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Friar Tuck

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Everything posted by Friar Tuck

  1. OOC: sorry 'bout the delay folks... IC It was all quiet in Jaller's office. The sounds of day-to-day life outside these walls, down in the street below. It was all quiet in Jaller's office. He sat there, in his chair, thumbing the large amulet Turaga Vakama gave him. Playing over in his head what his surrogate father said. It was all quiet in Jaller's office. An explosion, then another, then another, ripped through the tranquil Koro, shattering the hopeful and festival atmosphere. Still, it was all quiet in Jaller's office. The sounds of shouts, the marching of the guard, the confusion, chaos, the screams of the dead and dying. Children crying out for their parents. Still, it was all quiet in Jaller's office. He sat there, knowing what was happening, but was unable - indeed, forbidden - to interfere. So he stared angrily, frustratingly, then sadly at the opposite wall, amulet still in hand until the noises outside became more normal. Yet, still, it was all quiet in Jaller's office. There was a knock, then a pound, then after a moment a series of bangs on his door. He didn't acknowledge at first; he didn't want to. Doing so would mean he would have to face the death of Turaga Vakama. As long as he staying in this office, closed off to the world, he was still alive. But nothing lasts forever. Not even a Turaga. Slowly Captain Jaller stood up, placing the amulet on the table, straightening his back and shoulders as he did so. With forced purpose he heavily walked for his door, and after one final moment he grasped the handle and opened it. There greeting him, as expected, were a large company of his own Guard. The look on his face showed that he already knew. No words were exchanged. "Ready the Guard, seal off the turaga's hut. I want his body prepared for the funeral immediately. Select an honor guard, and let the village know that starting at sundown there will be a Koro-wide holiday - nothing will be allowed to remain open unless absolutely necessary. We will honor our Turaga our way." * * * The Koro was deserted. Throughout the village every building lay vacant, every store closed, every home dark, for the entire populous had come out for the solemn event. The main road through the village was now lined with people, but it was not a happy occasion. It was quiet, it was sad, and many matoran had wet eyes as they craned their necks to look down the avenue to see the procession. Jaller was at the front. Tall, proud, dressed in his military finest dress uniform, he looked the part of the proud and unyielding defender of the Koro that he was. Behind him were a limited yet wide assortment of officers, town officials, and the otherwise small group of individuals that held important stations within the Koro. Behind them were the Honor Guard, a Vanguard of members that were right in front and protected the Bearers, four individuals tasked with carrying the body of the Turaga down the street and into the passage that to the volcano. Behind then marched the rest of the Guard, or at least the number that did not either volunteer or get volunteered as security detail for the event. near the rear were the band members, mostly consisting of drums with a few brass and string instruments, playing a fitting tune as they paraded through the streets. Jaller looked straight ahead, not looking at any one individual, still digesting the great weight now placed upon him. He was no longer simply the Captain, the defender of the village. He was now their leader. The procession carried on, through the streets and into the tunnel that led right into the heart of the volcano. After some time they emerged, waves of oppressive heat greeting them as they stepped out into a plaza, a large overhang that overlooked the living river of lava that flowed from the mouth of the volcano. It was here that the procession fanned out, creating a semi-circle with the Honor Guard and Jaller in the center, the body of Turaga Vakama predominately staged. With a slight clearing of his throat the Captain stepped forward and began speaking. "I am not one for speeches, so I will not start so here. Turaga Vakama was wise, faithful, and loving father to us all, guiding us with his wisdom and experience. He may be dead, but at least he died peacefully and with dignity, his parasite cut off by means unknown. He died a Turaga, and not the monster the Makuta wished him to be. It is with a heavy heart that I commit his body and soul to Mata-Nui. May his spirit join with His, and may forever be at peace." There was a murmur of agreement from the gathered crowd, Jaller lowered his head for a moment of silence, and then after a while raised it. "Those who wish to say a few words to honor him may do so now." OOC: please insert yourself where appropriate, and I will give everyone present some time to say a few words if you wish. keep then short and sweet though, because I need Jaller back soon
  2. IC [Niici's House, Ko-Koro; late evening] “My influence does not yet extend far past Ko-Wahi,” Niici said, in response to my plea, “I suppose I can let you keep the Charm of Peace, and it appears that you now have the Charm of Willpower. All that is missing is the Charm of Destiny.” “Do you know where to find it?” I asked. “It has already been found,” she replied, smiling rather warmly, “Another member of the Cultured Gentry owns it. With some bargaining, I may be able to acquire it. Please excuse me.” I watched as she rose from the dinner table, turning to her butler. "Please send a note to Madam Gaira to meet me here,” Niici said with a tone of seriousness before looking back at the two of us. “The drifts are even more treacherous after nightfall,” she commented, “Perhaps you should head back to your inn and stay the night. That should give me enough time to convince my friend to donate the charm.” I stood, my face relieved. I took her hand and drew it to my lips, kissing it gently. "Thank you Niici; you have no idea how much that means to me. I don't think there is any way we can properly repay you for your hospitality or kindness. It was a pleasure to have met you and outside of, um, him, I had a wonderful time. Perhaps if I live through this we can continue this conversation... if not cash in in on that rain check to the resort you promised." The corners of my lips tugged at a smile as I bowed to her, Agni politely following suit. Without another word we departed, our cloaks warm and dry and an Ussal Taxi ready and waiting for us, courtesy of Niici. To say the ride home was silent would be an overstatement. I was too exhausted to really say anything, and for some reason Agni kept quiet even though at this point I could read him well enough to know he really wanted to say something. At least the ride home uneventful. By the time we got back to the inn it was late, and I was ready for bed. Hopefully Tuara, Angelus, and Cael had a more relaxing day than I did.
  3. IC [Aishta's Garage, Ga-Koro-Nui; mid-morning]"Deal." I grinned like a madman. Whipping out my hand I cleared my throat, ka-chewing a huge wad of spit into it and then shaking his hand vigorously. He didn't have a chance to react. "Alright, you got yerself a deal!" I said loudly, pleased with the progress; it wasn't every day you get to examine a security vehicle in scrutinous detail. Good thing I had the permits for it at least. "Come back tomorrow at noon; your craft will be ready and purring like a tamed Muaka. Quick and discrete, that's my motto. ALRIGHT EVERYONE! Shop's closed! Get out before yer forced out!" I began waving my arms at people shooing them out of my garage. "Just leave it there; I'll grab it and fly it to the back once I get the place cleaned out. Come om, move it!"
  4. IC [Aishta's Garage. Ga-koro-Nui; mid-morning] "There, on the table, between the warmed-up plasma cutter, a set of malfunctioning power converters, and the metal-detecting automatic one-thousand PSI hydraulic clamp - try not to touch anything. It's Bazooka Bubble; help yourself." I saw him bob his head in gratitude, heading over to the table I had pointed at. "So, what exactly is the problem with that fruit truck? I'm guessing from the warmed-up cutter that it's something pretty bad. I guess so, if it needs invasive surgery. The clamp... I'm thinking that there's a little something in there that you want out - something busted or snapped leaving a little piece of scrap floating around somewhere. So, slice open whatever's broken, replace it, force out the scrap and seal the wound. Have I hit close to the mark?" As he spoke he somehow snatched up a piece of gum without touching anything, tossing it in his hand as he made his way back to the door. How the karzahni he managed to - ah, Toa of Air? Enhanced dexterity? Could explain it. Or he just got lucky. "Nope. I use those tools to slice, crush, or fry any hand that comes near my stuff without permission. I always wanted to be a cosmetic surgeon when I was growing up." He stopped so hard that he swallowed, gagged, then managed to finish chocking down the piece of gum he had popped into his mouth. It was at this time that the officer wisely opened his mouth."Okay. I have a Y-type aircraft with an injured wing, screwed up engine, and compromised flight stability drive. What kind of favor would that require?" I smiled. I jumped up from my cart, snatching up the wallet. "Now that's more like it! You're speaking my language mister... Houren, head... Head of Department of Security for Central City!" My grin was wide and mischievous as I raised an eyebrow, eyeballing him as I finished examining his wallet, tossing it back with one carefree hand. "If it was that simple you could go to any old mechanic and get those issues fixed. But of you're coming to me... then maybe our fearless head of security isn't as squeaky-clean as the newsboards say. So tell you what: I fix your piece of junk, free of charge, on the down-low, and you owe me one favor. One favor to be called on at any time, anywhere, in any situation. In other words - you owe me." I spoke those last few sentences in hushed tones so that only the two of us could hear it. I may be devious, but that doesn't mean I wasn't discrete.
