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Sir Keksalot

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Everything posted by Sir Keksalot

  1. I never got that, even as a kid. Always 6 villains, always with colors corresponding to the good guys. The '09 arc at least tried to mix it up by messing with the good guy:bad guy ratio. We haven't gotten any sets since 2016, and we haven't gotten any good sets since 2009.Speak for yourself. G2 had superior set design to G1 in every technical sense, and the sets looked mighty fine too, thank you very much. G2’s poseability was inferior to late G1, honestly, which is important to me. I can hardly move a G2 Toa’s head without removing their mask. I don't know how anyone has this problem. I just squeeze the head from the front and the back or hold it by the "skull" part, and I can move it just fine. Besides that, there's more articulation in the Uniters than any standard G1 set, with the only issues being pretty easy to mod out. EDIT: BTW, look at the latest image Faber posted. At the top of the canister, there's a Matoran letter--either E or M, depending on the orientation. Could stand for the occupant's name, which would mean new characters.
  2. One for Bionicle, and Bionicle for all? Anyway, "B is a mindset" tells me he's not literally doing anything named "Bionicle" or anything which is literally an adaptation of it. It may be Bionicle in everything but name, it may be thematically the same with different characters, or whatever. I'm just happy that Lego's not going to force it to have to coincide with a toyline, freeing up Faber and co. to do what they want. Hopefully, they're the right hands for this project; if so, I'll gladly accept this as G3 if it's a big enough project.
  3. To add to the discussion: Lego does not own the names of most early G1 characters, certainly not the original versions. They tended to be derived from foreign languages, most notably Maori, like with Tahu, Lewa, Kopaka, and Pohatu. However, if Faber just uses those exact characters and designs without Lego's permission, he can probably only get away with it if he's not making money on it in any capacity. Otherwise, Lego will have grounds to sue for sure. Even if he changes the designs and powers, it might be too close to Bionicle unless he does a lot of overhauling. If Lego doesn't own the name Bionicle (and I'm sure they do), then Faber has to make up new characters for the most part.
  4. "First came the #mythology. Then the struggle for survival in the middle ages and thereafter the age of discovery when present meets future. Is 3 going to B? When hindsight shifts to foresight. Mind of machines #nexttomachines #14b2020" I think he's name-dropping Cryoshell because he intends to use music for their next album for something. "Is 3 going to B?" probably refers to the question of whether or not G3 will ever truly happen--that is, "is G3 going to be." Lego's not involved, but Faber's hyping this up as having something to do with Bionicle's future in a big way, so I can't even think of what could be going on here. Suffice to say, nobody should be placing bets on what this is all about.
  5. Thank god that idea was scrapped. Agreed.Well, we had to focus on the Bionicle characters more because we didn’t know much about them back in 2003, and it’s silly to bring one measly human boy to the Bionicle world. What Bionicle would need in getting humans involved is to have a storyline where Toa Mata would accidentally get transported to the planet Earth and greet humans before they would feel like they would introduce humans to their world. It’s like the Thor movies. It’s a much better approach. Correction: no such story would happen at all. That's the best approach. Bionicle gains nothing by losing its detachment from our world.
  6. This isn't a MOC, this is a cartoon character given physical form.
  7. “You have been dreaming for an eternity. Amazing stories of light and darkness. Shaping your mind like a stream carves the rock. You know all and nothing. The moment before waking” Definitely a reboot. It'll surely start with the same "6 heroes, one destiny" shtick, but where that goes--or whether it's even gonna be the OGs and not totally new Toa--is up in the air. Part of me kinda wants to see new characters join the roster just to see what would happen and how they'd tie the original Toa into the lore and story. I don't know. Something is telling me that it would be something of a direct continuation. That makes no sense from what we've seen. This is starting the same way G1 started, which doesn't make sense if it's just a follow-up.
