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Everything posted by Timageness

  1. IC: "Really? One punch and it's an instantaneous death sentence? Remind me never to take you to any back-alley fight-clubs; that sounds like a massacre waiting to happen," Verulas said flatly. "But since Chuckles over there seems to have forgotten to take his reasoning vitamins this morning, I guess that job falls to me." The Bo-Toa sighed, stabbing his knife into the table and knowing that it was probably a lost cause to defend the seemingly insane Skakdi. "You know, you guys talk really loudly. I heard your entire conversation on my trek back here, and I'm not even a De-Toa. While we're on that subject, I loved how you guys left me by myself while I was making sure none of you got sniped on the way back, but that's besides the point. Anyway, the Skakdi waltzed up here with both knowledge about your organization and where you'd be, and, instead of bringing the rest of his buddies to kill you, attempted to join. Granted, he could still be a spy, but we should at least hear him out before killing him."
  2. IC: Verulas took one look at the unconcious Skakdi, recognising the plasma burn on his heartlight as the effect of the Vortixx's gun, and immediately reminded himself that it was a bad idea to tick him off. Maybe his time in La-La Land would teach him to keep his mouth shut. Or maybe those two would tear the place apart every other week in an attempt to kill each other. He'd need some popcorn for that last one. The Bo-Toa caught sight of the Fe-Toa speaking with someone that he didn't recognise (a Toa of Earth, perhaps?), singling him out amongst the rest as a part of their conversation. The gesture was simple and quick, leaving little evidence that it even happened at all as it became something that an untrained eye could have easily missed. His curiosity piqued, Verulas decided to walk over and join the conversation. "So...," he said, spinning a chair around backwards so he could rest his arms as he sat. "Who does a guy have to off to get a drink around here?"
  3. Well, you could always try browsing through the older topics...
  4. Aren't they in the same topic? If that's the case, I don't see why you wouldn't be able to...
  5. IC: Well, that was a bit uncomfortable... Verulas grimaced as Ayar finished patching up, eventually returning to his feet before stretching his limbs. "Got it, doc. No backflips, cartwheels, or somersaults in the near future. Hope I can still form the pyramid though; otherwise the rest of the cheer-squad might start foaming at the mouth," he said sarcastically as a smile formed across his lips. "Thanks again Ayar. You know, you should really make people start buying you dinner or something every time they come in here to have their wounds healed. Anyway, I'll just be giving you some privacy now..." The Bo-Toa exited her room, closing her door behind him before making his way down the hallway. He unsheathed one of his knives, flipping it between his fingers as he began to whistle. He eventually made his way back to the others, raising his eyebrow upon noticing the new arrivals before nonchalantly shrugging his shoulders and leaning against a wall. He didn't need to be the life of a party to enjoy one.
  6. IC: Verulas was a bit surprised to find out that he had a punctured lung; he could have sworn that he hadn't had any issues breathing during the past two days, but the job had kept him on edge for quite a bit of time, which would've explained how the extent of the injury had escaped his notice. The bone fragment had probably gotten itself stuck when it had become wedged inside, sealing the hole and preventing him from drowning in his own blood. He was so going to find the doctor that patched him up earlier and revoke their medical licence.The Bo-Toa closed his eyes, trying to distract himself before nodding in approval."Do it."
  7. IC: Verulas gritted his teeth as he realised that Ayar still didn't have a clear view of his side, his body shifting itself to correct that issue as he felt his wounds begin to close. "Not deep at all, considering it's not there," he said. "I got lucky too; it was filled with Strallix powder beforehand by a flying Ta-Toa who obviously liked to watch things explode." The Bo-Toa sighed, the pain returning once again as he recalled the fight at the hospital. "Two Makuta-worshippers, a Ta-Matoran and a Vortixx, had attacked the hospital outside of Ko-Koro and were taken prisoner before he arrived and offered to free them in exchange for widgets. Long story short, I had to go a round with both the Toa and Matoran. Another defender detonated the Toa's arrow supply to bring him down, while the Matoran lost one of her hands after trying to stab someone... until she somehow grew back another that could shoot fireballs, but that's besides the point."