  5. OOC: Emzee, VF, I am going to evoke the ancient right of "Player-knowledge-therefore-I-skip-much-due-to-previous-posts". Saves everyone the time. Use your imagination IC [Niici's home, Ko-Koro; mid-afternoon] "Alright then, with that out of the way... what the Karzhani happened out there? First you go on a blind date with one of Ko-Koro's crème de la crème to get to the temple - and yes I overheard you talking - and the next she's in a prison of her own element, the crystal we came for is right in front of you for some reason and you're off to Thought-Koro. I hope you can understand that I feel like I am missing some pieces here." I opened my mouth to reply, and that's when Niici dropped in. Well, dropping in wasn't the best choice of terms, for it wasn't sudden; he heard her coming slowly down the hall. It was due to footsteps, heavier than a Matoran’s, our eyes shooting up and to the hallway to the right, which led to a sauna. Niici staggered as though her moves were stilted, as if her knees were simply nonexistent. She may have been wrapped in a thick, warm, white cloth, but her eyes shot icy-cold daggers at me. I saw in her hands she grasped tightly a crystal-mounted staff, despite the fact that she would have great difficulty using it in her current condition. Agni and myself could also see that walking still pained her, but the Toa continued forth towards us, before finally collapsing into a chair. “I believe… an explanation… is in order,” she finally said, her voice strained and raspy. Her eyes quickly began analyzing me, clearly determined to catch any flakiness in his words. Not that I didn't expect such a response. I had put an innocent's life at risk due to my negligence, and she deserved and answer. Right after Agni. Slowly I stood, still stiff myself after playing in the snow all afternoon. How best to answer? I paced before the two of them, doing what I could to collect my thoughts. This.. this would be a story. I raised a finger to Niici as if to signify "One moment" before turning to Agni, answering his questions first. "Actually, no, I DON'T have the crystal we came for. The Crystal of Peace is still in the Temple of Peace untampered with; I need one more charm to gain access. That third one you see on the table there is the Crystal of Creation... note the tanish color?" Agni looked at me blankly, then in sheer dumbfoundedness as he stalked over and picked it up. Sure enough, it was what I said it was. "T-the Crystal of Creation?! But that temple is all the way in the- " "Motara Desert? I know." Under any other circumstance I would have shaken my own hand in congratulations. As much Agni was my mentor and warrior, he was a skilled detective, and could figure out most things without much effort. That single rock however confounded him even more than before, any possible theory he thought he had gone out the window. To have stumped him so thoroughly would have brought me great joy and amusement... had not the circumstances been so dire. "Missing pieces Agni? Neither you nor Niici here have ANY idea... any idea. I guess the best place would be to start at the beginning... " [Niici's home, Ko-Koro; late evening] "... and that's when I busted through your front door with you on my back. Oh, thank you." Niici's butler refilled my cup of tea, the steam slowly filtering into the air above it. We were in a exquisite great room, the three of us lounging on comfortable seating as a massive fire roared in the fireplace. Surrounding us were dishes and cups from the dinner we had eaten as I had told my tale, all three of us bundled up as if a deep freezing was reported. It had taken me several hours to do so, but I had felt the need to do so. Because I literally started at the beginning. First up was my time as a matoran, Kohlii star, and the strange vision and nightmares I had about a lone toa on the darkness enjoying and then killing his playmates, about a dark warrior whom I felt I had to face. I then continued my tale from matoran to toa, how I faced a Tarakava single-handedly, nearly died, brought back by Cael, then healed as Takua gave me a toa stone, ushering in my transformation. Next were my adventures as a new toa, both good and bad, mostly bad, as Agni and Cael struggled to teach me about my powers and abilities. How while physically I had changed and grown much, mentally I had not, still the egotistic and prideful fool I had been as a matoran, only now more powerful and with with fire powers. And how then I felt called to Ko-Wahi the first time, and the events that led up to my destined meeting with the Wanderer's Company. From there I told of that fateful night, of all that we learned via a message from a dead man, and how the next morning I fended off three of Makuta's best by myself, buying time for the matoran to escape, knowing that if I failed he would have won right there and then. I spoke of my success and my second near-death experience after I managed to make the run back to Ga-Koro. With a mission to fulfill I recruited the two of them and started searching for the temples and the crystals to unlock the tool they would need to finish their quests. Then came the difficult part of the story. The part of reuniting with Tuara. The Temple of Courage experience. I laid it all out in front of Niici, about my failures, about my ego and pride, and how I was forced to deal with it to gain entry. How this quest was not about the stones themselves, but about changing the one, preparing the one who sought them. I Talked about the Temple of Courage, and then out experiences in Le-Koro with the Temple of Faith, and what transpired there. How all this was preparing me when I had to fight the one I saw in my dreams. What I did not expect however, was that this toa would come to me. It was here that I told about the dark toa named Heuani. About a man who was the spawn of the Makuta himself. The person I would have to fight after all this was said and done. I spoke of the rumors I had heard, the legends spoken of him, and how I learned from first-hand experience that they were true. ALL of them. How powerful, how swaying this man was, his ability to mold and manipulate the wills of those he just looked at far beyond anything I had ever seen. How that in some small way I was mostly immune, and how this was just a prelude, a dry-run of that fight. I spoke every word that we exchanged, said every detail I could remember, gave every thought that I had thought, showing that is was only because he wanted me alive that I was here right now. And that he didn't care what he did. He knew our mission, our quest, and he was so sure he could still win he gave me a crystal to speed up the process. A gift. A gift to his opponent. And with that he left, leaving us there. It was here that I was finally silent, my throat dry from the talking. For the majority of the tale either Agni knew or Niici knew; each had a part of the story. But the last section, the part of Heuani, they listened with baited breath, soaking in every word I spoke with undivided attention. This was unlike ANYTHING they had ever heard before, and to learn of such a powerful, brash, and charismatic character- "Niici, I am so sorry to have dragged you into this. Had I known... I would have never had met you at that cafe." I said quietly, remorse in my voice. "The way he moved, acted spoke, the way he... looked at you." I shuddered, remembering his words. "He wanted to 'take you for a ride' when this was over. Not even on my worst day and brashest moment would I had ever dared say that." I sighed, too tired at this point to really continue. "Please understand, everything I have said is in strict confidence. Not that it really matters anymore since now we know the Makuta knows and is watching my every move." I paused, looked up from the floor to her. "I know you got dragged into this unwittingly, but now you are involved, and I ask for your help in any way you can. From what you explained to me you have a lot of wealth and influence, and that could be a great boon to us. You can't claim ignorance anymore, and no matter what happens from here on out you have a tie in this venture. I hope I am not placing my trust and faith in the wrong place."