  8. Solution: Bionicle should never bring humans into the mix, so this thread's topic is useless.
  9. This makes me think that this project will tie into G1 somehow. Not a direct continuation, that's both unlikely and a generally bad idea; but maybe we're the ones who "know all and nothing." The "amazing stories of light and darkness" are, well, Bionicle, and we're about to see some metafictional take on the "real" story. Curious to see what that would entail if it's really the case. I think a retelling of G1 would be nice. Just add some new things but keep the structure intact. I mean, why bring it back just to tell more or less the same story again? I can feel similar but it should also stand out and improve upon what came before. Well, they do this all the time with Transformers. They have been telling the same Story (Decepticon x Autobot war) for over 35 years. They keep the basic premise the same, but the story's been given new variables and ideas over the years. TFA stands out in particular because it changed up the character dynamics so much, and that's the ideal kind of change: tell a story that's based on the same idea, but isn't the exact same. Even the Aligned continuity manages to distinguish itself from G1, and Primus only knows what the new cinematic universe has in store. That's not to say it's been perfect. I'm not a TF buff, but I will say that if it's ever just done the same story with the same characters going through the same premise, then that's not good. Just because it's been done doesn't make it ideal. With Bionicle, G2 at least manage to find ways to differentiate itself from G1. Those differences never got a chance to really shine, but with the proper worldbuilding and storytelling, it could have done a lot more than it did.
  10. This makes me think that this project will tie into G1 somehow. Not a direct continuation, that's both unlikely and a generally bad idea; but maybe we're the ones who "know all and nothing." The "amazing stories of light and darkness" are, well, Bionicle, and we're about to see some metafictional take on the "real" story. Curious to see what that would entail if it's really the case. I think a retelling of G1 would be nice. Just add some new things but keep the structure intact. I mean, why bring it back just to tell more or less the same story again? I can feel similar but it should also stand out and improve upon what came before.
  11. Was this bait to get us to look at the Instagram page? Because there's nothing there after the canister thing.
  12. I mean, it's Bionicle. There's literally nothing else it could be at this point, and it's obviously real. Even if very little comes of it, we'll probably get something.
  13. This makes me think that this project will tie into G1 somehow. Not a direct continuation, that's both unlikely and a generally bad idea; but maybe we're the ones who "know all and nothing." The "amazing stories of light and darkness" are, well, Bionicle, and we're about to see some metafictional take on the "real" story. Curious to see what that would entail if it's really the case.
  14. “You have been dreaming for an eternity. Amazing stories of light and darkness. Shaping your mind like a stream carves the rock. You know all and nothing. The moment before waking” Definitely a reboot. It'll surely start with the same "6 heroes, one destiny" shtick, but where that goes--or whether it's even gonna be the OGs and not totally new Toa--is up in the air. Part of me kinda wants to see new characters join the roster just to see what would happen and how they'd tie the original Toa into the lore and story.
  15. It’s also rocky like G2 and it’s technology-looking, like Hero Factory’s logo. Perhaps it would be a Bionicle G3 where G3 would have a crossover with G1, G2, and Hero Factory in the style of Spider-Man: Into The Spider-Verse to continue and finish their stories. That's a terrible idea. It would require newcomers to understand too much of not only the lore, but the history of Lego post-2001. On top of that, as I've said, HF isn't noteworthy enough to warrant this kind of recognition. Its sole purpose was that of a placeholder. It kept constraction going while Bionicle was out of commission. Outside of a historical context, it doesn't really matter and it didn't garner enough of a following for a crossover. G2 was also similarly unimportant, save for its connection to Bionicle as a whole. And I've already gone into the problems with continuing G1 in any shape or form. If Faber's planning any sort of continuation, it's probably going to be set far into the future of either G1 or G2. The logo suggests it'll take place in a more Metru Nui-like environment, as opposed to something less technologically-developed like G1 or G2. If so, it may start out focusing on Lil' 'Kama and the Backstreet Bonks rather than the Toa Mata. I'd disagree. Bionicle isn't aiming towards toddlers, it's aiming towards kids old enough for mild violence. That audience can and should be introduced to the idea that good and evil aren't absolute. They should be challenged and made to question what is good and what is bad. Series like Avatar have been good at this, setting expectations only to subvert them and featuring characters that change alignments or have complex motivations. Marvel and DC are no stranger to unclear or ambiguous morality, either. Look at MCU Thanos--he's obviously in the wrong, but not because he's a bad person. He's chaotic good, seeking to do the right thing the wrong way. He doesn't even seem to like what he does. Christ, the man even cries. A villain in a superhero movie is brought to tears on-screen. That's kind of nuts when you think about it, and while Infinity War is PG-13, it's still a superhero movie made to be friendly to older kids--the kind of kids G1 was more or less supposed to appeal to. I agree that it's likely that Lego wouldn't have the gall to do something like Thanos "Perfetly Balanced" McGhee, but that doesn't mean they're smart for holding back like that. Kids can often catch on to more than some writers give them credit for. Mind you, I hate kids, so coming from me, that means something.