  8. IC: "I've got a small cut above my right eye, a knife wound to my left shouler, an arrow wound on the same side, three broken ribs, and burns all over. Only the cut hasn't recieved prior medical treatment, but I'd appreciate it if you had a look at the others as well just to see if you can heal them up faster," Verulas said as he sat down and removed his cape and the bloody bandages so she could see the wounds better. "The stitches in my shoulder and side will have to be removed as well if you can close those wounds, but I think that's all I'll need to have done afterwards." The Bo-Toa wasn't surprised at all by the fact that the Fe-Toa apparently knew his name; he was on their recruitment list, and they were spying on him after all, so he thought nothing of it as she went to work on his injuries. "So...," he said smiling. "It seems I'm at a disadvantage when it comes to the name-game once again. People should really start introducing themselves more often."
  9. OOC: @Geardirector: Kimala, the Toa with Korero, is actually the Toa of Crystal mentioned in the post you quoted, not a Vo-Toa. IC: "Finally," Verulas said as the Outpost became quiet. "And I thought I talked too much." He shook his head as he waited for his turn with the healer, watching the Fe-Toa close up the Fa-Toa's wounds in the process.
  10. I confirm that statement while adding in the possibility that it was Krakant.
  11. IC: "She's offering to heal your leg, not trying to put a sword through your face," Verulas said out loud. The Bo-Toa's eyes wandered around the room, catching sight of the sheet of Protodermis in all of it's hastily-constructed glory. It seemed thicker in some spots than others, but what really called his attention to it was the fact that it rested unevenly with the rest of the room. She had either hired a terrible interior decorator, or tried to hide something a little too quickly. If it was indeed the latter as he suspected, he figured it would be best to inconspicuously keep an eye on her and not point it out to the others. "The least you can do is show her some gratitude, but if you really don't want her patching you up, I'll be more than happy to take your spot. Unlike you, I've been getting tossed around like a rag-doll ever since I came back to this Nui-forsaken tundra, and I'd like to be at the top of my game when the others decide that it's time to beat the Karz out of the new recruits."
  12. For the record, I am no sock-puppet. Now as for the question at hand, the frequency of posts per player depends on a number of factors, such as: Time players have to visit the site. The amount of characters a player has. Average time players take to write up their posts. How frequently others post. Time addressing particular issues. Whether people are waiting for others to respond or not. Life in general. Any of the above reasons can have either a positive or negative effect on one's ability to post, so it could be harder to tell.
  13. @Funkydude547: I would assume that if there were plans on letting the news of their arrival leak out into any other Koros, it would probably arrive in a similar fashion to how news of the Battle for Ko-Koro circulated. Then again, the way I took it was that the Dasaka didn't want to alert the whole island of their presence just yet, so that might not happen also. So while there might not be much time between the two events, the real hurdle you would be facing is actually the time it takes for the news to get to you instead of the time between the events themselves. Unless, of course, you have a reason to go to Ga-Koro before the news hits...
  14. IC: "Fight a member, huh? Figured something like that would happen," Verulas mumbled as he smiled, ignoring the fact that he himself was ignored. So much for his nap... He moved his arm around in an attempt to ease the pain in his shoulder as he held his bandaged side. Hopefully fate wouldn't find it necessary to cause him and that pesky Ta-Matoran to cross paths again; the last thing he needed was a half-pint with a grudge interfering with his future contracts. The Bo-Toa grasped a piece of his tattered, and now apparently charred, cape, using it to wipe the blood off of his face and cursing silently as the fabric rubbed across one of his burns. He also wondered what happened to the Ta-Toa he had encountered back at the hospital. Granted, he probably would've became a thorn in his side too if given enough time, but it would've been a shame if he succumbed to his wounds or the weather before they could finish their fight. It seemed the universe did balance out the good and bad after all.
