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Specter Knight

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Blog Comments posted by Specter Knight

  1. Because why not. It's a little bare bones, but I can elaborate if you wish me to.


    Name: Daronus
    Gender: Male

    Element 1:

    Element 2: Gravity
    Other: Daronus is a wandering mercenary, never stopping in the same area for more than a week. He’s a mysterious character, and doesn’t disclose much about who he is, other than the fact that he won’t tolerate oppression or negative propaganda.

  2. Now I'm tempted to make a character from this world (If you don't mind me doing so).


    I'm Just conflicted whether or not to make;

    -A lethal chef from Stelt who constantly uses french mannerisms and fights with a razor-sharp, oversized spatula

    -A samurai from Karda Nui, who barely speaks standard matoran and tends to commit Hara-Kiri when things look to dire

    -A Toa of Nuclear energy from Nynrah

    -Or A seige machine pilot from the northern continent, Who constantly speaks in a cockney accent and calls everyone "Guv'nor".


    Maybe I should also chip in and Suggest an Alternate location for this universe. Hmm... How about an ancient Greece-Style Daxia with ruthless emperors, gladiator battles, and Greek architecture?


    Like I've said, this is a great concept, and I hope to see you develop this further in the future.

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