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Everything posted by Funkydude527

  1. IC Phogen: He held up his hands and hunched a little as he turned around, in a bit of surrender to the faux pas. At the mention of amphitheater, his head perked up slightly despite his immense attempt to repress the action. He loved the arts, but he wasnt going to let it get in the way of his polite refusal. Still, it would be the first time in a public performance venue... On second thought, letting that love leak through might be helpful. Jayar needed more convincing, that was certain, and this might be a great chance to do that. He let his love of theatre leak though a little as a slight pause before responding with a less than sure "No... No I would hate to ruin your special night together."
  2. IC Phogen: How romantic. Phogen was glad he could take credit for such a beautiful experience between the two. Jayar had growv a little, Hoto had seen fallability in her lover and embraced it as part of his being, and the lovers were asunder no more. She would have to cash that credit at some point. Phogen made her wat through the crowd, idly looking around at the city as she approached the couple. She appeared out of the mass of people and said "I heard my name. Is there-Oh!" She covered his mouth and took a step back, feeling profoundly awkward at the affection before her. "Excuse my blundering, as well as my interruption. I'll just ah... Wait over there..." Phogen turned on his heel to vanish again.
  3. Not sure who is keeping up with the Hoto/Jayar/Phogen drama, but right now, this is what our lovely derahk is doing:
  4. IC Phogen: The derahk smirked from under the hood. She had to be doing something right if even her detractors called her 'perfect' literally minutes after meeting her. Truly, it was flattering. And while Phogen knew that she had her flaws, there was a certain partcof her that areed with Jayar. Most of what she did was perfection, or at least close enough to fall under that catagory. From her position across the causeway, where she was buying a small bit of caramel cake from a street vendor, Phogen listened into the conversation using that helpful little trick she had once used so often for espoinage. She just needed to tune into the right vocal frequency, and filter out the noise. To be a sonic rahk was to be an artist. The vendor took the currency she pickpocketed from a cable car passenger and forked over the dessert to go. Inwardly, Phogen remarked on how impersonal Jayar was making it sound, and how utterly offensive the term 'servitude' was. That implied Hoto was Phogen's servant. No, Hoto had graduated to associate from employee the moment she displayed intriguing prowess in the library so long ago, but servitude was never part of that equation. As for the calculation of her own actions... Well, even a broken watch is right twice a day. Oh she was. She was also taking a loving bite out of another true friend: caramel cake. Phogen gave a deep, contented hum as the theological experience of soft, moist caramel washed over her. The experience was only enhanced by Jayar doing Phogen's job for her. Use was such a strong word. Conduct or direct would be more fitting. Personally, Phogen prefered the term 'lead'. She licked the residue off her fingers before taking another bite of this delicious treat. Phogen smiled, letting the delicious cake and delicious loayalty melt in his mouth. This is why it paid to be just and empathetic. It paid divadends to be loved instead of feared. And Phogen was loved by Hoto, not romantically, no, but platonic love? Platonic love conquered all. Phogen licked off his fingers again, taking note of that gaping wound Hoto had just made on Jayar. It would be s good place to stick in a knife and twist if need be. Or a good little boo-boo to kiss and make better if warranted. That was her que. Phogen smiled to the vendor in thanks, and took another bite of cake. Innocuously, innocently, she wandered over towards the cable car, wondering what was taking them so long and knowing full well what was taking them so long in the same moment. She looked the former.
  5. Just nomenclature, amigo. I havent used anything of the new stuff in it het, so no harm no foul. Sorry for that! Just excited to get updated and back in the game! Also, thank you for being such a wonderful god of the Rahk, good sir. I am sorry I have wronged you.
  6. He wouldn't join the losing side, would he? Mwuhahahaha
  7. IC Phogen: Leaning against the wall of the station, looking like a deviant waif awaiting the next train, Phogen smiled subtly to herself. How cute. They were holding hands. The derahk was never one to deny love. Love was a beautiful thing. So delicate, so reasonless, so utterly transient at times, yet otherwise unshakeable. It made such a wonderful tool. This was a prime example. Phogen didn't need to silence his newfound critic. Hoto would do it for him. Hopefully the love affair would last long enough for Jayar to be convinced that the winning team had the most chance for advancement. If not, no harm done. Hoto was still his interpersonal ally, and a charming one at that, and Jayar would not be much of a loss if he never joined in the first place. Let the two date! It was harmless, and it made them happy. If it got in the way, it would be very easy to turn it to an advantage. Yes, Phogen would let Hoto and Jayar be happy. It suited her well to have happy employees and associates.
