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Banana Gunz

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Status Updates posted by Banana Gunz

  1. I like to think I've chilled, but we all know what a chaotic mess bubbles beneath the surface. Here's to self growth and recovery

  2. How could this be allowed to happen...

  3. I got hit head on by a car at full speed while walking home on October 1st. It's a miracle I'm alive but I just thought I'd post about it here since this is a major happening. I've been going through ###### the past few days and just got discharged from the hospital and am in absolute pain, but perhaps I'll make a more detailed post about this someplace else. Thanks so much to the BZP and LEGO community for everything and wish me well, I really need it right about now...

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. Arzaki


      Are you able to use your face at all? Can you sniff? Smile? Eat and drink?

    3. Ghidora131
    4. Erasmus Graves

      Erasmus Graves

      Glad you're alive, man.

  4. My first featured topic!!! :D

  5. Tell me it isn't so America...

    1. Arzaki


      It probably is.

  6. Cath me on tumblr now at smeezle-deezle

  7. Cath me on tumblr now at smeezle-deezle

  8. Portal 2 was AMAZING

    1. Ghidora131


      Wait, you didn't beat it until now?



    2. Banana Gunz

      Banana Gunz

      Lol I just got a good enough computer and I've been playing all of the singleplayer Valve games. Portal 2 is the last in my grand quest!

  9. Got a sweet new laptop that I'll be using from now on. Yay!

  10. Heard you were leaving BZP, it'll be real sad to see you go! Your prescence here was always awesome and it's great to have you around. :)

  11. It makes sense if you don't think about it.

    1. Voxumo


      That's what they all say.

    2. Banana Gunz

      Banana Gunz

      Welp, I guess you never know until you know.

  12. Latest Rebels episode was pure baaalleeerrr

  13. Got a cutesy BB-8 toy. Now I won't be so lonely!


  15. Time to see Deadpool! Supes excited!

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. Laughing Man

      Laughing Man

      me too. we had our differences, I called him out on making some inappropriate statements a couple times but he seemed like a pretty cool guy overall. what's your point?

    3. Laughing Man

      Laughing Man

      (also where'd your previous comments go?)

    4. Banana Gunz

      Banana Gunz

      I believe Ghidora deleted them. I typically don't remove posts on my status.


      Lol this post got confusing.

  16. Valentines day is pure evil... At least it's over now.

  17. Yay! College acceptance. With a sweet scholarship too! I still hate my life though lol

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Voxumo


      Congratulations! Certainly quite the achievement. Don't waste it.

    3. Banana Gunz

      Banana Gunz

      Lol thanks you lovely fools!

    4. Ghidora131
  18. Expanding my art style is good. Though I wish I had a cool tablet with the good programs on it... *tears*

    1. Ghidora131


      #All - ALL - TheSaddies2016

  19. What is life even. I've been so out of Bionicle and haven't been on the site in forever. Growing up is weird.

  20. Watching the DemDebate. Bernie Sanders fo pres!

  21. NYCC is literally the worst thing ever. I'm never going again...

    1. Ghidora131


      They'll be happy to hear.

  22. Am I back? Not quite- just hangin' around. Loife's poope

    1. The Forgotten Chronicler

      The Forgotten Chronicler

      Where have you been? The entire Kanohi Force is waiting for your return!

    2. Banana Gunz

      Banana Gunz

      Lol it's my senior year of high school and I have a lot of responsibilities like college and such. I still love Bionicle to death, but with all the junk being thrown onto my shoulders I've been going through a little bit of a dark age (though I still go on news and fan sights and flickr everyday). I haven't even gotten the chance to sit down and build for a real long time. Hopefully though, when all is said and done I can start being more active in the community again.

  23. So... tired...

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Ghidora131


      Um... I wake up at 9. And go to bed at about 2.



    3. Arzaki


      7 hours of sleep is good. I tend to get about 4.

    4. Ghidora131


      Math! *dies*

  24. Jakura Nuva... meet, FLUIDIC MASTER NUVA!!!

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