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Everything posted by Funkydude527

  1. All according to plan... As soon as it is described where Phogen wakes, and in what condition, I shall respond.
  2. I think you forgot some: Will X ever get into the game?Will X ever get into the game in Y way? Can I be from (land that doesnt exist in this canon)?
  3. IC Budge The burnak, who had been up to this point watching the once floating stick with great interest, suddenly heard some recognizable words. He wandered over, sat in front of Vilda Mako, and patiently waited for the wizened being to stop speaking. At the forst moment of silence, Budge promptly keeled over onto his back, legs stuck vertical in the air. As per orders, Budge played dead.
  4. Meanwhile, over in Funkydude's crazy idea land, there is a cyborg Vortixx. Figure that one out. Honsestly, though, is that okay? Like, biomechanical biomechanicals?
  5. IC Essie In her typical monotone, she said "Index Nine: I have no psychology. Therefore, I do not possess a diseased psychology." IC Essie "I am wholly unfamiliar with the geography of this island."
  6. IC Phogen The siren of classical music slowly died throughout the school as a Rahkshi of Sonics, shoulders well worn from harty and beloved pats and head straining from exterted focus, but brimming with pride from collective praise her fleeing benefactors had imparted, slowly shuffled off the wall. This was good. The Rahkshi had won many friends that day. Shaking hands unfixed themselves from the ventalation grate. This was all measured, and planned for, certainly, but the intense lightheadedness was sickening nontheless Barely cognisant that the hallway was empty, Phogen tuned her head to get a clearer understanding of the situation. Unfortunately, that instinctive move was a poor one. The world spun and receded, pinwheeling and advancing, all at once. Phogen mused that the concept of 'down' should not behave so erratically before the instense usage of power brough upon equally intense nausea. Before blacking out, Phogen noted how such a drain of power had a physical component as well. Unlike Toa, their elemental abilites did not drain from a seperate pool as their physical one. The last thing she noted before giving up entirely to the blackness was how nice and cool the stone floor was. .... A pair of porters, their mechanical minds unsure of how to handle a disciplinary issue like this, defulted to an old tradition of asking someone else what to do. As such, the two mechanical creatures, uncomfortable with their newfound inability to roll, waddled back to Suvak. Their impairment came from their cargo. Coming forth, and staring dolefully up at the Skakdi, the mechanical servants carried what they identified as the source of the earlier auditory disturbance: a limp, uttlerly comatose, but still breathing Phogen. They placed the student on the floor, and waited for further instructions.
  7. Then prepare to be amazed! Kinda. Its really hard to make passing out from exertion seem maniacal and impressive, but I am gonna give it my best shot.
  8. IC Essie "Apology accepted. The small biological one assesses accurately. What is our objective, then?"
  9. Ah! Yes! I would place him either as 256's target or Vir's target, basing it solely off of IC gathered information, that is.
  10. IC Essie "I refer you to Index Nine."
  11. Slight inaccuracy in that Vir is Chekquar's target, not his assassin, so you've still got a few kinks to work out>Xara>256>Chequars>Vir>Clockwork>Snake>Fall>Omega>Glass>(LOOP) >Green>Caoutchoc>Exxan>Squid>(LOOP) ???? Sidebar: MacTeddy experiences sudden classical music while in his office. I would pay to see that.
  12. IC EssieEssie was very matter of fact about this. "I assume you mean that as an insult, or an exclamation that prompts me to stop. If I am wrong, I will have to vocalize Rebuttal-slash-clarification request Twelve." OOC: How excellent would it be if throughout the RPG, Essie simply had a running list of rebuttals/clarification requests? And every time she needed to, she pulled out that subroutine, no matter how high the numbers got? IC: Deriksha"Go on then, Clickmouth." IC Essie"Twelve: Doing that to me would most likely be unpleasant to you, and I would receive no tangible benefit from the act. I am sterile, and irregular dopamine levels would simply be filtered out automatically." "Thirteen: Index error." "Fourteen: What relevance does the label 'Clickmouth' have? What function or clarification does it serve, assuming it is directed at me?"
  13. Hm.... Well, in any case the game is nearly done. Very few players remain involved.
  14. IC EssieEssie was very matter of fact about this. "I assume you mean that as an insult, or an exclamation that prompts me to stop. If I am wrong, I will have to vocalize Rebuttal-slash-clarification request Twelve." OOC: How excellent would it be if throughout the RPG, Essie simply had a running list of rebuttals/clarification requests? And every time she needed to, she pulled out that subroutine, no matter how high the numbers got?
  15. IC EssieEssie continued on, watching Deriksha. "Nine: I have no psychology. Therefore, I do not possess a diseased psychology." "Ten: I am a cyborg, not a robot. I still possess biological components that allow me to adapt and think creatively." "Eleven: You do not possess the means to kill me. You are far too weak. I recommend the addition of 'foolishly attempt' as a qualifier whenever you speak of killing me. That recommendation is carried over to all in the room." OOC: I smell a running joke here.
  16. Rookies. Key: Assassin>Target >Xara>256>Vir>Chequars>Snake>Clockwork>Fall>Omega>Glass>(LOOP) >Green>Caoutchoc>Exxan>Squid>(LOOP) Also: Lets all take a moment and realize there has almost been as much activity here than Kini-Nui has ever seen?