  8. IC Phogen: The cable car came to a stop with a slight jerk. Phogen chuckled. "Well, don't let me ruin your date night. I'll tag along enough behind to give you some privacy." She smirked at Hoto and gave her a wink before exiting the cable car with the rest of the passengers.
  9. IC Phogen: Jayar was light reading for Phogen. A critic of her, no doubt, but on what grounds remained to be seen. That would come soon enough. She responded eloquently. "Thank you for keeping the 'in' off that 'famous', my friend. It is appreciated." He released the hand on Hoto's shoulder and put it our for Jayar. "You're a lucky man, Jayar. Hoto is one of the most underestimated and beautiful rahkshi I know." Jayar had shown his soft underbelly to the world. Phogen simply would poke at it.
  10. You will find our sonic friend to be more pragmatic than sentimental. And I think you will find Exxan and Phogen more amenable than you anticipate. Phogen is not the sort to hold a grudge. That is too petty for her to consider.
  11. I have all limbs intact and a shiny new set of armor to boot...?
  12. You might be surprised what a plus a bad rap is to Phogen.
  13. IC Phogen: Oh, it was touch and go there, and it was an adventure of the most enlightening variety, but the return of the escapee was inevitable. It was unavoidable. Those who made the mistake of thinking the vacuum left by Phogen was up for grabs would soon learn of their folly. Retribution was not a requirement of the process, as vindictiveness was a bad introduction, but he would make his presence known one way or another. Phogen patted Hoto's back gently. He exhaled and replied "Thank you. It is quite reassuring to know I still have a friend kicking around the academy." He let the hug linger long enough to let Hoto know that she was missed profoundly, and that their friendship was a strong one. She mentally corrected herself, and relabeled it an interpersonal alliance in the bowels of her memory. Ah, but there was another one to woo. Phogen broke the embrace at just the right amount of time to make any romantic undertones unfounded, and keep the vitriol of this new face's jealousy to a healthy simmer. He kept his hand on one of Hoto's shoulders as she turned to Jayar. She smiled broadly. "So, who's your hot date, Hoto?" Phogen rested a hand on her hip and tilted her back slightly, emphasizing the more effete features subtly.
  14. IC Phogen: The emotion was obvious. His poor little acolyte had obviously been through the wringer after his disappearance. Worse, it was rapidly looking like Phogen would have to rebuild his organization from scratch. Still, better to be here. His face drooped with hers, and his warm smile cooled to a comforting grimace. With a heavy, sympathetic sigh, he took the half step forward required to bring Hoto into an embrace around the shoulders, closing his eyes and resting his chin on her shoulder. "Its alright. We don't have to talk about it at all, my dear. I'm just glad to see you again." Her mind was racing internally. Kaita rahkshi? How would that even work with sentient rahkshi? Mentally, what happened? The power, oh the power would be intoxicating, but the loss of agency... A puzzle indeed! Add the fact that it shell-shocked Hoto, and the puzzle grew ever more complex. Phogen would have to look into this. Of course with someone who was less traumatized, but look into it nonetheless.
  15. IC Phogen: Phogen smirked and gave a small chuckle. Through his powers of clairvoyance, he predicted that Hoto's two inquiries were going to be the ones that would mark the rest of the day. It was reassuring to see not all was forgotten in his absence. Where Hoto was indecisive, he was calm and sure. Phogen reached up and put two hands on her shoulders, leaning ever so slightly up and off the wall. "Let's just say I took advantage of a study abroad opportunity, and learned quite a bit." His humor softened to a warm fondness. "You have no idea how good it is to see another rahkshi that can talk. How have you been, Hoto?" Yes, he remembered her name. He remembered the quiet, blind rookie that scaled a bookshelf without a second thought. And now she was confident enough to go out on the town with a potential suitor. Intriguing. This would take some looking into, much like the rest of the academy. As would her date, which was now suspiciously staring her down. Inwardly, Phogen was elated at the intact nature of her reputation.
