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Posts posted by Tea-rex

  1. IC: Iyanu

    Iyanu saw it all. He always did. The monster was... different. More slow, more... Stupid. It wasn't the strange beast that was once thought, unbeatable, but now it was a cowardly being that got beaten by a wall.

    A wall.

    It was less like a goule, and more like a wild animal, trapped, cornered.

    Iyanu sighed, and walked back to his cell. He knew what had happened to Kotak. He shook his head and closed the door behind him. He walked up to the back wall, the scribbles now fully around all the walls, most notably the back one. He found a spot in the middle, and sat down crossed-legged. He unsheathed his blade and wrote on the wall:
    :i:  :t:    :w:  :m_o:  :n:  :t:    :b:  :e:    :l:  :m_o:  :n:  :g:

  2. IC: Krakant

    Krakant was overhearing the conversation between Maeloc & Fruya. The proposed "Skakdi Souffle" made him shudder.

    Take us towards that boat Krakant.

    "Right you are cap'n!" He said in response to Maeloc's request, putting on a terrible faux pirate voice. He turned the wheel and the boat slowly turned towards the other ship like a shopping trolley. As they were getting close, Krakant asked

    "Say, what if they're uh... hostile on the boat? Like, murderous natives. Like you." He said, nodding towards Maeloc.

  3. IC: Grēgorios 

    Grēgorios nodded at what was being said, understanding it fully. When it came to the question put before him, he responded

    "Well, this is very sudden and all, but I suppose that it won't hurt to give it a go."

  4. IC: Grēgorios (Treize)

    Grēgorios was bored, and after a failed attempt at tinkering with his Exo's gears, he decided to have a walk around the more mountainous areas at the top, slightly more dangerous, but with a wonderful view. He climbed up the thinly wrought stairs and stood on the edge, taking in the view and chilling breeze that came up the mountain from the bottom snow, with the horizon stretching out towards Nomans-land, the sun stretching over the dusty and broken area he once called home. He turned to go up, but saw a room with a good view that was in a slightly better position.

    He might get a better view there, so entered in the door. He then saw three figures sat around a table in the center of the room.

    "Oh, sorry. Am I interrupting something? I can come back la'er if ya'll don't mind."



    OOC: Interacting with Elerc, Suko & NPC Vortixx.


    Or Death.

    One of the two.


    Name: The Death.

    Species: Unknown. Most likely great being.

    Power/Weapon 1: Telepathy

    Power/Weapon 2: A black scythe that has a purple glow on the blade

    Power/Weapon 3: Shadow (Boo! Necromancy! Hiss!)

    Appearance: Tall, with a slight hunchback, The Death wear a tattered (hah! Adjectives!) black cloak (obviously) which drapes down and a skeleton-like mask (again, obvious) over his face. The only thing that says he's mechanical is his hands which he leaves un-exposed and the constant wirr-hiss-click that occasionally comes from his general direction.

    Bio: The Death is very supernatural, or he seems that way. His movement and speech is quite unnatural and out of the bounds of this usual world. He appeared one day in a village, with only a sick matoran being able to see him. Paranoid, the matoran ran away, only to be cut down by his length. Then the entire village could see The Death.

    They were not pleased.

    And so The Death ran away, trying to haunt and destroy the lives of the suffering once again.

    Personality/Other: Male. Speaks only through telepathy. He may sometimes loose his cover of mystery and become quite the nuisance.

  6. Well, this seems interesting, I guess I'll have a little go at it.


    Name: Grēgorios (not actually Italian)

    Species: Matoran

    Gender: Male

    Powers/Gear: An EDD placed on the back of his neck, giving him some access to stone powers. He also has a greypowder pistol that can be attached to the right arm of Frivolous Excelsior and a wrench. He carries both around on his belt. He wears a Kanohi Arthon

    Appearance: An average sized Matoran, but muscular and well toned. He wears brown clothes atop his yellow limbs & body. His face is round and smooth, jutting out against the sharp, angular features of his Arthon.

    Personality: Calm and open (about how he feels at the moment), Grēgorios is a warm, humble matoran who's always quick on the draw. A southern accent keeps him from becoming too annoying.

    Bio: Little is known about Grēgorios' previous life, as he one day suddenly was spotted by the Triezeian watch, walking over from Ertunkan in The Frivolous Excelsior. Since then he has been helping out the people of Trieze with pieces of maintenance and repairs, all for a price of course.

    Armor: The Frivolous Excelsior


    Armor Name: The Frivolous Excelsior

    Category: Exo-suit

    Armor Appearance: Slightly smaller than the average Exo-suit, it's yellow in appearance and very bare bones, with wires jutting out of it and long thin pylons around its limbs. It's seating area is an open roll-cage, to whit Grēgorios stands in.  Reminiscent of a heavy-loader.

    Crew: N/A

    Loadout: A small slot for the Greypowder Pistol to be attached to on the right arm that can be fired with a button press. Each arm ends with a large grey-yellow hand, like a heavy-loader that are powerful and can be used to grasp/crush things. On the back is a beige jet-booster that allows The Frivolous Excelsior to have a slightly higher jump than other Exo-suits of its class.

    Kanohi: Arthon.


    Now that's out of the way, could someone tell me what's happening currently so I could pop on in?

  7. IC: Krakant

    Krakant had silently followed behind the company thinking about what he could filch out of the temple and sell for extraordinaire prices. It just so happened that this time he was actually going to be useful.

    "I could give it a go." He said in response to Maeloc. "I got myself over here, I guess I could get us over to an island in a tub no problem." He continued.

  8. Oh, cmon Nato, I need someone to kill for my epic reveal later on the line if Iyanu ever gets killed.

    Which is probably never.

    Which is sad.

    Because then all my hard work would have been put to nothing.








    Is this guilt trip working yet?

  9. IC: Iyanu

    The shockwave shook through Iyanu and sent him sprawling from the wall of his cell. He looked around before getting up. He decided to walk outside.

    Or, what was outside inside - around the cells.

    He walked towards solitary and turned the corner to see The Monster. And two other Toa. And "Him".

    He stood completely still, frozen in place.

  10. <p>




    Ic: San (empty dorm room)

    This could have gone better

    He almost got crushed as the... Thing burrowed its way into the ground. He sighed and shook his head. He then walked over to the dormitories to have a rest. Except he couldn't see. He put his hand ton his back and shouted into the gloom

    "Helloooo?" Expecting to be jumpscared and shoved into a suit.

    I'm very confused as to what's going on in this post.

    • I don't recall anything burrowing into the ground recently - or ever, to be honest.
    • I think you've got your locations mixed up: the fight is happening way over in the empty dormitory wing, on the other side of the school to where the inhabited dorms are (at least, I think that's where it is).
    • Illusive already turned off Legion, so there's no darkness anymore.
    • Why the FNAF reference?
    Ah . Well uh...

    Wait lemme just edit it and see if it's slightly better?

    (The FNaF reference was just a fourth wall break, nothing more)

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