  6. Emzee, sorry to put you on the spot there, but as you know things happen. Even your characters are not immune from Tuck Character Development Syndrome, a condition that is acquired upon interaction with my charrie(s), I also understand your predicament with Niici and how you cannot significantly alter her fate. I wish that were otherwise, but all things considered I do believe you did magnificently under the conditions. Excellent case-study for everyone else. Well, here goes my post...
  7. IC [Aishta's Garage, Ga-Koro-Nui; mid-morning] "Got any gum left?" I looked at new voice, a roguish grin on his face, terribly attempting develop some sort of conversation with me. He was slightly taller and thinner than your average Toa, with bright green eyes with a remarkably friendly, care-free smile that he just flashed. Dressed in a shirt and slacks, he was very casual in appearance, complete with a worn black sports coat and fedora, though the remodeled firework revolver on his hip is what caught the most of my attention. The look in his eye, however, also meant he like what he saw, despite the oil-smeared dirty look I had going. Yeah, I wasn't going to have any of that. ffffffwwooooooooot-POP I pointed my thumb behind me. "There, on the table, between the warmed-up plasma cutter, a set of malfunctioning power converters, and the metal-detecting automatic one-thousand PSI hydraulic clamp - try not to touch anything. It's Bazooka Bubble; help yourself." I suppressed a sadistic smile. Want my gum? Better make sure you're health insurance premiums are paid up. I returned my gaze to the officer who had addressed me first, empty wallet still his his hands. Strange to have so many security personnel in my shop at once. ffffffwwooooooooot-POP
  8. That's good, but at least I have an actual, real weakness; most profiles have "Anger issues" or "unable to fight at close combat" etc etc, not actual physical weaknesses (trust me, I should know) Water may be standard, but absolutely legit weakness, and in fact most elements have one or two OTHER elements as their opposite. Ice v Fire, Water v Fire, Plasma v Magnetism, The Green v Fire, Water v Electricity, Plasma v Iron... the list goes on. Standard, but real and better than most other weaknesses you're gonna find
  9. OOC: Toa of... Water? For your own safety I hope he DOESN'T say that out loud. IC [Aishta's Garage, Ga-Koro-Nui; mid-morning] "Good morning!" First, that voice was a bit too chirpy for this early in the morning. Second, I didn't reply immediately. How could I, when I was laying prone on my back under a fruit truck that had a busted drive train and an out-of-warranty transmission? Those there the positive things of this piece of junk, so with sigh I pushed backwards with my arms, the roller cart I was on sliding neatly away from the vehicle. I laid there looking up, my sudden presence apparently the go-ahead for him to continue talking. "I have a ship, but it has a bit of an issue. Can you help? Additionally, can I pay you in smiles?" He revealed an empty wallet, looking rather anxious., if not sheepish. I noticed his badge sitting prominently in the billfold; a cop? And he needed some work done? How ironic, considering last night's events. Laying there I sized the guy up as he stood over me: Toa, young, broad shouldered yet had a slim frame and wasn't really muscular despite appearance. On his face he wore a Hau, and if my instincts were correct he probably had control over metal, though the colors seemed off. There was another with him, and I saw him roll his eyes at his friend's comment. "I can pay some of it, if his award-winning smiles aren't enough." Ah, so we have a pair of chuckleheads in the building folks. Har har. I thought dryly, observing his partner. He was tall and well built, his blue armor practically spotless, the purple highlights streaking through it easily visible. He has a row of spikes down his forearm armor, tips of a slightly greenish. I noticed some ome gouges in his armor, interestingly enough they had been covered with crystal. His armor was very sleek and shiny, clearly allowing for a full range of movement at the cost of protection. Good to know. I'm gonna guess he's a crystal-adept, considering the way he's patched up his armor. His face was hidden under a Kakama, and at his side he wielded a protosteel longsword. Considering his buddy was a cop I was going to assume he had the right permits to carry that in public. I looked at the officer, my lithe body shifting slightly on the roller as I mulled over his request. ffffffwwooooooooot-POP I blew one ginormous bubble with my gum before popping it and resuming my chewing. I cocked my head. "Alright, what's the issue, how much ya'll got, and I DO take payments in favors." ffffffwwooooooooot-POP
  10. Oh! OH! OH! I do I do I do! Pick me! ... wait.
  11. OOC: Gravity, I was PRAYING that one of the powers-that-be noticed it in-game, so I'm glad it happened Not to say that I want my charrie arrested, but be forewarned that she's extremely street-smart and knows how to cover her tracks... well, at least in the "evidence-that-she-did-it" department. Not the "we-saw-you-do-it" department. I suppose I could say bluntly put I am excited to mess with OTHER people's games... all in good sportsman-like conduct however. IC [Aisht'a Garage, Ga-Koro-Nui; morning] There was the clicking of a lock, followed by the sounds of latches releasing, and the large metal garage door slowly lifted up, a pair of feet, legs, arms, then torso, and finally head revealed Aishta, lifting the massive door upwards and into it's slot, squinting at the bright morning sun. Well, actually, bright mid-morning sun. Late to open again, as usual. As she stood there in the threshold, she looked like any other person you would meet. Her blue and white body was covered in an old set of mechanic's overalls, one strap falling to the side instead of the shoulder; a dirty cap slid sideways on her head; a piece of loud chewing gum in her mouth; and a full set of tools strapped around her belt. Throwing on a pair of gloves she rolled her eyes at the gather crowd. They should really know better by now. I open when I wake up. NOT before. "Come on in... " she said with a sigh, knowing that most of these were just imbeciles who didn't know how to do the basics and take minimal care of their vehicles. At least she was doing something she loved though. Waving a few people she actually knew and liked she threw herself into her work. OOC: ok Relapse, open for interaction
  12. --- This is incorrect. It has been stated many times that Skakdi and Vortixx may remember where they came from, but they may only speak of it in vague detail. This is correct. Thank you Eyru.
