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Posts posted by Tea-rex

  1. Hey, I still call 000 Sil and call Chumpu Scorp. Old names are names I know people by.

    Clearly you don't know mine. Then again I never post (plus I have limited WiFi until weds) so why should that mind.
  2. Ooc:


    Ic: Grēgorios

    The matoran had gotten bored of standing around doing nothing, so he went back inside. He gazed over the beauty of his machine, hand made from pieces of scrap and... other things he had found it the desert. Its yellow stood out against the black of the icy cave, shining brightly like the early morning sun, its three fingered hands large and powerful, eager to grasp. He got up on a stool and fixed himself into the cockpit of The Frivolous Excelsior, flicked open a box and pressed a big red buttton, and started it up.

    The machine whirred and clicked, steam gushed out of hydraulic pipes, the roar of an internal furnace exploded life into the jetpack, blue flames gushing out of it. The machine began to stand upright, as if now becoming sentient, its arms starting to move, the fingers slowly creaking with the unuse of a century. It rolled its arm back, then another, and took one tentative step forward, then another, standing face-to-face with the hangar door.

    Slowly, its metal carapace started to rise, and the feet were exposed to the light after a century of darkness. Onlookers stared on as the hangar door revealed more of it, until it was fully revealed. It walked forward, through the street, idily, as if shopping for grapes, and made its way up to the observatory, taking the more direct route of making its own way up by climbing the sheer vertical edge with its claws grasping into the side of the mountain.

    When it reached the top and it heaved itself over the top, landing with a heavy clunk. Steam rose up again, and the cockpit rose up, still surrounded in steam. By the time the steam rose, The Frivolous Excelsior stood there like a giant, its owner, with wrench on shoulder, stood there with a smug expression on their face, staring at his comrades who had likewise assembled themselves in the courtyard.

    "What too y'all so long?" He asked.

  3. IC: San

    Over the course of the next minute, San constantly opened and closed his mouth again, making the occasional "bab" sound with his index finger consistently in the air, before giving up.

  4. IC: San

    San fainted for no reason. Fourth wall breaking no doubt caused it. When he awoke the halls and such were still as grey and broken as always. San could not remember where he was, nor how he got there, but that didn't matter to him. He got up and walked out the door into the light. He saw a group of rahskshi and walked down to meet them. When he got there, he said:
    "What is the point of this, umh, gathering of sorts?" He said, to no-one in particular.


    OOC: Open to interaction from any member of the tour group.

  5. Chilling, and very well written.

    Quick question - is that, or is it not Phogen? You stated on Phogen's bio that its Makuta was Tridax, not Teradix.

    Unless it was a mis-type.

    • Upvote 1
  6. IC: Grēgorios

    Grēgorios nodded again, and then got up.

    "See ya'll back here in a bit."

    He then made his way out of the observatory and swiftly moved down the mountain. Once at the bottom, he casually walked through Trieze and into his workshop.

    He walked over to a desk, wooden and battered, covered in screws and wires and greydust. He brushed them out of the way, looking for something. He then found it buried under there, a pristine shiny wrench, amazing despite all the beatings it had been through, as long as his arm when fully extended, handheld when folded up, and placed it on his belt on the left side. He then loaded his pistol with more greypowder and re-placed it on his belt on the right side. Then, he walked over to the back of the room where a large dark green curtain laid. He pulled it off to reveal "The Frivolous Excelsior", a large heavy-loader like exo-suit, but with small differences that made it seem... Different. He stood underneath it, and then turned around and headed out the door. He closed it behind him and stood there for a while, waiting.

  7. IC: Siren (Library)

    Siren had been waiting by the causeway, stunned that she had missed an assignment.

    She. Missed. Of all Rahkshi. What would Tridax think?

    She sighed and shook her head, before walking away to somewhere, wherever her feet took her. Where she ended up was the library. She entered the door and took a book out of the very limited "fiction" area, and made her way over to a table, passing a rahk that was reading.


    She stopped and turned around, putting the book down in the process. She peered around the corner and took a closer look at the Rahkshi who was nervously reading a book.


    She turned round back the corner and cloaked, and then walked up behind Squid and uncloaked.

    "So.", she said.

    "Where have you been?"


    OOC: Siren interacting with Squid.

  8. Id: Krakant

    The Skakdi was bringing the boat around when Maeloc asked for him to do so. He waited until the Turaga was on the other side of the rope before fully docking at the island. He stepped out of the boat and onto the island. He saw the bag of disks and walked towards them. He emptied out the bag of the disks and put it around himself. He then picked up a few disks and looked at them.

    "Say", he said, turning the disks as he did so, "what are these used for?" He asked.



    Or Death.

    One of the two.


    Name: The Death.

    Species: Unknown. Most likely great being.

    Power/Weapon 1: Telepathy

    Power/Weapon 2: A black scythe that has a purple glow on the blade

    Power/Weapon 3: Shadow (Boo! Necromancy! Hiss!)

    Appearance: Tall, with a slight hunchback, The Death wear a tattered (hah! Adjectives!) black cloak (obviously) which drapes down and a skeleton-like mask (again, obvious) over his face. The only thing that says he's mechanical is his hands which he leaves un-exposed and the constant wirr-hiss-click that occasionally comes from his general direction.

    Bio: The Death is very supernatural, or he seems that way. His movement and speech is quite unnatural and out of the bounds of this usual world. He appeared one day in a village, with only a sick matoran being able to see him. Paranoid, the matoran ran away, only to be cut down by his length. Then the entire village could see The Death.

    They were not pleased.

    And so The Death ran away, trying to haunt and destroy the lives of the suffering once again.

    Personality/Other: Male. Speaks only through telepathy. He may sometimes loose his cover of mystery and become quite the nuisance.


    Likewise reposting for confirmation.



    In other news, I finally got tired of looking enviously at Click's Hoto MoC and revamped my own (still not as good but far more tolerable :P). Of course, this had to be followed up with a revamped Jayar, Short, and Vlad. This time, I finally decided to make a topic for all these Rahkshi I've been making, so you can check it out (and leave feedback, if you want) there.

    *grumble*something about atleast one of my characters*grumble*



    You haven't been very active lately and none of your characters have really interacted with mine at all (aside from Vlad vs Hashan), so I don't have much incentive to MoC any of them. I can try include one in the next batch though, who would you want?


    I don't mind at all who you do really. Siren, Hashan, San the pudding disciple, you take your pick!

    (and the only reason I haven't been active was that there wasn't much to do in the way of stuff... to do...)

  11. In other news, I finally got tired of looking enviously at Click's Hoto MoC and revamped my own (still not as good but far more tolerable :P). Of course, this had to be followed up with a revamped Jayar, Short, and Vlad. This time, I finally decided to make a topic for all these Rahkshi I've been making, so you can check it out (and leave feedback, if you want) there.

    *grumble*something about atleast one of my characters*grumble*

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