  17. IC Essie"I shall address all of your points in turn with a numerically label series of rebuttals and-slash-or requests for clarification." "One: empirically, you are inferior." "Two: my accurate analysis of your abilities and capacity to succeed in combat has occurred more than once. Rather, it is a continual, unending cycle of analysis. Conclusions have been fairly static. I reference you to Rebuttal Index One." "Three: I require clarification. Was your failed attempt to remove my arm from the rest of my body not, as you define it, real? If it is not, as you define it, real, I will require a redefinition of the concept of reality." "Four: I do not wish to have a real, as I define it, fight with you. You are a valuable and capable decoy. I do not wish to annihilate you, or even separate you into several seperate chunks of former Toa." "Five: What relevancy does the apparel of your slaughtered teammate's slaughterers have to your current point?" "Six: I am speaking to provide the local grouping of biologicals a sense of comfort. My silence sounds like this when I am analyzing and logging psychological profiles on you all." She stopped talking for a moment, and a creepy, staccato, bass chitter emanated from Essie. "Records show biologicals find this noise unnerving. So I speak to disguise it." "Seven: There would not be enough left of that axe to classify it as 'ruined' if I were forced to remove it." "Eight: Toa cannot phase through walls. I may create a hole in it with my explosive launcher to provide the Toa unit a means to decrease proximity from you."
  18. OOC: Omega, Xara intercepted the blow.
  19. IC Phogen Standing perfectly still and judgmental throughout the whole charade, not even flinching as the attempted blow was intercepted and rejected, and observing the accusations with a sneer and a friendly snort, he prepared a witticism. However, his brilliant response was not meant to be seen. A singular, critically early Porter which had arrived in the hallway far ahead of the headmaster's intended schedule, interrupted his train of thought. There was a moment of processing, then an epiphany. "I would love to provide my rebuttal, but it appears to be time to scatter. We will discuss this later. Snake, I apologize for the inaccuracy. Now, if you would excuse me..." He stepped back against the grate, closed her eyes, and concentrated. To her, all else in the world vanished. The guile, the passions, the cold logic, all morphed into a symphony, where she was the conductor. She called for silence with a metaphorical tap of her directing wand, and called on a solo from her sonic powers. A chillingly beautiful melody rang out in her mind, joined gradually by the chords of strings, and the wild, untamed countermelody of brass. She hummed the melody to herself, the group able to hear. Then, the imagined percussion picked up as the tune cycled. With each beat, something near-deafening and salvific to the student body occurred. Sure, the headmaster would call a group punishment either way, but that mattered little. Appearance was the true key of leadership. And so, a loud, piercing metallic foghorn reverberated throughout the school, an alarm for the delinquent, an annoyance ubiquitous to the authority, and a gemstone of beauty to Phogen. With each hum the tune became distinctly classical, and began to leak into the foghorn pulses alarm as a quiet beat. The whole school reverberated with the tone. Everywhere from the gym to the dorms to the headmaster's typically quiet office was filled with the unimaginably voluminous classical piece. The music in the party room stopped. The poor porter looked at the entranced Phogen. If it could feel terror from the shame of failure, it would. Someone in the party shouted "RUUUUN!" just as the first, short progression of the overture clicked into the next portion. And the Portter turned tail and sprinted off to alert its masters of the oncoming stampede and scattering of Rahkshi. Most of whom would see this brave, heroic student of sonics giving themselves up to the harsh discipline of Makuta for the sake of the student body. All according to plan. OOC: Time to beak this bad boy up. Crowd of NPCs incoming!
  20. IC Essie Her head turned to face Deriksha. "Your obvious distaste for success and superiority would explain your behavior and decisions." IC Essie "We are not a team. You all simply benefit from my presence, and reciprocate by providing additional, less difficult targets for enemies to pick off first. This relationship is symbiotic." She turned to face Jalkron. "I would like to have additional decoys. As such, I would find it beneficial if you joined this grouping of individuals. I will reciprocate by allowing you to benefit from my presence" OOC: Ah, its good to be back.
  21. IC Girah The matoran snorted. It would be humorous if it was not sop insulting. "How big is that ceremonial axe-head?" Girah held up a pair of five-widget disks. "About this big, right? And you want me to give you six of these veritable fortunes for fifty grams of smoking material? You better be offering more, or you truely are a robber." He shook his head at the Dashi, shaming him for mistaking excitement for foolishness. "Don't even act like you will do anything but smelt the stuff into liquid and use it for metal. How about I give you this chunk of rare, valuable mineral that will make you wealthy beyond imagining..." Girah held up a half-dollar sized single-widget coin that was, indeed, enough for Daijuno to retire on. "...for the same amount of material."
  22. IC Phogen "Well, considering the nature of that gagging noise from around the corner, I do believe I may reconsider my assignment. You see, Vir was Chekquar's assassin. He was being clever around a smarter Rahkshi, which is a pretty obvious mistake. As such I have no doubt he has been eliminated. If that is the case, we have two options when it comes to ensuring the safety of my client." Phogen leaned back. It mattered very little to her which strategy they chose, so a democratic appeal might be a good way to re-win confidence. "Lets put this to a vote: go out actively after Chekquars, perhaps in the confusion of a scattering party, or set a trap for him with Snake as bait and wait his undoubtedly significant patience out?"
  23. Woah woah woah, I leave for thanksgiving and intrigue happened? Without me?
  24. IC Phogen The Rahk sighed and gesticulated in an irritated manner. "As I have so brilliantly figured out, yes. He is your assassin."
  25. IC Phogen It was so obvious! How could they miss it! It was a work of art! She contained a joyous squeal poorly. Regaining composure, he elaborated. "Lets just say this assignment is a walk through the orchard. I say nothing more, barring my confidence that the issue may sort itself out. Snake, Omega, stick around, but be prepared to scatter if needed. If that is the case, Xara and Glass will go with Snake. Exxan should go off after Chekquars, and Omega after Vir. Find them, keep tabs on them, but do not engage. I will be.... Tied up lets say."
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