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Everything posted by Bonkle

  1. Are you kidding me right now?Considering all the crazy nonsense that's been going down for three episodes now, we're the sanest crew in the game by comparison. Crazy nonsense in Ga-Koro as Fractyl does nothing at all!
  2. Straight up tells you that she isn't responsible for poisonings.
  3. now look who's lyingi might be from ta-koro but it's your pants on fire now Nope. Try again, my queen. REDACTED
  4. Despite the previous page of insults, Fractyl is going to try and be nice to everyone this episode. Please be nice to the poor girl, everyone hates her even though it was the previous leadership who did the poisoning.
  5. Agreed, which is why I'm not. I think I've made it abundantly clear in the past that I can easily keep IC and OOC apart.
  6. Once again proving the slimy nature of Ga-Koronans and the utterly petty nature of Ta-Koronansat least ta-koroans have a grasp on musical aesthetics.They should get a grip on reality and some semblance of sanity first. i'd say they have a stronger grip on reality than you right now.And stronger than that is the grip they have on your puny region.
  7. Once again proving the slimy nature of Ga-Koronans and the utterly petty nature of Ta-Koronans at least ta-koroans have a grasp on musical aesthetics.They should get a grip on reality and some semblance of sanity first.
  8. Once again proving the slimy nature of Ga-Koronans and the utterly petty nature of Ta-Koronans
  9. Please come and cut them off, then I won't have to hear any more inane Ta-Koronan drivel. If we meet in-game, you will be lucky to make it out missing only your ears A very strong "if" indeed. You wouldn't make it halfway across the first Ga-Koro bridge.
  10. Please come and cut them off, then I won't have to hear any more inane Ta-Koronan drivel.
  11. i can confirm that it is.I'm not inclined to trust you. I didn't think anyone called Queen could make something worse than "Bohemian Rhapsody" but "the entire state of Ta-Koro's existence" is sounding more horrible than that song.
  12. Onu-Koro, PLEASE tell me your secret is that you have Nuparu, Onepu, and Taipu working on a "secret project".
  13. Why though...?Round 2! Vote Scrubbish off the island too!
  14. Here's a voting game we can play. We all come together and vote Elittra off the island.
  15. GG.I said that as Wieprecht is the main reason Prussian bands were so good back in the mid 1800s, as he basically forced them to be; he did the same thing in Turkey and Guatemala, hence my joke afterwards. Also who the heck is Chad in this? I hear that name a lot. Chad was a Jungle Protector from GOT1. He testified at the big trial.
  16. Meanwhile Fractyl is still being relatively friendly so far and just trying to get a feel for the state of her own territory :^)
  17. That's not a volcano, that's a politician. We all know they do nothing but lie.
  18. Is it possible for the bandits to become of use to us as prisoners? Or will it remain as purely background info?
  19. No, what you're thinking of is called a hostile takeover
  20. you can thank 2014!me that they do =D (also windy) So your the reason that's a thing.I now knis who to thank. Now I knis. And knising is half the battle.
  21. [insert generic foreshadowing comment about what person X has done that will ultimately be anticlimactic]
  22. My favorite thing about the Water teams having a history with poison was that it was completely arbitrary. I made it up on the spot as a potential move and it just stuck.
  23. I swore I heard my name?Apparently Ga-Koro has the poisons. I'm deeply concerned now.When has anyone but good ol' Terrorsaur ever had the poison?
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