  15. IC: "Almost had one of them to bring back for interrogation too," Verulas said, adding his own two cents into the conversation. "But, hey; things happen." He began following the Ko-Toa to hopefully also get his wounds healed, removing half of the jerky from the bag before tossing the rest towards the hungry-looking female De-Skakdi who he thought that he had caught eyeing him as he ate it. He shoved what remained in his mouth while he moved to help the Fa-Toa towards the healer as well, wondering if she had enough energy to fix all three of them up. Huh... Some of Kimala's caring nature must've rubbed off on him. Whatever. OOC: Hope a sarcastic pessimist who extremely dislikes both Makuta and Mata Nui is allowed to crash that party you two seem to be starting... And since Verulas feels that he requires some backup sarcasm, Rekhyt's coming along too.
  16. Well, I now know where Verulas will be eventually going...
  17. IC: Verulas casually followed the rest of the group inside, still clearly miffed that the others had left him behind while he was trying to defend them. He pulled the Su-Matoran's backpack off of his shoulders before reaching inside for something to eat. He was really starting to get sick of eating his own fruit all the time, and thankfully, the Matoran had had the sense to pack things that weren't quick to spoil. His hand reached around inside before he settled on removing a pouch filled with jerky (what animal the meat originally came from, he did not know), immediately opening it and plopping a piece into his mouth as he began to chew. The flavor was strong, but in a good way, and he enjoyed the taste so much that he was reluctant to swallow it. The Bo-Toa threw the bag back over his shoulders as his bad mood instantly evaporated, his body leaning itself against a wall as he silently watched the others talk.
  18. I always thought of a Miru to be more like a helicopter (mostly moving vertically with limited horizontal movement), while a Kadin moved more like a plane (mostly moving horizontally with limited vertical movement). If that's the case, then the user of the Kadin would have to constantly maintain momentum to stay aloft while the user of the Miru would not, but the Miru-user wouldn't be able to move as fast as the Kadin-user.
  19. IC: Luckily for Verulas, the shot he was expecting never came. He ducked behind a tree and waited a bit longer as the last of the snow hit the ground, revealing that his allies had moved on without him. "Real team effort, guys," he mumbled to himself as he began following their tracks back up to the outpost. "See if I ever try to save your hides again." The Bo-Toa arrived moments after the group began conversing with the approaching Skakdi and Dastan had departed, completely unaware that a scout belonging to the Ko-Koro Guard had discovered and attacked the sniper who was about to shoot him, thus preventing him from firing. OOC: The NPC introduction was our way of temporarily addressing Teclax's current inability to post. He will be under Teclax's control when he is able to start writing again, and Gresak will be coming after Verulas for taking away his reward sometime down the road. Also, Verulas is now back with the rest of the group at Obsidian Outpost
  20. Yeah, well, he did offer to give it back (even though he didn't), and the hand-issue technically worked itself out. Verulas doesn't care enough about Dayeth to hate her; he just finds her extremely annoying, and doesn't particularly want to be around her. If he did, however, he would be acting much more differently than he is now.
  21. Sometimes you need to make situations a tad bit messier before you can clean them up.
  22. I actually wanted Verulas to go to Kentoku at some point, but not like this. He'd probably be thrown in jail the second he opened his mouth anyway, since the Dasaka royalty seem a bit formal while he's more... sarcastically blunt. And I don't think that The Outsiders could pay him enough to infiltrate an entirely foreign island with no backup whatsoever, assuming they wanted info on the Dasaka at all. Plus, posing as one of the potential mates would be really awkward.On the other hand, if he went to Kentoku, he'd never have to deal with Dayeth again...
  23. That would be bad for both islands. Also (feel free to correct me if I read the post wrong), I think they're looking for multiple candidates to take back to Kentoku.
  24. LOL. I don't think that he qualifies though; supposedly they're looking for one of the island's leaders for that position.
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