  16. A shame! I was hoping for a bit of fun with him, but every good thing must pass.
  17. IC Phogen: Cablecar: A voice came seemingly out of nowhere. A voice that was silky and smooth, as brilliant in its elocution as it was unapologetically confident. It was a voice that sounded like it was forged by the devil himself to summon the righteous down to the inferno. It was a voice that tempted the mind and made the listener curious enough to fall under the sway of its siren call. It was a voice that had the authority and certitude to lead a crusade against those that would cause pain and suffering in the world. It was a voice so angelic that the holy upstanding and just morality of its owner seemed unquestionable. It was a voice that cut through the politics and brought stability and unity. It was a voice that inflamed the partisanship, playing both sides against the middle. It was a voice that seduced. It was a voice that pontificated. It was a voice of guile. It was a voice of empathy. It was a voice that could never be quite identified as male or female unless the owner of the voice wanted it to. It was a voice of a leader, machiavellian and charismatic and loving all at once. "Excuse my lack of tact if I am interrupting a personal moment, but would you happen to have transport back to the Academy?" Hoto knew the voice. Anyone who had the privilege of knowing its owner could pick out that voice. The voice came from the hooded figure leaning against the wall of the cable car with their arms casually resting in the pockets of the jacket it wore. Neither of them had heard the figure approach. The figure looked up at the two rahkshi before it. The dim light of the cable car revealed black markings on his yellow legs, her eye-catching hips. A pair of glowing orange eyes looked out from under the hood, reading the pair like a book. Slight accents of that unnatural, phosphorescent green that marked a creature of Makuta design were just barely visible in the joints. It looked a like a Rahkshi, but the body was like nothing Jayar had seen before. It also seemed to appear out of thin air. He and Hoto hadn't heard the footsteps when he took his spot on the wall. They didn't hear her breathing and her shifting with the gentle jostle of the cablecar. It was only now that they noticed this creature stand out of the ensemble of people around them. It was only now that Phogen allowed them to know that the once and future leader had returned.
  18. It was a misstype on the Bio's part. Alas, I was a confused rookie once. Edit: Bio is fixed.
  19. For the first time since banishment, a Brotherhood member was to meet with the captive. What a pathetic creature. What a humbled being. What a waste of space. The insults and musings of Antroz had berated the pest for hours before Teridax finally arrived on Xia to view the captive back in a cell, this time belted down to a table often used for cybernetic experiments in the high towers of the Vortixx industrial machine. Of course, Antroz allowed Roodaka to poke and prod this one who was either smart or stupid enough to turn itself it. It took almost two hours to find a scalpel the captive couldn't shatter on contact. After only fifteen minutes, the kraata used its ability to shatter the pain-registering conduits and make the enhancements much less fun to put in. The whistling and general smug joviality of the captive eventually drove the Viceroy from the room, fuming. She wanted the rahkshi scrapped. Antroz wanted to give the rahkshi a medal. Either way, the captive had endured Antroz's monologuing with quips and snarks, and Roodaka's experimentation with pep and music. Teridax was eager to see how she would endure his own stare. The door to the room hissed open. On the lab table sat a one-armed rahkshi with a mounted shoulder launcher, a targeting scope on the headcasing, and some jet propulsion device on the legs only half finished. Teridax stepped in, the door shutting behind him. He stared at the captive, who turned to face him. Ah, so it was going to match his stare with its own. It was unblinking, and more intelligent than the Makuta was expecting. Strange to see that in a rahkshi. He had no idea how Tedrax endured the strange sense of nauseating parenthood on a daily basis. Filial pride. How disgusting. He had to rid himself of it somehow. Putting on his most chilling voice, he asked "Having fun?" In eloquent and perfect matoran, whose gender he could not place for the (strange, antidermal, half-)life of him, the captive responded "Yes, but it would be more fun if any of the rubbish the Viceroy attached worked, father." Teridax tilted his head about two degrees upward. It was as close to a recoil as he allowed. So she had him numbered the moment he walked in the room, picking up the pride in his eyes. Intriguing. He would have to be on a slight guard to deal with this gnat. "I find your name for me unfounded." The rahkshi tilted its head slightly, and drooped it eyelid, expressing injury at the patronization. "Come now, I know exactly who donated the antidermis for my kraata, and my kraata alone." Teridax waved a dismissive hand, circling. "How sentimental of you. I lack your sentimentality, however. Sentiment-" "Is not