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Sir Keksalot

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Year 07

About Sir Keksalot

  • Birthday 07/04/1999

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Swarm Scavenger

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  1. Your calm, level-headed posts look strange next to your comically angry avatar.

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    2. Sybre


      It's been a staple for years but back before the forum overhaul, this feature was out in the open, so I don't blame you. For the future, there's something in the settings where you can get a notification every time somebody posts in your profile feed.


      I say keep going if it works for you. I just find it a little funny and if you keep being calm and level-headed, it'll remain funny. Of course, now I'm waiting for you to possibly post a rant...

    3. Sir Keksalot

      Sir Keksalot

      I just need something to sarcastically rant about and title "THE ___ RANT." Of course, if I do make a rant, it's probs just gonna get closed because it wouldn't be an actual topic for discussion; and if that happens, it's not going to be as fun as if it spawns a long discussion and people keep posting their reactions. I am reminded of the time I posted a Priapus concept to the Smite forums. It was hilarious to see everyone's shock expressed in their posts, and it stopp...

    4. Sybre


      There's always the blog if you got premier membership. I'm very sure that you can talk about whatever you want in there as long as it's appropriate. Also, seeing a rant out of you would be kinda funny.


      Also, your story was cut off. What happened next?

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