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Year 20

About Lekonua

  • Birthday 03/31/1991

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  • Interests
    Star Wars, Bionicle, Computers, all things LEGO, puzzles, making ideas for video games, plotting to take over the world, drawing, Making comics, making sprites, Flash animation, ponies.

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  • LEGO.com Account

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  1. Not me having an existential crisis over this account approaching 20 years old and representing the single most formative era of my life from 2003 to 2008.

    1. Mushy the Mushroom

      Mushy the Mushroom

      Always good to see return residents! :howdy:

  2. Yep. BZP is still my homepage. Still here.

  3. Yep. That was totally me! Ah, yes. The backgrounds. I freely admit that those were the product of sheer laziness. I promised myself I wouldn't get lazy while I was working on this, but I guess some still slipped through. As for memes, I would hardly say either of the 2 there are worth taking issue with. I just threw the pony reference in for fun, and the Pokemon joke works with the context of the story. I'm assuming those are the ones you mean, since I can't actually find any others. In any case, glad you liked it! I wouldn't know anything about what is or isn't in fashion. I just used sprites I had. It's actually Isengard. Saruman's tower. I would have used Sauron's, but I couldn't find any usable pictures to use. And Isengard has a shape that reads "evil fortress" more easily anyway..
  4. If you joined a year after I did, I highly doubt you would have seen the original topic. It would have been long dead and buried by then, and I'm pretty sure this is the first time I've ever reposted it since. But it is entirely possible you've seen other stuff I've made. At any rate, glad to hear you liked this one. The idea was to keep the same main story points, but fix and rework things that didn't really make sense. (Or were otherwise just stupid or annoying.) So now Tahu's more oblivious rather than actually stupid, while maintaining his hotdog obsession without it coming completely out of nowhere. I could honestly go on and on commentating about what I think I did better this time around. I will say that the parts I was most looking forward to remaking were the Kopaka VS Makuta "fight," and the beach panel at the end. Not really. I just always liked the versatility of the RZMK Matoran, but never really used them for much. As I recall, I did exactly one series with them a while back, and it never really got off the ground. I'm sorry to hear that.
  5. HELLOOOOOOOOOO BZPOOOOOOOWER! Lekonua here! That's right! Lekonua! A.K.A. that guy who used to make boatloads of comics that ranged from "wildly popular" to "last-page-in-a-day," but hasn't been here in so long that everyone's probably forgotten all about him! But I swear I have NEVER forgotten about YOU. I'mma tell you guys a story. Bear with me, roll your eyes if you want, but it has immense personal significance to me. A really really long time ago, BIONICLE started. I got into it pretty close to the beginning when a friend told me about it. I bought some of the sets, subscribed to LEGO magazine for the comic, and started regularly visiting the LEGO website to play the MNOLG and see more story updates. At some point during all this, LEGO added forums to the site, and I was suddenly reading ideas, theories and opinions from thousands of other fans from around the world. Many of them would, on occasion, make mention of something called "BZPower." ("BZPower says this." "They said that on BZPower." "I saw this on BZPower!") I checked it out, thought it was pretty cool, but wasn't really interested in joining, so I left it at that for a while. A little while later, while doing some random BIONICLE-based image searching, I came across a series of sprite comics that I (with my at-the-time 11 or 12-year old "sense of humor") found absolutely hilarious. These comics were posted in a section of the BZP forums, along with dozens of others. It was at that point that I decided I wanted to make my own. Without any knowledge or experience whatsoever working with sprites or making comics. Brace yourselves for this.Bionicle: Attack of the Kopaka ClonesIs it embarrassing to look at now? Totally. It's a complete abomination in almost every sense of the word. First of all, I had to use plushy sprites from some generator because I had no idea where to find the cool Razor sprites literally everyone was using at the time. All I had to work with was good old MSPaint. For everything. And don't get me started on the writing. At the time, I believe it was popular to make Pohatu the "stupid guy" in a series, and I thought I'd be clever and different by making Pohatu incredibly smart and competent, and having Tahu take the position of "token moron." Also random food obsessions where a thing. I overdid it. A lot. And yet, the people of BZP encouraged me. I came to you with THAT, and you encouraged me to make more. This July, that will have been 10 years ago. A whole decade. (I thought about waiting until then to post this, but heck with it.) I've never once stopped making comics that entire time. They weren't all BIONICLE related, they weren't all sprite-based, and they weren't all good, but with every success and failure I learned more. And so I decided to put everything I learned since then to the test. I set a goal for myself, and I've been working on it for the past week or so. I would take my first ever sprite comic... And make it good. Enjoy. BIONICLE: Attack of the Kopaka Clones REDUX Just wanted to say thanks, BZPower. I know this is going to sound cheesy as all get-out, but I would honestly be a completely different person today if I had never found this forum. Besides comic-ing, I discovered Flash, 3D animation and my love for pixel art here as well. Go ahead and try to guess which one of those I'm currently a senior in college for. Holy Kohlii, I used a smiley. THAT'S ENOUGH SENTIMENTALITY FOR ONE DAY.


  8. Man. I've been on BZP for 7 years now.

  9. your art is sweet

  10. Indeed. No point in having a blog if I'm never going to update it, and thus one less reason for me to become a Premier Member. (The main reason being I don't have the money to spare, but that is beside the point.)
  11. Hello? Hello? Is this thing on? This is Leko's Temporary Evil Base. Testing...testing... Ah...it seems to be working... Can everyone hear me? Can everyone see me? Okay. Right. So yeah...I have a blog now, that (according to my understanding of BZP's "Give Everyone Premier Member Stuff For The Anniversary" thing) I will be able to use for a couple or 3 days. week. (That's a lot better, actually.) In all honesty, I don't know why I'm even bothering with it. On the off chance that more than one person actually reads this stuff, the chances of both those people caring about it at all are so remote that it is beyond my ability to even consider calculating. But hey, maybe I'm wrong. Nah. I know better than that. I'm never wrong when it comes to things that don't matter.
  12. O_o


    Heeeeeey, comment revival! =D


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