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Status Updates posted by jed1ndy

  1. BZPGOT just started, and already I've been more involved than the entirety of Season I combined.

    1. Bonkle


      What exactly kept you in season one? Lack of time or an intense desire to stay neutral?

    2. Voltex


      didn't stop you from becoming a Kingslayer, though, did it?

    3. jed1ndy


      @Terrorsaur it wasn't that I had anything stopping me, it was just that I didn't necessarily have a particular goal in mind for most of the game, until near the end when I met up with Pulse.

  2. Ba. Hababa. Hababadegada. Hababadadaba. Hadebadegadega, hadada. Hababa hababadegadega. Ba. Ba. Bababa. Babababa. Bababababa. Ba. Nba.

    1. Ghidora131


      *comes months later*


      And, what did you say back to him?

    2. The Hip Historian Iaredios

      The Hip Historian Iaredios

      Where did the bad man touch you?

    3. Ghidora131


      Is there an herb for that?

  3. Finally set up my bandcamp, and released my first piece. https://t.co/9KMZWmTGuP

    1. Nescent


      Just listened to crème sun...it's a cute track, nice work!

  4. I've been away from BZPower for a little bit due to various things (mainly wasting my time in BotW as well as working on finishing up my junior year), but I'm back now, and it doesn't look like I've missed much in the various games I'm still in. I know I'm not particularly active, so many people probably didn't notice, but I thought I should make it clear regardless.

    1. Voxumo


      *Stops and Stares* Who are you?

  5. Leaving @Comic_Con. Maybe I can do something with all these #BIONICLE masks? http://t.co/xdUupwpXFl

  6. I've been somewhat absent from BZP for somewhere around a week now. This has been partially been due to laziness, and partially due to planning for a trip to Comic-Con; however, I'm fully back now, and currently near-live updating a topic on every LEGO-related thing at the convention! http://www.bzpower.com/board/topic/25013-lego-sdcc/

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