  16. Hold on, I inspected the date/time element of that post and I found that it was posted at 6:34 PM EST. Copenhagen, where Faber lives, is 6 hours ahead of that, so that means Faber posted this at 12:34 in the morning on April 2nd. This means one of 3 things: Faber had a brain fart and forgot to post this in a timely fashion, so he posted the slightly-belated joke after waking up from a weird dream about a sexy grapefruit or something.Faber posted this at time of day people west of him on the globe would be able to see on April Fools'.This is actually a thinly-veiled legitimate post which Faber intentionally posted just after April Fools' ended for him.Again, if it is a joke, it could still be real, just not Bonk-related. EDIT: Also, it's worth nothing that nothing followed this up. No "haha, gotcha" from Faber himself, no explanation, nothing. Given that this isn't some clear, ludicrous prank, this suggests that he's actually trying to tell us something. The number "310" may be a hint, but I can't imagine what it means other than "lmao it was never Bionicle, just a number, you plebs." Might just be another Cryoshell album, but I think they just dropped one, so that can't quite be right. What's more, this looks like a professionally-made logo, which seems odd to pay someone for if it's only for a rather insignificant joke like this. I'll just wait to see what happens. I mean...what else is there to do?Track down top Lego executives, kidnap them, hide in your secret underground lair guarded by henchmen, and demand that The Lego Group reveal any information about Bionicle over an untraceable phone line bounced between Egypt, Mongolia, Australia and Chile, obviously. I really like this plan. How many of us can get to Denmark? On a more serious note, I like how this is starting to unfold. Can anyone speculate on how long it might take for the build-up to end? 4 days passed between the reveal of the "BIO" and the "ON." That leaves "ICLE," which may be revealed in 1, 2, or 3 parts, so that gives us roughly 4 to 12 days to see the whole logo, assuming Darth Faber maintains a consistent schedule with this. From there, it's anyone's guess what happens next. We might even get some relevant artwork and/or basic details.
  17. Anything posted on April 1st is probably not legit. The only way it would be is if it was a devious attempt to mask a real leak as a joke to build hype when it turns out to be real, but that doesn't sound like an effective strategy.He's just posted another part of the same image. Given that April 1st was now days ago, this has to be real, whatever it is.Yeah, the discussion in the "310" thread led me to think that something deeper might be going on. Faber says he did it on that day so he could claim it was a joke if he got a negative response; but he didn't, so now he's going to make some sort of move. What that entails is unclear, but we'll probably see within the next couple of weeks or so.Well, he did put a picture that says “ON”. Quite suspicious, don’t you this? That's exactly what Kohran said. I was responding to that. Anything posted on April 1st is probably not legit. The only way it would be is if it was a devious attempt to mask a real leak as a joke to build hype when it turns out to be real, but that doesn't sound like an effective strategy.He's just posted another part of the same image. Given that April 1st was now days ago, this has to be real, whatever it is.Yeah, the discussion in the "310" thread led me to think that something deeper might be going on. Faber says he did it on that day so he could claim it was a joke if he got a negative response; but he didn't, so now he's going to make some sort of move. What that entails is unclear, but we'll probably see within the next couple of weeks or so.Well, he did put a picture that says “ON”. Quite suspicious, don’t you this? Not to mention his comments accompanying the pics: with the "3IO" pic he said "What if there is an undiscovered way back?. A secret path to reset destiny. How many of you would join? #14B2020 The wave of inspiration from one single post is totally amazing. You are the best! This is all the fuel anybody could wish for!!!" with the "ON" he put "Amazing!!! There is only one thing to do after that responce. This project is “ON” from my side and now comes the hard part and the leap of faith and airtime untill it takes the right shape. #14b2020" Those comments are also suspect with their wording, the hashtag is curious... Amazing!!! There is only one thing to do after that responce. This project is “ON” from my side and now comes the hard part and the leap of faith and airtime untill it takes the right shape. #14b2020 It's possible that Faber plans some kind of spinoff of G1 where the timeline is literally reset in some way. If it is, that could be some plot twist for late in the story, a la "God was a giant robot and also the universe the whole time."