  13. IC "What happened here?" Yes, what HAD happened here? For the last several minutes I had been living moment-to-moment, not really think, just reacting. There was no way you could prepare for an encounter like that, no way at all, let alone process it. I... I... "What happened here?!" The shake on my shoulder was violent, but it did snap me out of it. Agni knew the effects of shock when he saw it, made worse by the deteriorating conditions and the dropping temperature. My breaths became deeper as I regained control of myself. "What happened... what happened is that we need to free Niici!" Before Agni could say another word I dashed to the side, diving into the snow to snatch the slowly sinking crystal. I managed to snag it before it sank too low, pulling it out of the wet and sticky now, half of it still heavily covered in the white stuff. Holding it up I noticed it was significantly heavier than the others, no doubt due to the fact it came from the stone region. I hastily cleaned it, trying to get as much as the snow off as I could, when I felt something smooth and circular fly off amid the white chunks. My reflexes didn't fail me as I snatched it mid-air. My eyes bulged slightly. It was the Charm of Willpower. How fitting. "JOSKE! She's not melting!" Putting both away I whirled around to see Agni fruitlessly torching the living sculpture of Niici, only dribbles of water indicating any sort of progress, dribbles that froze halfway down due to the cold. I rushed at her in the deepening snow, throwing my hands on the thick coating of ice that encased her. I sensed little heat. Agni could as well, but at a distance, both of us dreadfully concerned. He had showed me early on that Toa were NOT immune to their own element, just highly resistant; stories say that Turaga Vakama would chastise Toa Tahu for lava surfing, knowing that if he fell in that would be the end of Tahu. The level of resistance depended on the type of toa, but there was a point with each that enough of their own element COULD overpower them. Ko-Toa were among the most resilient to their power, but even they were living creatures, and thus produced, and therefore required, some heat to operate. The heat she was giving off inside the block was practically nothing. She was nearly frozen solid to the core. And the ice itself was colder than usual. Colder even than Utu's and I considered him to be pretty potent. This was Deep Freeze ice, and I didn't know if the two of us could melt it in time. The thought of a innocent bystander getting killed because of my mission terrified me. My hands instinctively went for the hardest object it could find, and the only thing remotely strong on my body were the crystals. Grabbing the Crystal of Courage I began to pound on the ice, willing it to break. Had I been thinking I would have never done such an act, fearful that I might break the very stone essential to my mission. A life in the balance though was more important than any quest, so I banged away. click click clack I moved faster. "Joske- " click clack click I threw all my might into the futile effort. "Joske-!" click clack CRACK I froze, feeling the stone lurch forward slightly, watching as it embedded itself slightly into the ice. Within the block I could see hairline fractures shoot down about an inch or so, the only real progress made since we started. It was enough. "AGNI! Hands of the crystal and give me all you got! NOW!" He did not hesitate. Both of us slapped our hands on the stone, funneling our collective, furious, fiery might into the tiny fissure I had created, the Crystal of Courage our conduit. At first nothing happened, but slowly, then at a quicker pace, a spider-web of red streaks and fissures criss-cossed through the block, surrounding Niici's body. I could feel the ice begin to soften, water condensing on all surfaces- "PUSH!" Agni cried, and the two of us forced the crystal down, giving one final assault with out elemental powers. The hiss and whine was incredible as the snow vortexed around us, the heat and flame starved for air to fuel its progress. There was the sound of creaking, a moaning, then the sound of a thousand vases shattering as Niici's icy cage disintegrated, showering all three of us with warm water that began to freeze almost immediately. Her lithe frame, up until now suspended in ice, collapsed heavily in my arms as I fell to my knees in the snow, a sudden gasp escaping her lips as she breathed for the first time in probably an eternity. She began to tremble, but it wasn't out of fear or exhaustion: it was the cold. She was doing so uncontrollably, her metal skin feeling colder than the ice that had surrounded it. I poured my heat into her in an attempt to warm her core, but it was like trying to melt a lake in the middle of winter. Still, the effect was immediate, if not sobering; she now was shivering significantly less, but still uncontrollably. I pulled her close as I struggled to my knees. "Agni," I gasped, tired from my massive usage of my element. "Get to the mansion, warn the butler we're coming. I'll be right behind you." I figured he knew where it was; if he had been here right when I needed him, he must have been following me for most of the day, and thus knew where she lived. He also must have figured out my plan for as I looked up I saw his red body meld into the wind, only a whisper of flakes to signify his passage. Bending to one knee I lifted her torso over my left shoulder, then with effort I slung her legs over my head and down the other, her body now effectively in a fireman's carry. It was difficult to get to my knees, still under the effects of shock, tired, added weight, and with the storm getting worse it was struggle to get up. Come on, come on... The moment I was up I activated my Kakama, willing my legs to move. For the second time in a week I found myself struggling against the cold and snow to move, lives on the line as I picked up speed, the world beginning to blur as I started to race across the wastes, Niici on my back. I thanked Mata-Nui that she had left a trail of flags, my feet now light and nimble under the effect of my Kanohi... * * * "What do you mean she's frozen!?" The butler stared at Agni is disbelief, and had the situation not been so dire he would have agreed; when was the last time you heard of a Ko-Toa freezing to death? Luckily for him he did not have to explain himself, for at that moment the massive double doors that boasted the grandiose entryway flew open, and my body materialized, Niici hanging limply over my shoulders. Heavily I dropped to a knee, carefully letting her down to the carpeted floor. Without another word the butler whisked her away, and for the first time for what seemed like forever I took a breath. I fell to all fours, panting, shivering slightly, but relieved. I felt a hand on my shoulder, and there was Agni's reassuring face near mine. "I did it." I smiled weakly. Agni simply nodded. OOC: worry not, she just needs to be thawed out a bit, and she'll be as good as new! Er, well, maybe with a slight cold I mean, the Mask of Disruption messes with powers, so I don't see it as a normal freezing...
  14. Just as an FYI, since I DO have a mechanic charrie, if you want anything to a custom paint job to an upgrade to a unique personalized ride, I would be willing to work with player/character as much as I can within the confines of the game to make it happen. Of course I cannot guarantee low costs, quick builds, or the health of the inquirer when he finds out he will need some special parts from dangerous areas to get what he wants done
  15. Understandably, it ends on Heuani's terms. Of course; I expected nothing less. My response, however, will have to wait until I get back from work. So Emzee... you can either post or wait for me to. Your choice Personally though I'd like to free Niici...
  16. Well, Joske v Heuani, Verbal Battle Style, is moving right along. I wonder how it will end...
  17. IC [Ko-Wahi Wastes; early afternoon] My worldview had been made of glass. Clear, adulterated, transparent. Through it I could see everything I experienced with an unbiased view, all angles visible to me. It was a worldview I had been building ever since the Temple of Courage, a worldview that allowed for even the miraculous to happen. Or so I thought. It shattered into a thousand pieces. I stood there, my arm outstretched, my body frozen in a blocking position. I knew it was coming; he even told me he would. Yet I was not fast enough to parry as single sword thrust, so inept that I could not stop let alone touch something I saw coming a mile away. But that wasn't the problem. It was the Crystal of Creation on my right hand. A symbol of my mission, of lessons learned... and of how little Makuta cared for my attempts at collecting them. I should not have been surprised, but the fact he knew, so in depth, and could grab them without the charms - how was I to logically face him? He knew of my mission, knew of my progress, knew every step I was taking. Knew where I would go, what I would do before I did it, and he thought so little of my attempts that he handed me one like a rich man gives millions to some poor child. It was nothing to the former, and to the latter he had no idea what to do with it. He cared that little. How... how was I to continue? I... I might as well give up here. The Makuta knew all. My strength. My weakness. My progress. He knew me better than I knew myself, and right now I was so messed up I could hardly think straight. There was no point in continuing this mad quest, the element of surprise gone. I had bought enough time for the Matoran; this was their quest anyway. They were the ones destined to defeat the Master of Shadows, not me. I just got his lap dog, and I couldn't even come close to touching him. I finally realized the how futile this quest was. Everything I had been building up, everything I had been working towards, my forced change of personality... vaporized. I was the same loser I was before, only now I knew it. I had thought the Temple of Courage had been the lowest point in my life; well, I had been wrong. Right here, right now, I found a new low, in the snow, standing across from probably the most powerful toa on the island. I wasn't special. I wasn't even unique. Heuani had read me like a book, down to the very last letter, and now I could see just how, well, yes, inept I was. I couldn't do anything right. I didn't have the courage to face my friends half the time. I couldn't even get into a temple properly, breaking in through the roof. I often despised my teacher, bucking him at every possible minute. I insulted and tried to woo every pretty girl I ran across. I couldn't... I couldn't even be fair and fun around Cael. I was nothing but a charade. I was a nobody. I was devastated. I'm done. Out of the corner of my eye I could see Heuani, sword in hand, grinning. Pacing. Acting like a panther, wanting to pounce. This is what he was looking for, to break me down to a sniveling mass, a hopeless individual with no fight left. To play with me. Toy with my emotions. He could leave me here, devastated, wanting to curl up in a hole and never come out, unable to face my own failure, or simply end it now. He had the power. I could see the want in his eyes. It would be so easy for him to take that half step and end it all now. End the problem, no matter how insignificant I was. Remove the threat before