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Fang RRB

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Everything posted by Fang RRB

  1. For Power - Kanohi Mahiki For Looks - Mask of Life
  2. Makuta - Any because they all look awesome Ehlek - My Favourite Villian from all of Bionicle (Not including Borohk)
  3. That is very hard to answer: 1. There are no games about Pohatu's Speed 2. There are games about Sonic's Speed 3. We don't know what Pohatu;s Speed can get up to 4. We do know what Sonic's Speed can get up to
  4. I am talking about the Toa Nuva from 2002 but me and my bro nearly have all of 2008
  5. I would want to be a Toa of Stone, because i love Onewa from just the Toa Metru to the Hordika Even though it would be a tough challenge i would still like to face all of those challenges
  6. I wished to have gotten the Toa Nuva. I love the look of them and always wanted them
  7. Would Bionicle's Toa Mask Powers beat Hero Factory's Technology?
  8. The first 4 years were nice but i liked 05, 08 and 09 so IDK if I would say, the first 4 years weren't the best (But were Great).
  9. Set: Hydraxon Game: Bionicle -Cover with Takanuva- Comic: Issue 16 -Loved the 2008 story-
  10. Well set names have been leaked and the picture that was leaked, LEGO wanted to sue the person who leaked that. So it is a possibility...
  11. Yea, a pocket version of a Kal or and Normal one would be pretty awesome!!
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