano-based city wave, the airport hanger, the official Claas tractor, that whopping technic crystal sweeper redo, the mini-marvel sets, and Jestro's lava castle (looks great for an RPG map). The Bionicle waves look interesting, but I don't think I'll be buying any. I'm annoyed that they made Ekimu all toa-sized. Here's hoping they have a good in-story explanation for that. Umarak's updated look is beefy, but I'll still pass.


    Looks like it's back to collecting 01 mctoran, then [:P]

  4. I think the 2015 sets were an improvement in the light of the later Bionicle sets: stronger pieces, therefore more MOCability, and a smoother aesthetic. But the storyline is definitely lacking, and in a major way that's due to a lack of MNOG.

    MNOG made G1. Without it I wouldn't be the Bionicle fanatic I am. The depth, the mysticism, the personality, and the world-building that Templar managed to give the game surpass any AAA title I can think of.

    And this second generation just doesn't have that yet, and I don't expect that they will: unlike back in 2001, lego very rarely takes its audience seriously anymore. They think that they'll find a game like MNOG boring, and in most cases they would be right, as the majority of kids these days are spoon-fed slobs with the attention span of a goldfish (I'm not saying this is the case with everyone: I've met kids who are brighter than most adults. I'm saying this is how an average, 21st century, schools and smartphone-toting kid behaves).

    So as sad as it is, we should resign ourselves to the fact that we won't get an updated MNOG, and that we'll have to keep playing the original over and over again (Which I personally don't mind doing [:P]). Hopefully the upcoming Netflix show will breath some life into the island, but until then, my 2015 sets will stay mysteriously transported to Mata Nui.

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