I could in some way, some how, become more dangerous. Kill me where I stood. He had the power. Yet... he didn't. He made no move to kill me. I stood there motionless, at the lowest point in my life, and yet I was still here. By all accounts, by all logic, even in my absolute ineptitude, it stood to reason that he would do something, anything, to stop me. Hand me the crystal, play some mind games, and then when I had hit rock bottom slit my throat, letting me wallow and die in the knowledge of my own weakness and stupidity. I mean even and absolute imbecile could get lucky and do something damaging, so why hand over for all practical purposes a weapon to an enemy? Why not just remove him from the game and be done with it? Why play games, tug at heartstrings, pull at emotions and egos if I was just going to die anyway? I mean, outside of some sort of sadistic pleasure. Unless... that was the point. The fire in me had died, chocked out my Heuani's words and actions. But as he stood there before me, a tiny spark ignited deep inside, a sudden realization among the oppressing thoughts of failure and fear. If I was a threat, why keep me alive. But if I was so inept that I could never even come close to harming him, why even bother? Why didn't Heuani simply grab some random stranger off the streets of Ta-Koro and mess with his head, then leave? No, the Makuta would never let his servants, especially one of such high ranking, do something so frivolous. This type of servant was reserved for only the greatest of needs and problems. Like Jaller showing up when all the other Guardsmen could not solve the issue. If the Captain was there, then things were serious. Getting real fast, or already had. If Heuani was here, messing with my head, then clearly there was something more going on than just a simple quest for some colored stones. My eyes narrowed, studying him closely. His overly-charismatic smile. His gait. His unearthly confidence. The way he held himself back. I... knew that look. No, this wasn't Makuta's doing at all. It was his. Slowly things began to click into place, hidden from my mind's eye until this moment. Everything I had ever heard about this toa was true, down to the letter. So why would he want me to finish this quest faster? Why hand me a crystal? Why not kill me? Why not end the threat to his master right here and now. Because he couldn't. No, not couldn't; wouldn't. He didn't want to. He saw something in me, and it wasn't my ineptitude. It was the exact opposite. I was the only one who could provide a challenge. Everything made so much sense, understanding rushing at me like an oncoming avalanche. Here before him was the only toa who understood the riddles and puzzles of the Temples, the only one (besides himself apparently) who had since their construction even been able to gain access. Not only was I doing what no other toa had done before, but I was resisting him. Yes, his mind games were having a devastating effect on my psyche, but unlike like Niici, or the precious few reports of those who survived an encounter, I was not enthralled. His ability to control and manipulate the mind was either ineffective or drastically reduced. I was special. The fact he was here was proof that I was not as inept as he claimed. I was different. And that look - now I knew. It was pride. Egotism. The absolute knowledge that he was the best and that no-one ever came close. Which meant every mission he ever went on was a cakewalk, even though important, completely underneath his talents and abilities. He craved a challenge, someone who could come close to his level, give him at least a fight, some honest entertainment for once, since he was head and shoulders above the rest. So he was here to speed up the process. He saw in me the possibility of a decent battle, and was impatient to get me to that point. He so craved the chance of a possible equal that he was willing to bend the rules of this game, to get me there faster, quickly get my abilities to their fullest. To have that fight. To defeat me and crow over that achievement, to prove once and for all not only the world, but to himself he truly was the best, the most powerful, the greatest. It was his ego driving him. I knew that feeling all to well, and I understood it perfectly. It takes one to know one. I smiled. I smiled a great, big, wide smile. I had his number. With a thrust I shove it back at him, the crystal flying through the air with a decent amount of speed. Oh he caught it; deftly, swiftly, with class, but the surprise on his face was unmistakeable. "Oh, Heuani, but that's cheating. And while I understand you're the type to use every underhanded trick in the book, you wouldn't cheat yourself. Not over something like this. Not over a chance to prove once and for all you're the best." Whatever ability he had to shackle the body collapsed around me as I began to slowly move in an opposite circle around him. "I'm not as inept as you claim I am - your very presence here proves it. I applaud your mind games, and as devastatingly effective as they are, that's not the point: you want to speed up the process. You're here because you want me ready faster, for our destinies to intermingle at an earlier date. You know I can provide a challenge, but not yet. A challenge you crave for, as is everyone on this island is so beneath you... and somehow, in some cosmic way, I'm the guy to deliver it. But you're so eager to do it that you're bending the rules, and well, that's not right. How am I supposed to fight you fully prepared if I skip a lesson? I will be weaker and less of a toa for it, and you will have a lesser challenge out of it. Not as fulfilling a battle as you wish. Tell me, is it worth it? Worth cheating to get me there faster? Willing to gyp yourself over impatience? Your ego is impressive Heuani, I'll give you that." I stopped, letting his mull over that for a moment. This was possibly the biggest gamble of my life, calling him out on his out abilities. Then again... "Let's just say, friend, that it takes one to know one." The truth in that was unmistakable. OOC: Loki vs Stark, take two. Though I'm not sure which is which at this point
  18. IC It was as if the nightmare that had haunted my dreams stepped out of dreamland and into reality itself. Niici had in the process of sticking another flag into the ground, stunned at my knowledge and amount of Charms, when he approached her directly. Niici, spellbound as though a mouse hypnotized by a sensual cobra, stood slowly from her crouch, adjusting her posture a little in a way to show herself off to this new toa. There was nothing I could do as I stood there, motionless, frozen by a force I could not comprehend, unable to understand why but compelled to obey, watching ambivalently as the red flag dropped from Niici's suddenly limp fingers and into the snow. He slipped the fingers that had been resting on his sword into hers, raising Niici's arm gracefully and drawing them closer to him. I watched as he leaned his own face in close to hers, wrapping his hand slowly around her slim waist, in a very seductive manner; she shivered, but not from the cold. It was fear. "No, please; finish," the toa said silkily, gesturing down to the flag with his eyes. Niici, speechless like myself, bent down to obey, the toa dragging a lone finger along the length of her lower back as she did so. I saw her tremble, then gasp in terror his mask glowed, the next moment she was frozen within a block of ice. It eerily reminded me of what I did to Utu, her body left frozen, her lithe frame bent over sensually and reaching towards the red flag, unable to move or even hear, trapped in a crystal display. He smiled, like a cat knowing he cornered his prey, and tapped the ice to ensure its soundness and, when satisfied, turned to face me. "I'll have to take her for a spin when she's... warmed up a little," he chuckled. A felt a spark of anger at that remark; even I in my worst wouldn't do something like that! "Oh, but don't bother using those heat energies of yours to help her in that regard." He smiled, leaning on the block of ice casually, before laughing at my shocked face: clearly he knew what I was thinking. Fighting down my own heartbeat he nodded understandingly. "I of all people am aware of the hotheadedness that can strike a Toa of Fire... Toa of Fire should really learn to think. Do some thinking now: to free your pretty friend here would be a positive waste in this weather; twice as much effort for something she'll be able to get out of later? I don't think that's quite wise, to tire yourself out so quickly." Ok, point for the crazy man. I took a long breath to calm my nerves, the effort surprisingly successful. That must of impressed him, for he pushed himself lightly off of the ice and drew closer to me. "Hmmm, no, you look like a smart, and a very handsome, boy; I expect you'll do the intelligent thing her and listen to what I have to say, Joske." Mata-Nui, he knew my name! Of course he knew my name - who didn't? But it was the way he said it... it was as if he knew me personally. But that... that couldn't be. I'd never seen him befo- Yes, actually. Yes I had. In a vision. More than once. The fear that had gripped me earlier, the power that had simply willed me to stand still shook off me like a light layer of snow as sheer curiosity and near-idiotic recklessness overtook me. I took a half-step towards him raising a finger, shaking it at him as my head tilt sideways, the gears in my head spinning rapidly. "You... I know you. From a dream." I said quietly, dozens of different pieces of a vast puzzle suddenly falling to place in my head. I pressed forward, finger still in the air. "You're... you're that toa. The one there's been rumors about. The one who is the harbinger of Makuta, the one who leaves death and destruction in his wake, as well as enthralled masess... " His name was on the tip of my tongue. The guy who was said to steal young women from their homes, who could kill the greatest toa with a mere thought... all of it just rumors, stories made up by the Makuta's agents to introduce fear and discord among us. But they couldn't POSSIBLY be true. Yet as I looked at Niici and the way her whole demeanor instantly changed around him, suddenly I wasn't so sure. "Heuani." The name came out of my mouth as forceful as it was surprising. My finger stopped moving, still pointed at his mask however. "You're Heuani, the toa in my dreams." I lowered my finger and stared at him for a solid minute, his face even more amused than before. Was he happy? Or was he just playing me? I didn't know, and it was unsettling. All I knew was that this was the toa that I had to fight, but that wasn't until later... wasn't it? I mean, I didn't have all the Crystals yet. I wasn't ready. I really didn't have a choice in the matter. I would have to play his little game. But that didn't mean I would fall under his sway like a few moments ago. Lowering my hand I crossed my arms, putting on a neutral face. I could feel the Crystals of Courage and Faith glow deep inside my furs, fighting off this otherworldly attraction I had for him. I had to be strong and courageous, believe and have faith that this was not the time. Just a prelude. Just a prelude. I held on the that thought tightly as I fought off his hypnotizing stare. "Thanks... thanks for the compliment by the way. You don't look half bad yourself. I'm listening."
