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David Skyroller

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Posts posted by David Skyroller

  1. 17 minutes ago, Cygnus said:

    I read about there being a Ca and a Xa variant of the VMKK. Am I correct to assume that these are Xa? Also, is there a good place to sell them that you would recommend?

    There are eight "breeds", and you have the Ca and the Yo. See the attached picture. I am sure a few people here would be interested in them (myself included), but if you would prefer to sell them through a 3rd party website instead of working something out directly with a buyer here, eBay would be a good place if you don't mind paying a higher percentage of the sale price in fees.


  2. 5 minutes ago, Cygnus said:

    Hello everyone,

    I recently made a post on possible replicas of SSKKs and it was suggested that I bring my query here. Would anyone more experienced mind shedding some light on what I have?

    Thanks, post below.


    Yes, these look like the vacuum metal Krana Kal (VMKK) given out to proto squad members and those who happened across the Bionicle van on one of its tours.

  3. Here is a set of six Tahtorak. Bid starts at $150 with BIN for $250. Looks like not all the pieces are there, but I think it's still a very impressive listing, especially when you usually see just one for $150. https://www.ebay.com/itm/115986793135?mkcid=16&mkevt=1&mkrid=711-127632-2357-0&ssspo=lnXIdufMQ5K&sssrc=4429486&ssuid=w3NMvHySR-2&var=&widget_ver=artemis&media=COPY

  4. 3 hours ago, Letagi said:

     Sometimes the numbers that people land on in auctions are almost unbelievably high, like $2000 for the light blue Kakama.

    The seller said the light blue Kakama sold for $4,500 but I know in auctions like this, the higher bidders very often fall through and the sellers contact the next highest bidder(s). I think @Darknut probably has more info on this specific auction. I was expecting that one to land in the mid $2,000s and I think that $4,500 surprised everyone. My guess is it went so high because the seller has a good reputation, it was a cool color, and because a couple of the die hard fans who are actually willing to shell out that much money happened to know about the auction and have the cash/credit available.

    @Owls I speculate the rank in "value" of your prototypes would be

    1. Dark Turquoise Matatu (Because Dark Turquoise is really cool and because it would color match Kongu)

    2. Yellow Ruru (Because of the Sand Tarakava Hype, but not #1, because there are at least 3x others of these out there)

    3. Sand Green Rau (Because Tamaru and sand green is cool)

    4. Violet Huna (Would rank 1+ higher if it was in a cool shade more commonly used in Bionicle)

    5. Dark Orange Mahiki (Even though this is a color match for Huki, #5 Because kanohi in colors related to Po-Koro tend to sell for less (with the Trans-orange Kaukau being the exception), and the Mahiki is one of the weaker noble mask designs) The Brown Komaus go for much less than the white and yellow Hunas. (I know it is more common, but the color does play into it more than people realize)

    6. Light Blue Trident (Because it's not a kanohi)

    I speculate at the upper end of the rankings you will find a couple people who are willing to pay close to ~$3,000-$4,000, and at the lower end you are looking at ~$500-$600. A lot of that depends on the perception of the parts being genuine and your reputation as a seller.

  5. 1 hour ago, TERIDAX941 said:

    Will Hafner says he got these from a German bricklink store (closed now) that sold them as the common ones that came with Kurahk.


  6. In case anyone missed the video, Faber's youtube channel added a video from 1999-2000 showing prototypes. A lot of interesting parts like a brown 32172
    But most notably are the lime Kakama on a green/lime Tarakava, the Red/Yellow Nui-Rama similar to the ones that Baraklava now owns (but these both have black arms and mata heads), Mctoran with different arm feet and head designs, recolored short turaga staffs, a throwing disk with red Miru, An actual Miru that is burgundy, a milky white Rau, orange Kakama, grey Kakama, red and Black Lewa Axes, Manas remote with green buttons on one side, why are you still reading this? Just go see the video here: 



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  7. On 6/29/2023 at 8:04 PM, Roger C-T said:

    Alright, who saw that BL SSKK, what was it? =D

    It was a WMKK. I bought it pretty much immediately. I received the order confirmation the same minute as my notification email. They told me the same story about it being listed in error. They didn't know the difference between a SSKK and WMKK. When they finally got the part in and sent me pictures, it was pretty obvious it was a WMKK since it didn't have "STERLING" on the back and the flashing lines were very visible. No card or bag, but it does appear to be genuine and looks exactly like pictures I see on MOD. I am displaying it on my Takua Va: https://www.facebook.com/TakuasBlog

    -David Skyroller

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