correlative with pride?" The bloody thing interrupted and had the audacity to smile about it. Maybe it was his, after all. But this could not be tolerated. He idly inspected the knuckle mechanisms in his hand as he walked. "Pride in excess is dangerous. Another banishment will help you curb that vice." "Then who will lead the charge agains external threats?" This rebuttal actually made Teridax stop his circling. He had been wondering about that little problem. Plans after plans were needed as well, and this was a convenient way to tie up a loose end. But he needed to ensure Antroz, who was no doubt listening in with some bug, would not catch on to his own expendability. And Teridax could crush this whelp's ambition in the process. "Once of the Brotherhood. Antroz, perhaps Bitil if I am feeling spontaneous. Not you, certainly." The rahkshi looked curious at the Mask of Shadows for a moment. "Surely you need a plan for every. Single. Contingency." It either knew, or had enough suspicion to make that leap. And it knew Teridax planned on eliminating every single rival, and conveyed that in a way only Teridax would comprehend. He was, despite himself, starting to like this little imp. "Indeed. But I could choose any rahkshi-" The escapee snorted a triumphant "Hah!" and smiled at Teridax. "You are too egotistic to trust anyone but yourself with that job." The smile became a smirk, a smirk far too knowing for comfort. "And really, if I may be so self-complementary, I am you." Teridax betrayed no emotion. He simply said "I prefer the term nepotistic. You will receive transport to Nynrah's capital, and new armor on your way out." He turned on his heel and left, allowing a small smile of approval to slip at the sound of the captive's chilling, quiet laugh. It chilled the blood of the two vortixx guards standing at the door. If the records, behaviors, invincibility, and sheer ambition were not evidence enough of the captive's origins... ...that laugh certainly was.
  20. Phogen got up and made her way over to the Twins. Speaking of investments that needed protecting.... She went up to Silencer, giving him a light clap on the shoulder. "All of you keep showing up here. This is not a pattern I enjoy experiencing. Are either of you grievously injured?" She waited for a shake of the head or a nod.
  21. Phogen nodded in agreement, relinquishing the flowers right away to Kat's wisdom. "I concur." He made his way to the seat next to Kat and sat down. He mentally rolled his eyes. Everyone was involved with what he had planned. They just didn't know it yet. He stroked his chin, plotting, watching Hoto with interest. She had a gift. One that could be used to great effect. That gift could accelerate Phogen's plans considerably. Furthermore, the trusting were often trustworthy. He could very much see the value in a kindred such as this. Hoto would not be hurt on this sonic rahkshi's watch. She turned to Snake. "Ah, hello there. Now, would you mind explaining what exactly our new ally has been injured by?" Thee was just the hint of threat in her voice. Not much, but it was there.
  22. Phogen shrugged. "In case you lack to intelligence to pick up the obvious, Hoto likes you. And in case you lack the introspection to pick up the obvious, you like Hoto back. Believe it or not, I actually care about those who work for me, and Hoto is quickly proving to be an excellent employee." He looked to the Rahk lying on the bed. "You will obviously make her happy, and vice versa. And that is a process I think both of us wish to cultivate. If you want the help with that, I'm offering it, free of charge. If you would rather take the chance spit in my face, thats your prerogative." Phogen held out the flowers to Fang, questioning with an eyebrow. "So, what will it be?"
  23. *Sniff* No, no, I'm good... *sniffle* But she does have a bit of a disarming personality.
  24. Phogen was far from deaf as she leaned against the walls of the refractory. She smiled, musing. Chess was an interesting sort of competition. Pawns rarely won the game. And the power of a queen could only be brought to bear with a bishop or rook there to pin the enemy and cover the queen. Satisfied, she decided to check on the new recruits. She trusted Kat to get Hoto to the infirmary, but Phogen was not one to trust blindly. He watched Fang storm out, saying nothing, but following the white knight down the hall with his eyes. Cooly, he left his post and decided to pay Hoto a visit. Phogen appeared in the doorway, a small grouping of flowers in his hand. It was intended to woo the injured Rahk and show his genuine concern for the wellbeing of such an investment. He looked at Hoto and Fang for a moment, calculating. It appeared Hoto was taken already. Sometimes the best peace offerings are crimes of opportunity. With a sympathetic grimace and a nod to Kat, he walked over and handed the flowers out to Fang. He said with a voice of genuine sympathy "Here. You could use these better than I." He managed a wry, sad smile.
  25. "Hm.... I do need something to pet slowly while I plot..... Your head just hasnt been working for that, Exxan." Ladies! Please! We are a civilized cabal!
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