  19. IC [streets of Central City; midnight] The whine of my hovercyle quietly hummed in my ears as I raced through the streets, pushing my bike to its max. As I eased the throttle forward I could hear the tiny strikes of the hammers increase in intensity as they stuck the various levitation and increase weight disks hidden within. I had built this thing from scratch, with my own two hands, which meant I knew exactly what she was capable of. The security forces behind me didn't. The wails and sirens followed in my wake, their large and clunky vehicles trying in vain to catch up with mine. Admittedly, they were doing a good job, but I always had a few more tricks up my sleeve, a few more steps ahead of my pursuers. It was lightly raining, and I could feel the cool pitter-patter of the raindrops on my bodysuit, the coolness seeing through the sleek material. Inside of my helmet however it was comfortable as the HUD displayed all critical information regarding my ride, as well as my hidden sensors on my pursuers behind me. The wheeled vehicles were having problems due to the rain, which meant they were no longer a threat, but the other hovercraft were in full chase mode, and surprisingly fast. Huh. Must of gotten an upgrade. Time to up the ante. In the low light of my helmet my full lips twitched a smile. I pushed the handlebars as for forward as they could go, causing my bike to go full throttle. If you could see me at this speed my hovercycle extended to almost twice its normal length, my body in a probe position nearly parallel to the road, my arms and legs hugging the craft. To further accent the uselessness of the chase I dumped a portion of my elemental energy into the carefully-calibrated conductors in the handlebars that would perfectly transmit my electrical energy into the power core itself. Behind me the engines exploded to life, a mass of blue light emanating from the rear; to them I was now nothing but a blue streak that had caused a sonic boom as I cleared dozens of city blocks in merely a second or so. There was but one intersection between myself and the exit, the only obstacle between me and my clean getaway. To most people that would be a suicide mission, for there was no way even I could react in time to dodge traffic. Luckily for me I didn't have to. My mask, which had been on in low power, flared to full life. As I sped like a demon through the streets I could feel the fibers of fate, the essence of possibilities, flow up and around me, tendrilling out in all directions as certain events over the next several seconds began to alter, the chance of things happening twisting to my favor. A power surge in the stoplight timer here. A decision of a driver to slow there. A lack of attention over there. A myriad of possibilities and luck opened up before me, and I mentally pushed certain events to happen, or not to happen. They still could of course, but with the skill of the tampering I had that rarely happened. I was just lucky. As I approached the intersection, an observer would have thought it impossible to drive a speeding bike through it. Yet it was possible. Like a horizontal column of liquid I flowed through the traffic, missing pedestrians and other vehicles by mere hairbreadth's, my bike spinning like a bullet as it flew through it all, never once touching anything, just a blue beam of light that sliced by. By the time I landed I had cleared the city gates, speeding through the outskirts and out into the no-man's land that separated Central City from Ga-Koro-Nui. I was as good as gone, no sign of my pursuers. I had gotten away scot-free, as usual. Still, I heaved a small sigh. Living the life as a vigilante wasn't very glamorous. Despite what the news said, I wasn't a bad guy. I didn't even have a name. I was just a girl who wanted to help people, wanted to aid those that had no one else to turn to. I grew up on those streets, lived most of my young life there, I knew how tough it was for the poor. So in my spare time I took odd jobs, doing what the security forces and the government couldn't do, or more likely wouldn't do. I didn't trust them, and every day I walked the street I was reminded on how little the thought of the individual, all about the big guys at the top, ignoring the pleas of the downtrodden. So I helped when I could, often times skirting the law in the process. I didn't outright break them... or at least many of them... I understood that rules were there for a reason. But when they're unfair, someone has to help those caught under the bus. And I found that was me. Which meant some nights I got chased. I never got caught though. I was just too darned good. And lucky. As I eased off on the throttle I gazed at the rising walls of Ga-Koro-Nui, tired and eagerly expecting the warm bed that awaited me... [Ga-Koro-Nui, Aishta's Grarge; next morning] ERRR... ERRR.. ERRR... ERRR- zapPOP! My manicured finger hovered at the source of the noise, sparks still dancing around it, as I heard pieces of alarm clock fly about the room, hitting the walls and raining down onto the carpeted floor. The rest of me was buried under blankets, not to be seen. I groaned, not wanting to wake up, then sighed. I lost more clocks that way... maybe I shouldn't stay out so late... But I had a business to run. And if things went as they usually did I would be opening late. Tossing my blankets aside I rose to a sitting position, staring at the dresser across the room, a large mirror sitting on top of it. I humphed. Spirit, I look like a disaster. Good thing I wasn't trying to impress anyone with my looks today. That made me laugh; I hadn't been on a date in years. Not like I had the time. Alright, get up, shower, eat, re-schedule the repairs, pay the dock worker, beat the money out of the loser that owes me for his truck, take new projects- I fell right back in bed. Just five more minutes...