  18. I can't see anything from Slizers or Roboriders being used, seeing as they ended almost twenty years ago and weren't around long enough for many people to recognise them now. I don't know if Hero Factory was close enough to Bionicle in style for a crossover to be realistic. One thing for sure, HF was told to have a planned live-action theatrical movie in 2012, even though that this movie is not made, so I think that people probably find this memorable. HF must’ve done well and be popular enough, but not as much as Bionicle. So, you’re right. RR and S/T may not be memorable because they’re too short. Hero Factory is know to do technology, so it could have a crossover with Bionicle with that kind of logo. I’m betting for a crossover for both of these successful themes, even though that I am on Bionicle more, to be honest. 1. Pretty sure that live-action movie was a hoax. I saw a note about it on Wikipedia, but I've also seen gross misunderstandings of Pascal's Wager there, too, so I wouldn't take it as gospel. 2. HF is pretty much a footnote in Lego's history. Crossing over with Bionicle has little point, or even bringing it back at all. It never amassed the same fandom Bionicle did. It would be like rebooting The Future is Wild--it could be neat, and I'd nerd out over it, but who would care? (I know a VR game is apparently in the works, but it looks to have abandoned everything good about the original, so it's dead to me.)
  19. Anything posted on April 1st is probably not legit. The only way it would be is if it was a devious attempt to mask a real leak as a joke to build hype when it turns out to be real, but that doesn't sound like an effective strategy. He's just posted another part of the same image. Given that April 1st was now days ago, this has to be real, whatever it is. Yeah, the discussion in the "310" thread led me to think that something deeper might be going on. Faber says he did it on that day so he could claim it was a joke if he got a negative response; but he didn't, so now he's going to make some sort of move. What that entails is unclear, but we'll probably see within the next couple of weeks or so.
  20. HEY GUYS https://www.instagram.com/fabframes/p/Bv470LnnNiv/?utm_source=ig_share_sheet&igshid=12pdb2b46ycfs IT'S NOT A JOKE, SOMETHING'S ACTUALLY HAPPENING HOLY MOTHER OF BAD WORD
  21. Hold on, I inspected the date/time element of that post and I found that it was posted at 6:34 PM EST. Copenhagen, where Faber lives, is 6 hours ahead of that, so that means Faber posted this at 12:34 in the morning on April 2nd. This means one of 3 things: Faber had a brain fart and forgot to post this in a timely fashion, so he posted the slightly-belated joke after waking up from a weird dream about a sexy grapefruit or something. Faber posted this at time of day people west of him on the globe would be able to see on April Fools'. This is actually a thinly-veiled legitimate post which Faber intentionally posted just after April Fools' ended for him.Again, if it is a joke, it could still be real, just not Bonk-related. EDIT: Also, it's worth nothing that nothing followed this up. No "haha, gotcha" from Faber himself, no explanation, nothing. Given that this isn't some clear, ludicrous prank, this suggests that he's actually trying to tell us something. The number "310" may be a hint, but I can't imagine what it means other than "lmao it was never Bionicle, just a number, you plebs." Might just be another Cryoshell album, but I think they just dropped one, so that can't quite be right. What's more, this looks like a professionally-made logo, which seems odd to pay someone for if it's only for a rather insignificant joke like this. I'll just wait to see what happens. I mean...what else is there to do?
  22. Hold on, I inspected the date/time element of that post and I found that it was posted at 6:34 PM EST. Copenhagen, where Faber lives, is 6 hours ahead of that, so that means Faber posted this at 12:34 in the morning on April 2nd. This means one of 3 things: Faber had a brain fart and forgot to post this in a timely fashion, so he posted the slightly-belated joke after waking up from a weird dream about a sexy grapefruit or something. Faber posted this at time of day people west of him on the globe would be able to see on April Fools'. This is actually a thinly-veiled legitimate post which Faber intentionally posted just after April Fools' ended for him.Again, if it is a joke, it could still be real, just not Bonk-related. EDIT: Also, it's worth nothing that nothing followed this up. No "haha, gotcha" from Faber himself, no explanation, nothing. Given that this isn't some clear, ludicrous prank, this suggests that he's actually trying to tell us something. The number "310" may be a hint, but I can't imagine what it means other than "lmao it was never Bionicle, just a number, you plebs." Might just be another Cryoshell album, but I think they just dropped one, so that can't quite be right. What's more, this looks like a professionally-made logo, which seems odd to pay someone for if it's only for a rather insignificant joke like this.
  23. Because it's a rather cruel April Fools' joke. Though, being that it probably is one, it's rather weirdly-done. Doesn't seem quite fitting for anyone associated with Lego to bait us with something like this. It might be real, but if it is, the April Fools' joke could be that it's not Bionicle itself, but something similar (or which just starts with the same 3 letters). And, as I've said before, if Lego did want to bring it back, this would be a sneaky way to tease it because it's not the least bit credible.
  24. Proof that brown can still be an appealing color if used right. Lego, you don't know the magnitude of your mistakes...
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