  20. Name: Aishta (Former street name: A'isha) Gender: Female Species: Vo-Toa Kanohi: Mask of Possibilities Appearance: As per standard colors, primary is blue with secondary white. She is very angular and athletic, having spent most of her life on the streets. She would be considered extremely beautiful if she kept up her appearance, but is content to wear street clothes or the usual dirty mechanics outfit. In fact, if you want a visual, please click this link; she look almost exactly like Toa Nikila, mask and all. (Please note: this is not my artwork, but the labor of someone else. All credit goes to him) Powers: Lightning Weapon(s): A pair of Protodermis whips that are made of a thin, chain-like consistency. They double as her Toa Tools, and thus she is able to focus her energies through them, not only allowing raw electrical power to surge out into the environment, but also able to extend and retract the chains at will. Vehicle: A hovercycle. Operates via levitation disks and is powered by her own electricity. Built it from scratch, so it has many personalized features, such as the ability to extend when going fast and pull together in slower modes. Arguably one of the fasted vehicles over the road. Abilities: Master mechanic, a gift of machines she learned she had at a young age. Also, through many years of practice she is able to use her whips with a master's touch, preferring non-lethal weapons that double and movement aids and deterrents. She can blow out a candle with the tip, trip or tie up anyone within reach, use them to climb to unheard-of heights, and if things get real they become deadly energy conduits. This paired with her past as a gang member is very nimble, knowing parkour, which further adds to her ability to get around. Not to mention the best string of luck in the world... Weakness(es): Water. Granted, she can swim, take a shower, do all the normal stuff, but if she tries to use her elemental powers in most circumstances involving water it'll just short her out, possibly doing backlash damage in the process. She is also not trusting of governments or large organizations, even if they have truly good intentions. Occupation: Mechanic - shop located in Ga-Koro-Nui, on the boarder between the harbor and hotel district; a sweet spot of business, particularly for the merchant ship and hotel courtesy truck and car fleets. Is also a part-time vigilante. Personality: Free-spirited, tough, Independent, sometimes itching for a fight, though this is due to her upbringing - as a street urchin in Central City one had to learn to look out for oneself first. Doesn't trust large organization due to the lack of help and caring she experienced as a child, but more willing to trust individuals. Also hates dresses and other traditional girlish things; absolute tomboy at heart. That said, after the business exterior, she is a very generous and has been known to bend over backwards to help less fortunate people in a bind. Dry sense of humor, usual walks around with a half-smile. Still evokes a gang-member aura, a taint that can never be fully washed away. History: Was born an orphan, never knew her parents. Was bumped from orphanage to orphanage until literally kicked out into the streets, forcing her to learn to fend for herself at a young age. As she grew up she fell in with the local gangs, her face becoming one of the hundreds of young people stuck in the underworld of the glimmering city, with no life to live except that of the gang. As her rap sheet piled up and her life even became even looser, she found something that would change her life forever: in the trash she found a Mask of Possibilities. Without anything to lose she swapped out her old one, figuring it looked prettier than the old one. Her luck changed instantly that day. Over the course of the next several years, though seemingly random events, kind strangers at the right time, somehow surviving fights she should not have, she began to realize what a loser she was, and how terrible the life she had built for herself had become. Skipping the decades of details she eventually managed to get out of the streets, out of the gangs, and clean up her life with a hidden talent she never knew she had: mechanics. Machines, engines, power conduits... she could build and repair anything she touched, which caught the eye of a local parts dealer. He took her in, and after a few months had earned enough money and learned enough about life to strike out on her own, leaving her past behind, even to the point of altering her name. Today she is a very successful business owner of her own shop in Ga-Koro-Nui, away from the glimmer and glamor and grime that is Central City. So successful in fact she chooses which jobs to take, allowing her unparallelled free time to do her own thing, which often includes doing vigilante work for those with no-one else to turn to.
  21. Please don't freak out that I want to play Name: Aishta (Former street name: A'isha) Gender: Female Species: Vo-Toa Kanohi: Mask of Possibilities Appearance: As per standard colors, primary is blue with secondary white. She is very angular and athletic, having spent most of her life on the streets. She would be considered extremely beautiful if she kept up her appearance, but is content to wear street clothes or the usual dirty mechanics outfit. In fact, if you want a visual, please click this link; she look almost exactly like Toa Nikila, mask and all. (Please note: this is not my artwork, but the labor of someone else. All credit goes to him) Powers: Lightning Weapon(s): A pair of Protodermis whips that are made of a thin, chain-like consistency. They double as her Toa Tools, and thus she is able to focus her energies through them, not only allowing raw electrical power to surge out into the environment, but also able to extend and retract the chains at will. Vehicle: A hovercycle. Operates via levitation disks and is powered by her own electricity. Built it from scratch, so it has many personalized features. To be edited when I am done doing some other staffie stuff ATM Abilities: Master mechanic, a gift of machines she learned she had at a young age. Also, through many years of practice she is able to use her whips with a master's touch, preferring non-lethal weapons that double and movement aids and deterrents. She can blow out a candle with the tip, trip or tie up anyone within reach, use them to climb to unheard-of heights, and if things get real they become deadly energy conduits. This paired with her past as a gang member is very nimble, knowing parkour, which further adds to her ability to get around. Not to mention the best string of luck in the world... Weakness(es): Water. Granted, she can swim, take a shower, do all the normal stuff, but if she tries to use her elemental powers in most circumstances involving water it'll just short her out, possibly doing backlash damage in the process. She is also not trusting of governments or large organizations, even if they have truly good intentions. Occupation: Mechanic - shop located in Ga-Koro-Nui, on the boarder between the harbor and hotel district; a sweet spot of business, particularly for the merchant ship and hotel courtesy truck and car fleets. Is also a part-time vigilante. Personality: Free-spirited, tough, Independent, sometimes itching for a fight, though this is due to her upbringing - as a street urchin in Central City one had to learn to look out for oneself first. Doesn't trust large organization due to the lack of help and caring she experienced as a child, but more willing to trust individuals. Also hates dresses and other traditional girlish things; absolute tomboy at heart. That said, after the business exterior, she is a very generous and has been known to bend over backwards to help less fortunate people in a bind. Dry sense of humor, usual walks around with a half-smile. Still evokes a gang-member aura, a taint that can never be fully washed away. History: Was born an orphan, never knew her parents. Was bumped from orphanage to orphanage until literally kicked out into the streets, forcing her to learn to fend for herself at a young age. As she grew up she fell in with the local gangs, her face becoming one of the hundreds of young people stuck in the underworld of the glimmering city, with no life to live except that of the gang. As her rap sheet piled up and her life even became even looser, she found something that would change her life forever: in the trash she found a Mask of Possibilities. Without anything to lose she swapped out her old one, figuring it looked prettier than the old one. Her luck changed instantly that day. Over the course of the next several years, though seemingly random events, kind strangers at the right time, somehow surviving fights she should not have, she began to realize what a loser she was, and how terrible the life she had built for herself had become. Skipping the decades of details she eventually managed to get out of the streets, out of the gangs, and clean up her life with a hidden talent she never knew she had: mechanics. Machines, engines, power conduits... she could build and repair anything she touched, which caught the eye of a local parts dealer. He took her in, and after a few months had earned enough money and learned enough about life to strike out on her own, leaving her past behind, even to the point of altering her name. Today she is a very successful business owner of her own shop in Ga-Koro-Nui, away from the glimmer and glamor and grime that is Central City. So successful in fact she chooses which jobs to take, allowing her unparallelled free time to do her own thing, which often includes doing vigilante work for those with no-one else to turn to.
  22. IC [Ko-Wahi Wastes; early afternoon] The moment of truth. And I still didn't know how to answer. Which meant I had to come up with something. Now. "Do I own any... " During this walk I had one hand clasping my outer cloak closed, the other in my pocket, idly fingering my small stash of charms in my pocket. I pulled out my hand, and what happened next was a classic slight of hand magic trick, made easier by the fact I wore a Kakama. I showed Niici my free hand, nothing in it. I closed it slowly into a tight fist only to open it rapidly- And inbetween my five fingers were four charms. The way she froze in mid-motion of jamming another flag into the snow proved her surprise. I smiled sheepishly. "I actually own a few more as well. I'm actually, um... collecting them." "Collecting... them?" I drew a blank. I needed a legitimate answer, and I needed one fast Something, anything! Yes, the charms were used as keys to the temple, but why would other matoran have them? It's not like they gave off any sort of power- Kohlii. Like a bolt of lightning a solution came, from where I hadn't the foggiest. There was some rumor that the Charms could improve one's ability to play Kohlii, but they were so rare and few that it had never actually been tested, players like myself brushing it off as some sort of hoax. Then again, it had never been proven false. Not yet anyways. "Yeah... collecting them. That's what I have been doing actually since my transformation, the reason I haven't played recently, taking some time off. I've been trying to collect all the charms, get the full set. See, there is this rumor, legend even, that says that some of these charms can actually increase one's skill at Kohlii. No, I'm not after them to make me better, I'm good enough as it is, but it's an interesting idea... not only it will be a fun thing to test when this is all said and done, but it might help others get better and train faster if its true. Plus, to be honest, the adventure I've been getting out of it is refreshing, and the lessons I've been learning along the way from the various Koros has widened my worldview a bit. Something I should have done years ago." That last part I said quietly, my face darkening slightly, speaking more to myself than to her. After a moment my face brightened. "So yeah, that's why I have so many, and I'm not quite halfway done yet.. And I didn't spend a fortune getting them either. Just have to know where to look."
  23. Aha, Emzee beat me to it Yes, Vakama will also have a procession, but not until Jin vacates the scene. If you want to be a part of it, please make sure to be in/stick around until that happens.
  24. IC [Niici's Home, Ko-Koro; early afternoon] So THIS is what it was like to be wealthy. "Make yourself at home; it should take but two seconds for me to grab the thing.” I just nodded as she twirled away, taken away by the sheer grandiose of the place. Yes, I knew what it was like to famous and well-known, but wealthy? Contrary to popular belief being an athlete or sports star was not a large money-making venture; sure, one could live comfortably if he played his cards right and was willing to sell himself for endorsements, but it wasn't always easy. Yes, I had a decent amount of cash tucked away, but if I added up everything I'd EVER won or earned it would only come up to a fraction of what I saw here. At best I might be able to buy just one of these rooms. If it was on clearance. Indeed, I had less than a minute to look around and absorb the highly-decorated and eye-pleasing dwelling before Niici emerged before me; she wasn't kidding when she said two seconds. As she sashayed towards me her soft face bore a cheerful visage, her back sporting a cylindrical container that was carried with a single strap. As she approached I could not help but tell that she was in thought, about what was anyone's guess. Removing the strap she brought it out in front of her, taking both hands and gripped the ends tightly, twisting in opposite directions as she went. There was sharp hiss of air as the interior decompressed, and with practiced care she removed the charm from its protective casing. “Let’s head out, shall we?” Niici said, gingerly handing me the Charm of Peace. I took it with care, surprised that she was letting touch it as all, considering how valuable it was to her. In rhat moment I realized that despite having just met she trusted me quite a lot, and from here on out I would have to be extremely careful not to betray that. Not that I wanted to do so, but I had a nasty habit of saying the right thing in the worst possible way at the worst possible time. As we left with our arms linked she spoke a little more about the virtues and principles, and how they related to the Cultured Gentry and their success... and then attempted a cheesy joke about it. I didn't find the joke itself funny. But the cheesiness of it, coupled with how badly it failed... I found myself laughing in stitches as we left. [Ko-Koro Outskirts; early afternoon] “The common path to the Temple is through the Sanctum,” Niici explained to me, looking around at our environment. We were skirting the edge of the village on foot, taking the path that led from her mansion to the Sanctum. Snow was falling, but it was light, the sun still shining brightly above us. “However, it’s difficult to find the hot springs from that route, and it’s actually from the hot springs that I managed to find the temple.” Niici bounced the container that slung across her back once, still empty. “Hence the red flags. Sometimes the snow storms get so bad that not even Ko-Toa can't make it completely go away. It spans a large portion of Mount Ihu, after all.” She took a few more steps before turning to face me. “I suppose I should ask which you’d like to visit first. We can take an Ussal taxi to get to the hot springs, but not to get to the Temple, we’ll have to walk and use flags no matter what route we take.” I took a breath, trying to decide. So far, this had been a relaxing, if not highly enjoyable, day. Niici, while maybe a bit spoiled and overanxious for approval, seemed to be genuinely concerned for the matoran and wished to solve as many of the island's problems as she could. Still, something wasn't adding up, and it bothered me... but that wasn't why I was hesitant. Everyone had their secrets, especially me. But could I trust her fully with this? It was obvious I was going to need her help to get in, but how involved she would need to be remained to be seen. She seemed like a genuinely nice person. And I did enjoy being around her. It was a reminder of a life I used to live. I guess I still wasn't sure if I was happy or not about that. "Let's go to the temple first," I finally responded, pulling her arm a littler closer to my side. "Either way we will have to trudge through the snow, and I would rather do that first while we have full daylight and nice weather than risking going later; the weather changes faster here than a ball changes hands during a Ta-Koro/Po-Koro Kohlii match. Besides, it would give us a chance to enjoy the resort more, as well as discuss any... interesting findings we discover while there. I would rather not like to be in this cold after spending time in a hot spring, if you know what I mean. Let's just say the cold isn't one of my favorite things." I pulled the strings to my white cloak tighter, still significantly warm under it. It didn't take much though for me to lose it in this region, and I hated to burn elemental energy just to keep my body functioning if I didn't need to. At least the weather was cooperating.
  25. IC [ice Pick Cafe, Ko-Koro; late morning] Curveball. It took everything I had not to make any sort of sudden reaction right there on the spot, the barrage of information in that one simple sentence nearly overwhelming. First, not only did she know of the Temple of Peace, but knew it location; second, she was offering to guide me there and help me unlock it; because third, she held a charm in her possession and knew that the Charms were the key to opening it! This... this was on the hinge of disaster. IF she knew everything else- Ok Joske, stay cool, dissect this. Don't lose your head. Ok, well, apparently the Charm comment was that: a comment. Apparently she didn't recognize the two that were in my hand - which by now had discreetly been placed back in my pocket - which meant that she assumed that she had the only one needed to get in. That meant she had never been inside. And didn't know what was within. And therefore didn't know the full implications of what she was offering. So this wasn't as bad as I thought. But that still means that I needed at least two more, and if she implied that to her the one was expensive, I don't think there was a snowflake's chance in karzahni that I could buy it from her. Which meant I was going to have to work with her to get in, yet somehow keep her in the dark. Fun. Then again... a thought crept into my head. Who said I couldn't enjoy an afternoon with a well-to-do Miss? Who knows, I make make a valuable ally. "Yes, I figured as much; your little trick with the coffee steam earlier was a dead giveaway." I started, referring to her comment of being Ko-Toa. Taking my drink I slammed the last little bit of it, a boyish grin on my face as I wiped the liquid from my lips. "And yes, I would love a personal escort to the Temple of Peace; it wasn't exactly on my schedule since I didn't know where it was, but it would seem fate has other ideas. As for the resort... " I leaned in, raising an eyebrow. "I would be an imbecile not to accept such an offer from a lovely lady such as yourself. Give me a moment to clear my schedule... done!" Pretending I had a daily calender before me I pantomimed ripping it up before tossing it over the balcony railing. Rising to my feet I extended a hand in her direction; if I was going to play the Kohlii star I was going to do it all the way and be a gentleman about it. Well not full Kohlii star, cut back on the womanizing and being an absolute pain in the rear and more roguish charm if possible. "Please, Miss Niici, lead on! I cleared my whole schedule for you, so let's enjoy ourselves, shall we?"
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